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Will Canada be invaded for its' water?

I get the rights to the brothel !!!!  ;D
Adrian_888 said:
The only problem with this post is reply number 1 through to reply number 180, you all just take one look at it and laugh, when really its a serious topic.

My history teacher was telling us about this kind of thing a couple weeks ago, he was talking about US plans to dam off valley rivers at the border and flood entire valleys in Canada so that the US could have huge reserves.  I couldn't find any info on this, but ill post some more info and some links once i do.

At least if they did this we could always just blow up the dam  >:D

Ah, youth of British Columbia.  Thank god the education system is doing such a stellar and unbiased job of educating our precious leaders of tomorrow.  Truly, we are in great hands. 
No doubt, son, you will make a fine ice harvester in the Space Patrol.
He would have to temper his impatience. Can't go around blowing up dams all over the solar system, just because....because we have agreements, and stuff. Besides, it makes the Space Patrol look chintzy....second rate...
GAP said:
He would have to temper his impatience. Can't go around blowing up dams all over the solar system, just because....because we have agreements, and stuff. Besides, it makes the Space Patrol look chintzy....second rate...

Blowing up things is how stuff is done... the terrorist blew up a couple buildings and half the world is at war.  What could be more efficient?
Adrian_888 said:
Blowing up things is how stuff is done... the terrorist blew up a couple buildings and half the world is at war.  What could be more efficient?

The Space Patrol dropping the nets on the terrorists blowing up dams, and bombarding them with space ice.  >:D
Adrian 888 is reffering to the North American Water and Power Alliance, a plan footed in 1964. It was designed around diverting the many northern rivers into the "Rocky Mountain Trench" (between BC and Alberta) and then pumping the water south into the United States. Besides the rather outlandish cost ($300 billion 1964 dollars) and the scale of the project (the Rocky Mountain Trench would probably be topped up today if the project was started in 1964, it was estimated the entire project would take 40 years), the former USSR demonstrated this sort of geo engineering has some huge down sides.

In any event, this was considered as a sort of thought experiment by the US Army Corps of Engineers (along with digging canals using nuclear explosives), but except among newly comissioned engineering officers and the occasional colonel looking for something exceptional to propell him to Flag rank, nothing serious was ever done along this line.

This paper talks about the project, although considering the source, you need to extract the information from the enviro "bumf" http://www.environmentprobe.org/EnviroProbe/pubs/ev-540.htm

Now back to our regularly scheduled silliness.
a_majoor said:
Now back to our regularly scheduled silliness.

This North American Water and Power Alliance is not that far out. Stop and think about it. Here we have a ready source of water, a reliable delivery system, Gravity Funnels (properly ionically charged) to guide the space ice, a prototype water dehydration process, the will and the need.

So.... we take some of that empty Montana land, retrench the Colorado River Basin to accommodate the massive flows (Neutron weapons might be feasible, or in a pinch a Solar Laser), install a series of Gravity Funnels feeding directly into the water dehydration plant, with the overflow going through a spillway directly into the Colorado Basin. The Heavy Water can be piped towards Washington State, the Stilsuit re-manufacturing can be located close by.

There are probably a couple minor details I have left out in my excitement, but that is understandable.

So....once again, with boundless energy, quick reactions, and indomitable spirit I come to the Einsteinian Answer to our water problems.  Oh, there will be nay sayers, but it is all laid out there in front of you....don't applaud, throw money !!

Thank you
GAP said:
This North American Water and Power Alliance is not that far out. Stop and think about it. Here we have a ready source of water, a reliable delivery system, Gravity Funnels (properly ionically charged) to guide the space ice, a prototype water dehydration process, the will and the need.

So.... we take some of that empty Montana land, retrench the Colorado River Basin to accommodate the massive flows (Neutron weapons might be feasible, or in a pinch a Solar Laser), install a series of Gravity Funnels feeding directly into the water dehydration plant, with the overflow going through a spillway directly into the Colorado Basin. The Heavy Water can be piped towards Washington State, the Stilsuit re-manufacturing can be located close by.

There are probably a couple minor details I have left out in my excitement, but that is understandable.

So....once again, with boundless energy, quick reactions, and indomitable spirit I come to the Einsteinian Answer to our water problems.  Oh, there will be nay sayers, but it is all laid out there in front of you....don't applaud, throw money !!

Thank you

GAP, your energy is giving me a headache. I will have some Scotch, neat, to solve my personal problem as well as to conserve water. I certainly couldn't afford to buy it from you!

(Good thing I have that side deal with the Space Patrol...OOPS! Ouside voice alert! :o)
GAP said:
There are probably a couple minor details I have left out in my excitement, but that is understandable.

Have solar ion sail ships to deploy the gravity funnels to their strategic locations around the sun for max effect.  You can crew them permanently at no cost with the newly rehabilitated water demon/sprite hybrids (called wet sprimon) who, as luck would have it, can weave carbon fibre thread out of anti-matter and cosmic energy. 
Hey, I'm all about the solutions.

(I am very disappointed that the spell checker does not have "sprimon" in its cache.  That is so totally Commadore 64)
zipperhead_cop said:
(I am very disappointed that the spell checker does not have "sprimon" in its cache.  That is so totally Commadore 64)

Well Dude.....DND is still working with Windows 3.0.    ;D
There is a very simple answer to this problem, I'm supprised that no one has voiced it yet. OK here it is...no wait maybe it's better that you see for yourself!

Alright, first wrap your head in tinfoil (it helps to keep the voices out). Next stick your left foot in a bucket of warm (warm, not hot, not cold!) water. Finally stick a fork in the toaster.

In that one brief blinding flash of clarity it will all make sense. The answer will reveal itself to you.

Don't worry about the twitching...it goes away in a couple of days. On the other hand the incontinence lasts for awhile, but at least it's warm!