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Wet Coast CAN Day Protest by Peaceniks

The Bread Guy

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Here we go again...

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Support for troops fuels flap

''VICTORIA -- The annual Canada Day parade in the seaside community of Parksville, B.C., will have one less float Saturday because a local group opposes what it calls the American-dominated military theme of this year's parade.

The decision by the Parksville and District Chamber of Commerce, to sell T-shirts with the message Support Our Troops has started an ideological war of words in this normally tranquil tourism and retirement community about 150 km northeast of Victoria.

The decision to sell T-shirts, for $10 each, was made to raise money to offset parade costs and send a message to Canadians serving in the military that people in Parksville were thinking about them on Canada Day, chamber president Cheryl Dill said yesterday.

But the Oceanside Coalition for Strong Communities says the T-shirts are an open endorsement of American military policy, which many Canadians do not support even though Canadian troops are stationed in Afghanistan.

The coalition had no choice but to pull its float -- a puppet show popular with children -- in protest from the Parksville parade, spokesman Rick Sullivan said.

"That phrase has become associated with the critical, unthinking, blind support of the American position in Afghanistan and Iraq," he said.

Dill said the chamber of commerce did not intend to ignite a political battle when it decided to sell the shirts on Canada Day.''
Sometimes one has to wonder if these people ever question who their 'puppetmaster' is?  Who is pulling their strings and filling them with so much misinformation?  Who is it who is filling them with so many silly lies?

I suppose, all us who are Troops or support our Troops should just boycott these places and leave them to stew in their false visions of what this nation is and what it is doing.  Let the Taliban supporters in this BC community stay in isolation on the Island and reap their reward.   ::)

Time for my morning coffee.......perhaps I read this whole news article wrong in my early morning drowsiness.
GW:  Sometimes one has to wonder if these people ever question who their 'puppetmaster' is?  Who is pulling their strings and filling them with so much misinformation?  Who is it who is filling them with so many silly lies?

Hate to sound all "cold warrior" about it, but remember all the nuclear disarmament groups in the "Wall Still Up" days?  Funny how Yank nukes were "offensive", while Soviet nukes were "defensive".  Deja vu all over again?

Hate to sound all "cold warrior" about it, but remember all the nuclear disarmament groups in the "Wall Still Up" days?  Funny how Yank nukes were "offensive", while Soviet nukes were "defensive".  Deja vu all over again?

Same singers. Same songbook.  Same choirmasters?  I wonder whether Vladimir's fellow choirmasters are still available.  Maybe he has a "going rate".
"Critical", "unthinking", "blind support"?  No doubt pulling a puppet show from the local parade will have a profound impact on the issues they claim to be so concerned about.  In any event I'd imagine the day will carry on without them.
  The Oceanside folks are very good friends with Maude Barlow and crew, so there really are no surprises to their stance. 

Yeah, not too many impressed souls here on this one....


When the carpet fliers bring the fight to our soil, I wonder.......Will their tunes change?

Doubtful. They, like all the other ostriches out there will bury their heads in the sand ( I know real ostriches don't do that so dont flame me)and wait for people with a spine to take control of the situation and protect their snivelling self interests.

Burns my hide.  :threat:
I suppose, all us who are Troops or support our Troops should just boycott these places and leave them to stew in their false visions of what this nation is and what it is doing.  Let the Taliban supporters in this BC community stay in isolation on the Island and reap their reward.   

In Australia we have a town for these kinds of people, it's called Nimbin. They stay in thier hippy paradise town, and society doesn't have to smell or hear them.

I's love to see it used as a military exercise area, now wouldn't that be well recieved?  ;)
HollywoodHitman said:
When the carpet fliers bring the fight to our soil, I wonder.......Will their tunes change?

Doubtful. They, like all the other ostriches out there will bury their heads in the sand ( I know real ostriches don't do that so dont flame me)and wait for people with a spine to take control of the situation and protect their snivelling self interests.

I think that you will find many of these types are what in these types of scenarios become "Collaborators".  Much as those found in France, Holland and other European countries during WW II were.  After the war, they were set upon very severely by the rest of the nation.