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Will Canada be invaded for its' water?

Seems everyone is forgetting the Space Patrol will object to hanging strings or nets from planets, since that will impact on their operations. It will be one thing for them to deliver interplanetary ice to market (as hot water or steam), but quite another for them to dump it on you in retaliation for cluttering the spaceways.

Being scalded by radioactive space steam is going to hurt! (and don't forget they will also be changing the Earth's rotation and Gravitational field, probably in ways you won't like).  :o
If the rotational and gravity fields are changed, what will that do to the parallel universe where the Sasquatches, Jimmy Hoffa and Elvis are hiding?

I think this is my favroite thread!  Its like the Energizer Bunny...it keeps going...and going...and going...

Old Sweat said:
If the rotational and gravity fields are changed, what will that do to the parallel universe where the Sasquatches, Jimmy Hoffa and Elvis are hiding?

Oh great, now that you've mentioned Jimmy, Carnivore will kick in and the FBI will be digging under Mike's house next.

So, what if we balance the mass of incoming space steam by shipping off planet an equal weight of useless junk; like internet trolls and other toxic waste?
First you tell me to be careful not to over fish the solar system with too fine a net.  Particularly in the east and west parts of the galaxy.

So I focused only on the periphery of the local black holes and worm hole vortexes.
Then, you tell me the Space Patrol will object to hanging strings or nets from planets, that they might scald us with radioactive space steam by delivering interplanetary ice to market (as hot water or steam), or in retaliation dump it on us in retaliation for cluttering the space ways.

So, I checked with them, and so long as I place
Ebunny beacons on them, they don't have a problem
I want to assure you that rotational and gravity fields are not changed, and that nothing will happen to the parallel universe where the Sasquatches, Jimmy Hoffa and Elvis are hiding.

You had to let it out didn't you....it wasn't on anybody's horizon, UNTIL NOW. Uh...Mike, keep an eye out will you, those FBI guys are nuts sometimes.
GAP said:
You had to let it out didn't you....it wasn't on anybody's horizon, UNTIL NOW. Uh...Mike, keep an eye out will you, those FBI guys are nuts sometimes.

I've been planning to start a rumour of him being buried in the yard, that way they can excavate for my swimming pool.  Now, who do I send cheques to to have the pool filled with falling space water?
It's free so long as you provide a gravity funnel to channel it away from you neighbour's rose bushes.
Ah, a gravity funnel ... just a minute .... I think I can order a plan for one of those from the classifieds in my July 1966 Popular Mechanix.

Wouldn't want to see the neighbour's roses irradiated by my space steam pool water supply.
What a thoughtful fellow your are !!! ;D

Most people just say "piss on it" ::)
Actually, the sideband radiation loss from the gravity funnel will make his dog explode, and that'll be even more fun to watch.
Oh no...not so. The gravity funnel is supported by ion catchers, so it only frizzles the hair a little, especially when the dog cocks his hind leg and  let's go....surprise!!!  (exactly like peeing on an electric fence (from personal experience))
Oh great...now you tell me.  CSA model had the same effect on the same stupid drunk person.
Well they (who are these "they" people anyway) reported on the news today that due to global warming the warmer air we have now is able to hold more moisture than it previously could at a lower global temperature...

So that means one of two things...we kibosh the whole plan or....we get this warm air and take the water out of it...any takers  ;D

ANSI - 1966 ("more responsive to consumer needs")
CSA - 1980 ("the first certification organization was accredited")

You need the older models.  Look for ones with Czech vacuum tubes technology.  They have what you really need if you're going to funnel falling space steam and have interesting side effects (pardon the pun) on domestic pets.

Michael O'Leary said:
You need the older models.  Look for ones with Czech vacuum tubes technology.  They have what you really need if you're going to funnel falling space steam and have interesting side effects (pardon the pun) on domestic pets.

I was taught  vacuum tubes technology when transistors were neat and IC's were a dream, but I digress......

Czech vacuum tube technology aside, gravity funnels will be quite necessary to focus the downfall with irradiating everything in the neighbourhood. Tiajuana, Mexico makes an excellent model called the "Seester" model. Why when I was down there, I had all kinds on people simply come up to me and offer to sell me their "seester". Really friendly salesmen those Mexicans are.
We need not be worried about the Space Patrol ships being entangled, as in 2001 the upgrades (as a result of a no bid contract to Bombardier) included a phase shift cloaking device, thus rendering them intangible. 
Where you may run into issues is if the net uses anything other than carbon fibre threads.  Use of metallic threads will cause the net to fall under the purview of the Inter Galactic Communications Counsel (conveniently located in Shawinigan), as the net could be dual purposed for a galaxy wide comms antenna.  Plus, appropriate filter mechanisms should be fitted that will block out the roaming undead spirits that managed to escape the earths gravity and magnetic fields that would be able to channel into the net and thus reconstitute themselves as water demons( which would really constitute a PR issue).  Please refer to the Tech department of this organization for the proper spirit filters:

