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Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter maple_leaf_forever
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mackhot said:
Hey..I have a question, do you think it is a good idea to add a "Personal Statement" letter to a apt.
My story, I was in about 5 years ago got after my first 3 yrs. I had a med cat. but did not release medical.

What was the Med Cat. for, and what did the medical documentation say with regards to the Category and the medical challenges you had.

mackhot said:
Now I am ready to get back in, but they want Dr. letters and letters and letters which is fine. But should I include my own
letter,  I own my past problem and it is no longer an issue, letter?

What do you mean by "your own " letter, from a Doctor?  Your file can still be retrieved (Pers. and Med.), therefore depending on the answer to my question above, you may be assessed as being unfit to reenter.

Help us help you,


I had a 5d, it was a stress thing that my husband made get help for, but ended up a real cluster f... my PO was not happy I was not explaining every detail of my problem, and when I released it did not reflect well for me.

The letter I was thinking of writting was and personal statement letter, saying I understand what was wrong, this is what I did to fix it and I am ready to come back to the CF.
I did see the recuiting center and really good Sgt. I would have asked him about adding a letter but  I wanted to hear if anyone else did or heard of such a thing.

Plus a side note, if I am not accepted and I really am over my past problem, Dr. letter stating to such, would the Ombusdman be something to looking into, Or would that make life hell if they did let be back
mackhot said:
Plus a side note, if I am not accepted and I really am over my past problem, Dr. letter stating to such, would the Ombusdman be something to looking into, Or would that make life hell if they did let be back

The military will only accept you based on current medical details, which includes previous categories.

Understand this, like a drivers licence, it is not your right to serve your country, but a privilege.  IF you do not meet the standards, what do you want to argue?  That you know , more than a medical professional? 

Now me may be gettingyour back up, but picture this, what if you were unable to do your duty, due to a fact of a previous injury.  What do you think would happen?


mackhot said:
Hey..I have a question, do you think it is a good idea to add a "Personal Statement" letter to a apt.
My story, I was in about 5 years ago got after my first 3 yrs. I had a med cat. but did not release medical.
Now I am ready to get back in, but they want Dr. letters and letters and letters which is fine. But should I include my own
letter,  I own my past problem and it is no longer an issue, letter?

This site came provide very knowledgeable replies to most questions but in your case a trip to the CFRC is in order.

They are there to help.
Hey all,

Got a few questions for people re-enlisting after being out for a while. How long did the process take for you? Mine's taken nearly a year and I just completed the medical / re-interview (trade change from 1st interview). I've passed everything so far, all papers are done but when I call the CFRC they say, after 5 weeks, that they are still waiting for the rest of my med docs.

I'm not complaining though, because I know that the recruiting computers and the person talking(calling the CFRC and hitting 0 to talk to someone) usually aren't as specific as talking to your file manager (mine wasn't available).

So how long did your process take, and how long after all the i's were dotted and t's crossed did it take for you to get your offer, sworn in and start Basic?
I did the YTEP program from Nov 86-Nov 87 then went Reg until May 89.  Joined the ARAF in 1990.  I went to Germany for the Base closures in Jan of 93 and when I returned, I put in for the Reg F, probably between Sep 93 and Jan 94.  I got out of the Res in Sep of 94.  At that point, everything was up to date on my RegF application and they were just doing updates by phone.  I got a call before the long weekend in May of 95 to come in on the Tuesday and was advised not to miss the appt.  I was back in as of 01 Jun 95.  Recruit school by-pass, not because I had done it before, but because the Med A QL3 course started on the first week of June.
Chances are, if you were out for more than 5 years, they won't give you the bypass.  It won't kill you.  ;)
Im actually looking forward to it, getting into shape and all, and having already done basic at least Im not going in without a clue...I know exactly (more or less) what Im getting myself into.
I was out for 4 and a bit - the process took close to 9 months

Reg -> Reg: same trade same unit
I was out for 9 years. It took 1 1/2 year to complete the recruiting process. It drove my ex-employer crazy. :crybaby:

I had everything from the BOTC to my occupational courses credited.

I did not negotiate my payscale but I should have. Many guys after me did it and got a higher payscale with less time in.

Still waiting on my end. I got out in '99 and walked in CFRC Toronto about 6 months ago. As of now I've completed the process (OMD's have been found, interview done, etc.) and I'm waiting for the new fiscal year to hear back about an offer. One thing that I've found is that showing up at the recruiting centre around the time that you are expecting things to be ready seem to expedite the process. A couple of weeks ago I showed up to check on the status of my OMD's to find that they had already arrived. I did my medical the next day and my interview 2 days after that.
yeah, the told me my old med docs still havent arrived, but I really don't know if I believe the frontline man I talked to. All I know is that Im awaiting my offer :)
Hello there, I've been in the army before (reserve, infantry) for a year and half. I completed my BMQ, SQ, and did reg force BIQ because I got sick of waiting for the reserve course to come up during the summer. When I came back to my unit after the BIQ, I saw the significant differences between the reserves and reg force. I'm a kinda person where its everything or nothing, I realized if I was going to stay in, I'd want to be reg force but wasn't ready to commit 3 years. So I left the reserves and did other stuff in my life. I must say however, I think about the army a lot even though its been going on 2 years (come October) that I'll be out. I'm having thoughts of going back in because civilian life is pissing me off.

I would like to know if I have to do all my basic courses over again. I was told by a friend who is currently in the reserves that I have 3 years before everything 'expires' and I come in as a new recruit. I must admit, I practice drill sometimes alone and I still remember it (How sad eh?) I even got an airsoft M16 - I mean C7, and I still remember all my drills for that too. Can someone shed some light on this for me? Oh and I searched the forums and couldn't find anything related to this, if there is something, I'd appreciate if I could get the link, thank you.  :salute:
I apologize but I had to bring this up to the top again... so many views and not one reply, I'd really like to find something out about my situation and what can/can't happen, its a pretty big decision for me and I want to make sure I don't regret it.
I went to the recruiting centre I first visited when I joined the reserves and all they told me was I'd have to apply all over, then the papers would be sent to a head office of some sort and a decision could be made then. But I've heard from a friend who is still in the reserves, that I have an expiry of 3 years from the day I left the army, to come back in and not do anything over.
Your friend is incorrect. You have to reapply no matter how short a time you were out. I believe that he is talking about your qualifications. The BMQ / SQ should be good but HQ must review them for content to see if anything has changed. Depending upon your courses and how many class B days you had you might get a RSBP (Recruit School bypass). The recruiting office should be able to help determine that once you apply.

Bottom line, you must reapply with all the correct paperwork any normal applicant would have to bring. If you have copies of your Reserve course reports that will help you somewhat.

If you come to this site for advice and were advised by a very knowledgeable person to go to a CFRC/D and decided your friend's advice was better why did you even bother asking for advice.

Yours for action!
CFR FCS said:
Your friend is incorrect. You have to reapply no matter how short a time you were out. I believe that he is talking about your qualifications. The BMQ / SQ should be good but HQ must review them for content to see if anything has changed. Depending upon your courses and how many class B days you had you might get a RSBP (Recruit School bypass). The recruiting office should be able to help determine that once you apply.

Bottom line, you must reapply with all the correct paperwork any normal applicant would have to bring. If you have copies of your Reserve course reports that will help you somewhat.

If you come to this site for advice and were advised by a very knowledgeable person to go to a CFRC/D and decided your friend's advice was better why did you even bother asking for advice.

Yours for action!

Although my friend's advice is better, it still doesn't mean he's right, thats why I'm here asking. Like I mentioned, I've been to the recruiting office and I pretty much got the same answer that I received here, I was looking for more detail or perhaps someone who has gone through this process and could tell me what happens.
You go in to the CFRC and reapply. Bring in any copies of previous records that you have.

They will process your application and it will be vetted to determine whether your previous qualifications are still valid. Some may be. Some may not be. But, you'll not find out until you've reapplied.

Then, once their done vetting your file and processing your reapplication ... they'll come back and make you an offer and will advise as to which training courses etc you will (or will not) have to re-do. It all depends upon MANY factors -- which can ONLY be determined by the CFRC.

Then, you get to decide whether or not you'll accept that offer.

There ... that was easy.

Answered ...

With two previous answers given to you by folks with intimate knowledge of the recruiting process & it's requirements ... listen to them -- go to your CFRC.


Usual caveats apply -- anything significant to add, please contact a staff.

The Milnet.ca Staff