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Trudeau Popularity - or not (various polling, etc.)

What about all this “constituency work” I keep hearing about? Is that important and/or satisfying?

I don't hear anything from our liberal MP unless a senior official is here throwing money at everything. He's always in the background grinning like a dog eating burrs. Every once in awhile they let him read from an approved script. He's a kowtowing trudeau weasel. I doubt you'll find his signature on that letter.
I think it would be better for all concerned, if Trudeau did not step down. It would not do well for a new leader of the LPC to enter the next Election, having let Trudeau leave on a relatively "high note" of having won three elections. Let Trudeau, as leader, be defeated soundly and take a bite out of his narcissistic ego.
Dude, your still alive?
Tomorrow is the rumoured "deadline" for the break away Liberals. Any predictions? Will they tuck tail and cower? Will they screw Trudeau hard behind his back? Not run again?
Back to PMJT, even a hard-left socialist journal says it's time to GTFO ....
He's a narcissist. He'll not step down.
Dude, your still alive?
Every PER Season, I swore I would get younger for next year.
Tomorrow is the rumoured "deadline" for the break away Liberals. Any predictions? Will they tuck tail and cower? Will they screw Trudeau hard behind his back? Not run again?
Depends on how organized they are. Right now they don’t seem to be that organized.

They could in theory threaten to vote with the opposition to bring down the house. They could also threaten to break away and firm their own “party” or act as independents that could vote against them at any moment.

The mistake Trudeau made is the same mistake they made. They should have set a metric to force him to leave or not.
Depends on how organized they are. Right now they don’t seem to be that organized.

They could in theory threaten to vote with the opposition to bring down the house. They could also threaten to break away and firm their own “party” or act as independents that could vote against them at any moment.

The mistake Trudeau made is the same mistake they made. They should have set a metric to force him to leave or not.
I don't think the LPC is inclined to, being this close to the prescribed Election date, run a leadership convention and have a "Kim Campbell" scenario at Election time.
I don't think the LPC is inclined to, being this close to the prescribed Election date, run a leadership convention and have a "Kim Campbell" scenario at Election time.
They are running out of runway for that yes. But leader drops out. House prorogues for a short interim leader selection and tables an election budget in the spring trying to force a confidence motion for an election with a true leadership contest after the election. Could still be a possibility to limit damage but that window is rapidly closing.
The mistake Trudeau made is the same mistake they made. They should have set a metric to force him to leave or not.
Just so folks don’t forget…Liberal caucus members can do precisely SFA to Trudeau. Since he refused as leader of the Liberal Party of Canada to agree to the terms of the 2015 Parliamentary Accountability Act, there is no mechanism for Liberal parliamentarians in the caucus to hold Trudeau to account as leader. Only the CPC agreed to be bound by the Accountability Act; the LPC, NDP did not, so only the Conservative caucus can hold its leader accountable and force a review of greater than 20% of the caucus agree on a leadership review. Disaffected Liberal MPs can only indirectly note their and their constituents’ displeasure with the performance of Trudeau.
Just so folks don’t forget…Liberal caucus members can do precisely SFA to Trudeau. Since he refused as leader of the Liberal Party of Canada to agree to the terms of the 2015 Parliamentary Accountability Act, there is no mechanism for Liberal parliamentarians in the caucus to hold Trudeau to account as leader. Only the CPC agreed to be bound by the Accountability Act; the LPC, NDP did not, so only the Conservative caucus can hold its leader accountable and force a review of greater than 20% of the caucus agree on a leadership review. Disaffected Liberal MPs can only indirectly note their and their constituents’ displeasure with the performance of Trudeau.
Not forgetting. While there is no official mechanism, they can still use other pressure means.

Trudeau could have headed them off at the pass by coming back with a metric. I promise to do X by date Y. If I do t I’ll leave. That could have bought him some time or set the conditions. Conversely the disaffected could have started off with we want assurances that by date X you do Y or we will walk. Or to that effect.

Like I said though. They don’t seem to organised.
Not forgetting. While there is no official mechanism, they can still use other pressure means.
Ack, tracking you’re tracking, but others may forget…including the press, some which seem to present a ‘what will he do?’ storyline…he’ll ignore them after spouting moistly spoken platitudes about doing better, etc.

Trudeau could have headed them off at the pass by coming back with a metric. I promise to do X by date Y. If I do t I’ll leave. That could have bought him some time or set the conditions. Conversely the disaffected could have started off with we want assurances that by date X you do Y or we will walk. Or to that effect.

We’ll see if they have sufficient moxy to break from whipped votes…
What about all this “constituency work” I keep hearing about? Is that important and/or satisfying?
I think a lot of it gets downloaded to staff.

I’ve never seen my MP out in the constituency doing riding work. Not to say he never has, but he isn’t the quiet sort and I’ve never seen him talk about local stuff, so it can’t be high on his list.
Tomorrow is the rumoured "deadline" for the break away Liberals. Any predictions? Will they tuck tail and cower? Will they screw Trudeau hard behind his back? Not run again?

Concurrent activity -

Bloc motion on International Trade and Supply Management held up in the Senate

Bloc demands on the OAS

And the back bench threat

All bills come due on Oct 29.


Meanwhile Parliament is stymied over the Green Slush Fund non-disclosures


Trudeau says he thinks about how angry messages affect his family​

His attempt to garner sympathy won't work. He's ground the gears of too many Canadians. He should understand by now that Canadians seldom say shit, even with a mouth full. If they are as angry as to change this quality and voice their true displeasure, his thespian whining doesn't matter. He pushed us passed the brink. I could care less if he fell from the Peace Tower and drowned in the Rideau. There is absolutely zero sympathy for a situation of his own making, from this Canadian. If he has a problem, he should blame himself for it. What a tone deaf narcissist. He could always step down and spare his children the shame and embarrassment he claims follows them, because of his name, but he'd rather blame Canadians.
Depends on how organized they are. Right now they don’t seem to be that organized.

They could in theory threaten to vote with the opposition to bring down the house. They could also threaten to break away and firm their own “party” or act as independents that could vote against them at any moment.

The mistake Trudeau made is the same mistake they made. They should have set a metric to force him to leave or not.
when they threaten, they don't and won't. They need to screw up their courage and just act. Wouldn't that be a beautiful sight: can you just envision Trudeau's explanation:"I guess they saw things differently" Won't happen but it makes me feel warm just imagining