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Whats it like to be a LCIS tech

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We don't even know how its going to affect in-service LCIS, Linemen and SigOps yet. By the time you hit the training system, there will be a few courses run before you, and the most of the major kinks should be worked out by the Course Critique process. Don't worry about it until you get to CFSCE.
ok thank you...im just fascinated with becoming an LCIS tech thats all...thanks to everyone for your help best wishes...
Just so you don't have any sleepless nights, the current plan for MES does have a LCIS-type trade, just under a different name and with some narrower terms of service, so even if things do end up FUBAR, your LCIS dream won't die completely.
well thats funny because LCIS tech, Sig Ops and Lineman were my three choices so I went with LCIS tech because the spec pay wet my chops...so im willing to perform as a Sig Ops and Lineman as well if I have to...what is that super duper tech or something...
Like I said, nobody knows what each of the 4 sub trades will actually be on implementation, the best source of information is in that forum topic.
well i plan on going sig officer eventually so maybe the cross-trade training will be appropriate..are sig officers responsible for communication and electronic workshops...are they responsible for commanding both ops and techs...or is that the EME officer...

Do LCIS Techs usually serve in Sig units..or can they be posted to any service and support unit within any type of land army unit...
what would be fascinating is something that was combat, op and tech crossing over into eachother...something like a mobile comm pack sig op with tech capabilities attached to a combat unit...is there such a thing...
I think I saw one in that new G.I. Joe movie (which completely sucked by the way).


Tune your Squelch, you have too much noise.

Please read a bit more about what you are getting into before you press the Talk Button.
well i was lookng for something crosstrained LCIS tech was the best I could find..
tsokman said:
well i plan on going sig officer eventually so maybe the cross-trade training will be appropriate..are sig officers responsible for communication and electronic workshops...are they responsible for commanding both ops and techs...or is that the EME officer...
EME Officers have nothing to do with Signals.  A Signals Officer can be in charge of Techs, Operators and Lineman, ie a Sigs Platoon Commander/Sig O

tsokman said:
Do LCIS Techs usually serve in Sig units..or can they be posted to any service and support unit within any type of land army unit...
Signals Personal serve in Signals units, Combat Arms units, CSS units, etc

Yes, there are LCIS Tech positions within an Infantry unit - within Sigs Pl. But don't expect to do much else aside from Tech stuff. Atleast thats how it is in my unit.

tsokman said:
what would be fascinating is something that was combat, op and tech crossing over into
eachother...something like a mobile comm pack sig op with tech capabilities attached to a
combat unit...is there such a thing...

what are you talking about? Like some kind of Super Sig that is qualified Both Sig Op an LCIS Tech?
I have no idea who MES(S) is going to work, but right now you won't find people who are qualified both as a Sig Op and a Tech as they are seperate trades.
However there are Sig Ops who do know some basic "Tech" stuff and can swap cards, etc
something like a cross-qualified sig op (first line)tech in a combat unit...
tsokman said:
something like a cross-qualified sig op (first line)tech in a combat unit...


K, I don't know what you are getting at. But this is how it currently is, in an Infantry Battalion there are Sig Ops, LCIS Techs and Lineman in Sigs Pl. And each coy outside Cbt Sp has a Coy Sigs NCO and for tour 2 more positions open up for Sig Ops in the Rifle Coys HQ.  I know on the TF 1-08 PRT FP Coy they had 1-2 Sig Ops as Platoon Signallers.

The reason Cbt Sp Coy doesn't have it's own Sigs NCO is because Sigs Pl is in Cbt Sp Coy.
what about the one man comm pack...does he do first line tech....how close does he work with combat units...
tsokman said:
what about the one man comm pack...does he do first line tech....how close does he work with combat units...

wtf is a one man comm pack. Sig Ops, LCIS Techs an Lineman are posted to Combat Arms units.. so yea I'd say they work pretty close... Sig Ops would be the ones doing everything from going on patrols, working in a Coy an Battalion level CP. LCIS Techs during a Battalion Ex would stay in the Battalion Admin/HQ area an have the guys come to them to fix radios, etc sometimes they would go out to the Rifle Coy loc, etc an do repairs, etc on site. On tour I really had no contact with LCIS Techs, just saw them out in KAF an the FOBs, didn't see them come out to any of the Stroing Points/COPs with some exceptions, ie installing kit than leaving again.

ok.. for the most part Sig Ops do trouble shooting, an swap out hub batteries. Some know how an do swap cards - not all techs like this. For all other tech issues the LCIS Techs do it.

This is just what I've seen in my own unit, I don't know how LCIS Techs are employed in the other Battalions, etc but I would assume it would be the same as my unit.
I have no idea what you are asking or where you are trying to go with your posts, etc.

Are you saying you call the "radio pack" the one man comm pack ?

K, please just make your next post in clear coherant sentances/questions. Also don't make up your own terminlogy. Just call a radio a radio not a one man comm pack, etc
yes the radio a sig ops carries(on patrol..how does that differ from an infantry radio man)...im trying to see how the CandE trades cross-interact....
tsokman said:
yes the radio a sig ops carries(on patrol..how does that differ from an infantry radio man)

Generally the Platoon Signaller is an Infantryman, this can sometimes be filled by a Sig Op, all depends on the unit, etc But for the most part it is an Infantryman. In the Coy HQ there would be an OC Dismounted Signaller this is an Infantryman aswell. In the Coy HQ there is 3 Sig Ops, and they can go out with the OC, 2 I/C, etc an be his/her dismounted Signaller aswell or stay in the LAV, etc. For the Sigs not out on Operation/Patrol they would be doing shifts in the Coy CP.

tsokman said:
im trying to see how the CandE trades cross-interact....

A very very simple way of describing it from the Sig Op perspective. Example... setting up a BN/BG HQ - Sig Ops set up the radios in a CP, Lineman set up the phonelines in a CP and the LCIS Techs fix what is broken.
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