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What outcome would you like to see happen in the parliamentary crisis?


Army.ca Legend
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Poll at Canoe.ca (right side of page).

What outcome would you like to see happen in the parliamentary crisis?

The Tories continue to govern with Harper as PM  43%
The Tories continue to govern with a different PM  8%
The coalition takes over  12%
The Governor General dissolves parliament for a general election  20%
A no confidence vote dissolves parliament for a general election  7%
Anything but another general election  4%
I don't care anymore  6%

Total Votes for this Question: 1649 
Where's the "Name PMedMoe as Supreme Galactic Overlord" option?
dapaterson said:
Where's the "Name PMedMoe as Supreme Galactic Overlord" option?

Nah, I don't want to be in charge.  I rather be one of the henchmen women!  ;D
if I'm reading into the results right, the majority wants The Conservatives in power, with 49% saying keep harper, and 8% saying new CPC PM. there's also 12% saying they want an election, so, let's say if even 1/3 of those would vote CPC, that's a total of 61%

(according to a canoe poll, which i know is not really that accurate, for any number of reasons)
According to an Ipsos Reid poll, 60% of Canadians support the Conservatives at present and if an election were called, the Conservatives would get a majority government with 46% of the vote, compared with 23% for the Liberals, 13% for NDP, 9% for the Bloc, 8% for the Green Party and 5% undecided.

Marketwire Press Release
PMedMoe said:
According to an Ipsos Reid poll, 60% of Canadians support the Conservatives at present and if an election were called, the Conservatives would get a majority government with 46% of the vote, compared with 23% for the Liberals, 13% for NDP, 9% for the Bloc, 8% for the Green Party and 5% undecided.

Marketwire Press Release

In that case let's go to the polls, end the minority government and shut the whining losers out for a few years.
I can never understand why people put so much stock in the polls put out.  Every one of them is worded towards the Party/Person whom pays for it. Yes, 60% did not vote for the PM (actually 100% did not vote for the PM per say), but 60% didn't vote for Dion or his Rasputin (Layton) either. It's all in the questioning and interpretation of it, plus the region the poll is taken in. I all ways want to know what happened to the 10-20% not accounted for?
Love793 said:
I can never understand why people put so much stock in the polls put out.  Every one of them is worded towards the Party/Person whom pays for it.

Actually, if you look on the link, the Ipsos Reid poll was done by Canwest News Services and Global National, not a political party.
No option for public flogging of all leaders for sheer jackassery? :rage: (Extra strokes for the 3 stooges though)
I've taken part in a number of polls prior to the last election with  Angus Reid and the results of those polls were bang on. 
If the coalition succeeds in its attempt to try and gain control of government through a vote of non confidence. I hope the GG will call for an election, instead of handing over power to three clowns.
My preferred outcome of this whole mess is for the earth to open up and swallow the Parliament building while all the sitting members are there.  The money we'd save on their pensions alone would fix the economy.
This coalation will force upon Canadians a government they did not vote for...according to my dictonary that is called a coup.  I will not stand for that.  If the oppisition wants to defeat the government on the budget then so be it.  We will go back to the polls but don't take away my right to vote on the Government that I want, and have the right and duty to choose. 
I'm not a fan of the coalition concept myself, but the people forming it were all elected by Canadians. I think it has been well publicized that this coalition is perfectly legal.

All that aside, do you realize that you've spelled dictionary wrong?  Thanks I needed a good chuckle.
There is only one desireable outcome: To crush the Lieberals, to see them driven before us, and to hear the lamentation of their women.
Oops... glad you had a laugh.  IF you remember your history Hitler did the same thing didn't he and he did it all by the book and killed how many millions?.  I know I'm going to extrems but history backs up my statement time and time again.  If the budget is voted down, that is a vote of non-confidense and WE should get the chance to choose who works for us ..not told who is going to get the job.  Especially when the new head of the coalition was put in place an not elected by a majority of the party he is suppose to represent by majority vote.
Who says that I'm laughing.

I don't remember Hitler having any involvement with the Lieberal Party of Canada one way or another, and to what "book" are you referring?

As for "history back(ing) up (your) statement time and time again", I'm not even sure what your statement is.
thunderchild said:
 IF you remember your history

I think you need to go re-read your history. You missed the point and didnt understand it well the first time.
I mis stated the point that I wanted to make so I'll try again,  although the 3 opposition parties do combined have the ability to vote down the government, none can do it on their own. That part is easy the problem is in the following,
1.The leader of the liberals was selected not elected by his party (not very democratic)
2.This party lost the most seats and had the poorest results during an election in it's history.( doesn't have the confidence of the population but wants to be the government)
3.Has had 2 leaders in 72 hrs. (not reassuring as a stable choice for government)
4.Has not presented anything proving they have any plan at all other than get rid of  Harper.
5.Would not give the population the chance to vote on what our government should be or will be.( takes away our right to vote until they choose to allow it.)
6.Want to avoid an election now because if they trigger one they'll loose even wost than 2 months ago. (sounds like he is seizing power not earning it)
It all sounds like a coup, it is not democratic  and removes our right to select our own government effectively taking away our right to vote.