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What is a Canadian Soldier?


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Hey everyone.
I'm doing a definition essay on "what is a Canadian Soldier."
I already know pretty much what I am going to write, but I was wondering if anyone has something to imput.
Thanks for your help!

KaT :cdn:
A Canadian soldier is a person of morals and honour, who defends his country and the lives of the innocent. He follows orders with diligence, but is not a robot. He seeks peace, not conflict.
Someone who makes do with what they have and always looks out for others before themselves. Patriotic, Strong and willing to serve his or her country and make the ultimate sacrifice if asked to do so.
brief- a human helping others not a killing machine, but wouldn't mind to in some case.  :salute: :cdn:
Pte. gremlin said:
A Canadian soldier is a person of morals and honour, who defends his country and the lives of the innocent. He follows orders with diligence, but is not a robot. He seeks peace, not conflict.

CFN. Orange said:
Someone who makes do with what they have and always looks out for others before themselves. Patriotic, Strong and willing to serve his or her country and make the ultimate sacrifice if asked to do so.
That about sums it up....I couldn't have said it better myself.  :cdn:
Al-X said:
brief- a human helping others not a killing machine, but wouldn't mind to in some case.  :salute: :cdn:

Wrong, we do mind. Good soldiers want to win without the killing.

We do what we have to do, within the rules and code of conduct set by our gov't, often with little resources and not enough time in the most of difficult conditions.
Armymedic, true enough.....I know I lot of people that think I want to join because "I want to kill things". They watch to many movies.   :cdn:

While I cringe at the thought of speaking for others, especially those who have served in harm's way, I think a Canadian soldier is simply someone who has committed to something larger than himself. 

He's sworn an oath to Queen Elizabeth II, by name, and promised to obey all officers, warrant officers and NCOs appointed over him.

He's promised to forfeit his life if necessary, to achieve the mission.

He's promised to obey the Queen's laws, from drug use to murder.

He's committed himself to being a member of team - be it an infantry section, orderly room, armoured troop, field kitchen, etc. and to put others ahead of himself.

He's surrendered his/her individuality and privacy in order to achieve a greater good.  In many cases, he's forfeited better paying jobs.
Armymedic said:
We do what we have to do, within the rules and code of conduct set by our gov't, often with little resources and not enough time in the most of difficult conditions.

....And that takes a lot of INITIATIVE.

Michael I agree with most of what you say BUT I would not fit the mold. I remain an individual capable of my own thought and if a superior is wrong he is wrong. Hopefully I will write my lasr chapter soon and I am not going to pull any punches. Can you imagine standing at the bottom of a hill that you are taking over from another unit and arguing with the CSM about the ammunition? It got to the point that I was faced with the decision of going to the Monkey House and facing a very serious charge or doing what I was told. I did what I was told and I wished that I had not. The Limies pulled it over the CSM like a wet blanket, They got all our nice dry ammuniion at the bottom of the hill while we got their rain soaked crap at the top. I was never so dissapointed in the British Army.
The Assisant Adjutant of 2 RCR dubbed me as his personal shit disturber, of course he was a friend of mine, he ended up a Brigadiert.
An apt quote for this forum:

I hope that my achievements in life shall be these - that I will have fought for what was right and fair, that I will have risked for that which mattered, and that I will have given help to those who were in need that I will have left the earth a better place for what I've done and who I've been.  ~C. Hoppe
I have this one engraved on my lighter (yes, very tiny);


I was that which others did not want to be.
I asked naught from those who gave naught and accepted the thought of eternal lonliness should I fail.
I have seen the face of terror, felt the stinging cold of fear, and ejoyed the sweet taste of a moments love.
I have cried, pained and hoped...
but most of all I have lived times others would say are best forgotten.
At least someday I'll be able to say I was proud of who I was..

A Soldier.
Art Johnson said:
Michael I agree with most of what you say BUT I would not fit the mold. I remain an individual capable of my own thought and if a superior is wrong he is wrong. Hopefully I will write my lasr chapter soon and I am not going to pull any punches. Can you imagine standing at the bottom of a hill that you are taking over from another unit and arguing with the CSM about the ammunition? It got to the point that I was faced with the decision of going to the Monkey House and facing a very serious charge or doing what I was told. I did what I was told and I wished that I had not. The Limies pulled it over the CSM like a wet blanket, They got all our nice dry ammuniion at the bottom of the hill while we got their rain soaked crap at the top. I was never so dissapointed in the British Army.
The Assisant Adjutant of 2 RCR dubbed me as his personal shit disturber, of course he was a friend of mine, he ended up a Brigadiert.

I remember you telling me that story before - I thought you were labelled a shit disturber after the NCO course though. ;-)

George Wallace posted about INITIATIVE, and I think that dovetails nicely with what you just wrote.  I never said a Canadian soldier slavishly follows orders, but he is someone who puts himself aside.

Think about it Art, had you gone to the monkey house, that would be not an act of individualism, that would be an act of sacrifice on behalf of your comrades.  Another example of "taking one for the team" - the team being what is important, not the one person.  Your concern was not for yourself, but for the entire unit, no?
A Canadian soldier is a person that would always fight to the end and never back down.
A Canadian soldier is a brave and loyal, trustworthy human being and a Canadian soldier will never leave anyone behind.  This is my definition of a Canadian soldier  :cdn:  :salute:
recceguy said:
I have this one engraved on my lighter (yes, very tiny);


I was that which others did not want to be.
I asked naught from those who gave naught and accepted the thought of eternal lonliness should I fail.
I have seen the face of terror, felt the stinging cold of fear, and ejoyed the sweet taste of a moments love.
I have cried, pained and hoped...
but most of all I have lived times others would say are best forgotten.
At least someday I'll be able to say I was proud of who I was..

A Soldier.

Thank you for posting the poem/saying, recceguy! :salute:
I wonder if this could be posted to an additional forum, such as Military Literature please?

Again, thank you for posting this poem as it is appreciated! :)
A Cdn soldier is the guy or gal just down the street from your house. He is the guy that does his job silently and well. She is the one that has "got a head on her shoulders". They look like you and me. They are not the ones making a spectacle of themselves and never did. They do the job to the best of their ability and then fade away.

A Cdn soldier is the one that all the refugees run to.
SprCForr said:
A Cdn soldier is the guy or gal just down the street from your house. He is the guy that does his job silently and well. She is the one that has "got a head on her shoulders". They look like you and me. They are not the ones making a spectacle of themselves and never did. They do the job to the best of their ability and then fade away.

A Cdn soldier is the one that all the refugees run to.

I could not put it in any other better words.
But I must add we know what we do but our Nation does not.

Thank You C 4  :salute: :salute: