On the matter of Trudeau and "campaigning" (seriously?)
My predictions? Trudeau can't campaign his way out of this one.
First, he is an OK not great campaigner. He didn't campaign that well in 2021, its just Erin O'Toole sucked really bad at it. If he was that great, he would have won a majority in 2019 and 2021. Truth is, clinging on is not "good campaigning"
Second, how the fuck is he going to campaign when he can't even go on a ski trip or walk downtown Ottawa, or Toronto or anywhere without everyone screaming and cursing at him? Good luck. Nothing like reaching out to everyday Canadians when 50 RCMP are covering you.
Third, take a damn good luck at Pierre Poilievre. He gets cheered on everywhere he goes, he speaks in public without hecklers and most Canadians are right on board with his "enough is enough, change now" mind set. Scheer and O'Toole didn't have that.