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what qualifications do you have?

i retired a mwo with
master cadet
basic para wings 09
staff wo for cl 2008 blackdown
leadership and challenge 07
LME, service medal 2 bars
Flawed Design said:
Slow day at the office?  ;)

My nitpicking break - if you're going to post your own rank-related quals/etc, at least spell it right...

NSCE 2010

Cross 2 Marksman
Emergency First Aid
Bronze Fitness
(plan to achieve Distinguished Marksman, Standard First Aid, and a music level)

Basic Marksman, 2007
CL, 2008
CLI D&C, 2009
CLI Rifle Coach, 2010

ANAVETS Medal of Merit

I am currently the SSM of my home corps, 903 BCD RCACC, which is located in Kelowna, BC. The RSM ages out in October, and I am next in line for that position.
Standard First Aid
Silver Star
Bronze Fitness
Marksmen I (Forget actual qualification name)
Level 3 Musician (Snare)
Level 1 Musician (Trumpet)

Basic Band (2008)
CL Band (2009)
CLI Pipes and Drums (2010)
Right sleeve :
- Rifle Coach ('09)
- Master Warrant Officer

Left sleeve :
- Destinguished Marksman
- Silver Star Fitness Level
- Standard First Aid
- Level 3 Musician
- Drill and Ceremonial ('10)

Right breast pocket :
- Legion Medal of Excellence
- 4 year Service Medal

Left breast pocket :
- Silver Shooting Pin 

Nault_army said:
Right sleeve :
- Rifle Coach ('09)

Left sleeve :
- Drill and Ceremonial ('10)

Multiple CLI badges are "stacked" on top of each other with 1cm spacing. They remain on the right arm. It looks kind of ridiculous, but that's the regulation. Coincidentally, that's what I had to do with my D&C (2009), and Rifle Coach (2010) badges. CATO 46-01 Annex D states this as follows:

"More than one CLI series of badge can be worn in the order awarded, the badge will be placed 1 cm above the previous CLI badge awarded."
Military Qualification's are recorded in a
Classified document called a UER correct.
A Unit Employment Record is a Classified
Document. Eye's only for Snr NCO'S'
Officer's or as the saying goe's as a need
to know depending on your/their Security
Classification. Has that changed. Just cur-
Scoty B
This is the Cadet/CIC forum.  Cadets do not have UERs.
crooks.a said:
Multiple CLI badges are "stacked" on top of each other with 1cm spacing. They remain on the right arm. It looks kind of ridiculous, but that's the regulation. Coincidentally, that's what I had to do with my D&C (2009), and Rifle Coach (2010) badges. CATO 46-01 Annex D states this as follows:

"More than one CLI series of badge can be worn in the order awarded, the badge will be placed 1 cm above the previous CLI badge awarded."

Thank you, I will inform myself further on that. And Kat Stevens, thanks for the laugh :P
Cadet's Right I stand corrected. Opp's.
Scoty B
Please dont repost as I'am going to
crawl under the couch,,get all red in
face and die of embarrassment.
Cheer's Mate.
Scoty B
P.S. you didn't get this message right?
OP/SEC something. Kidding.
I haven't been a cadet for a few months now because I aged out. Haven't seen a lot of Sea Cadets around, so here goes.
Before I aged out:

Rank: CPO1(now Ret'd CPO1)
Position: Coxswain
Summer Training:
-General Training @ HMCS Quadra
-Sail TG1 @ HMCS Acadia
-Sail TG2 @ HMCS Quadra
-Silver Sail @ HMCS Quadra
-Bermuda International Sea Cadet Exchange
-Sail Staff @ HMCS Quadra x2

-Silver Sail 6 (Only 4-10 Sea Cadets earn this a year.)
-White and Bronze Sail Coach Certifications
-Standard First Aid
-Race Management

I have a little bit of every trade within me. I was in the Band for 4 years, I was the Corps Gunner for 2 years, I have been part of the Seamanship Team for 2 years(and attended a week long training course aboard the SCTV Maple Leaf, 3 times.[Once as the Cox'n])
I was a former Army Cadet, joined when I was 12, left when I turned 19 in 1989.

I was the Cadet RSM/CWO, left with Gold Star with Wreath, Advanced First Aide and Crossed Rifles & Crown

Summer Training:

'84 Junior Cadet, Ipperwash
'85 Cadet Leader, Ipperwash
'86 Wilderness Leadership, Petawawa
'87 Leadership and Challenge, Banff
'88 Basic Para, Edmonton
'89 Staff Cadet Wilderness Leadership Basic, Ipperwash

Years later, I received an Army Cadet Long Service medal, with two service bars. I don't recall there being any medal system in place when I was a cadet???
crooks.a said:
Multiple CLI badges are "stacked" on top of each other with 1cm spacing. They remain on the right arm. It looks kind of ridiculous, but that's the regulation. Coincidentally, that's what I had to do with my D&C (2009), and Rifle Coach (2010) badges. CATO 46-01 Annex D states this as follows:

"More than one CLI series of badge can be worn in the order awarded, the badge will be placed 1 cm above the previous CLI badge awarded."

Where did you find this information ? I have looked online, my officers, the reference manual, they all seem to lead to what I have been doing, putting the second badge on the left sleeve. If you could tell me where you got this information, it would probably relieve some confusion  ???
LS, Top cadet in Phase, Communication (1), First Aid (Bronze Medalion) Not much yet... Range...

Rank: Flight Corporal

Position: unknown at this time, it will soon change

Courses: GT '09, BLC '10, LCIC '11

Awards/medals: Top overall cadet on GT and BLC, Top survial and band at my LHQ, and the ANAVETS medal on LCIC this year
Music level 3, Buglers badge, Pipes Badge, First aid...other badges I'm not gonna bother labeling...and no medals (so far)
I aged out a year ago but here's what I got

Before aging out:

Rank: Warrant Officer 2nd Class
Position: Dep Comm/Sqn Comm
Summer camps:
ITPERTC 2008 Alberthead
Athletic Instructor 2K9 HMSC Ontario (Kingston)
Staff Alberthead 2010

Standard first aid (First aid team Cpt.)
Reached levels 1-5 and if there was a level 6 and 7 would have that too lol
Snare level 1
Percussion level 1

Most Improved 2008
Top Instructor 2009
Adjutant trophy 2010
Long Service medal
Lord Strathcona medal

Just to clarify I was an Air cadet:P