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Will Canada be invaded for its' water?

GAP said:
I kinda hesitate ....well, not much.... to mention this.... but we are creating a problem. If we go ahead with the  Dune style still-suits  and wax all the fishys, we now have all this water for ourselves. But, once we've dehydrated everything and transported it all, what are we going to do with the ..... salt?
Sell it to the department of transportation for winter salting of course ;D

I am betting I had more fun reading that thread than the posters had writing it!


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
paracowboy said:
yeah, but it cuts down on chaff in real threads. Saves me work.

Yep, about 3 days ago it was the tough choice....scrap it or let it run its course in R/C ?
Didn't think it had the legs for 9 pages though, gee, maybe I should buy stock in this dehydrated water thingy....
Bruce Monkhouse said:
, gee, maybe I should buy stock in this dehydrated water thingy....

Uh....what do you want me to do with your stock then???
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Yep, about 3 days ago it was the tough choice....scrap it or let it run its course in R/C ?
Didn't think it had the legs for 9 pages though, gee, maybe I should buy stock in this dehydrated water thingy....

Perhaps a sub-category of "Half Retarded Brain Fluff" would be a good place to intercept foolishness? 
Did the original poster ever come back?  Even to lurk?
zipperhead_cop said:
Perhaps a sub-category of "Half Retarded Brain Fluff" would be a good place to intercept foolishness? 
Did the original poster ever come back?  Even to lurk?


Will Canada be invaded for its' water?
« on: June 14, 2006, 17:15:01 »

Last Active:  June 14, 2006, 17:20:18
Well that's a darn shame...how else could we have gotten the idea  ::) for this on our own...so as to expend 9 pages of insanity, lmao

Michael O'Leary said:
I have some concerns with this plan.  Bringing in massive amount of space ice will add to the planet's mass, has anyone calculated the effects of this on the earth's rotation and the length of the year?  How do we ensure that this water is not resold, thus undercutting the market for new water? ... water flea markets ... water sales on e-bay .....  The proposed entry of space ice/water into the atmosphere will, as noted, create massive amounts of heat as the kinetic energy of the moving mass of water is converted to thermal energy and converts the ice to steam.  This will result in a net addition to the global ecosphere of thermal energy, potentially increasing the pace of global warning, hastening the melting of the ice caps and creating a water surplus.   Space water is a self-defeating plan.  And, one more, how will we 'brand' our water so it's not confused with the low-grade sweat shop water imported by the big corporations?

You see problems, I see opportunities:

Changing the mass and rotation of the Earth means we can adjust the day to fir OUR schedule. Need a few extra hours to sleep in or finish that high priority project? No problems! Increasing the mass of the Earth increasesthe gravitational pull, so owners of shares in weight watchers should see a huge increase in valuation.

Increasing the amount of thermal energy in the Earth's ecosphere can only improve our lives. Heating bills will go down, grow-ops won't need those expensive heat lamps (further reducing our energy consumption in Ontario), and my banana plantations on the shores of Lake Erie will finally become paying propositions, since global warming has been a bust so far.

Melting ice caps = new beach front property. Army.ca members know how to read topo maps, need I say more?

Branding water should not be too difficult, space ice has been exposed to cosmic radiation, so a glass of space water should have that certain "sparkle", especially in the evening as the light fades....

The brilliance of the plan continues to unfold  ;D ;D ;D
a_majoor said:
You see problems, I see opportunities:

Changing the mass and rotation of the Earth means we can adjust the day to fir OUR schedule. Need a few extra hours to sleep in or finish that high priority project? No problems! Increasing the mass of the Earth increasesthe gravitational pull, so owners of shares in weight watchers should see a huge increase in valuation.
opportunities 1: invest in space patrol shares and in variable Earth Mass Clocks shares...gotta be a winner

Increasing the amount of thermal energy in the Earth's ecosphere can only improve our lives. Heating bills will go down, grow-ops won't need those expensive heat lamps (further reducing our energy consumption in Ontario), and my banana plantations on the shores of Lake Erie will finally become paying propositions, since global warming has been a bust so far.

opportunities 2: We can create our own Juan Valez's Brand of coffee. Solar powered Air Conditioners are going to go through the roof !!
Melting ice caps = new beach front property. Army.ca members know how to read topo maps, need I say more?

opportunities 3: Great Idea....but I would have to sell my plots I  bought on the moon first to afford them.

Branding water should not be too difficult, space ice has been exposed to cosmic radiation, so a glass of space water should have that certain "sparkle", especially in the evening as the light fades....

opportunities 4: See "nightlight employment" in earlier posts...there really is opportunities everywhere!!

The brilliance of the plan continues to unfold  ;D ;D ;D
In response to complaints about the extra thermal energy of space ice re entering the Earth's atmosphere, the obvious solution is here:

Absolutely brilliant!!! ;D Now why didn't I think of that? :-[
ReadyandWilling said:
Possibly because you are sane??
Pfffta!!!  Nonesense....who wants to be sane? Who has all the fun huh...huh? some guy plodding along living is dull life, or the  *&^*^$ guy who will try anything.... ;D

Eureka !!  I've Solved it!!! 8)

See....that's how you do it  :cheers:
GAP said:
Pfffta!!!   Nonesense....who wants to be sane? Who has all the fun huh...huh? some guy plodding along living is dull life, or the  *&^*^$ guy who will try anything.... ;D

Eureka !!  I've Solved it!!! 8)

See....that's how you do it  :cheers:

You forgot to detail how it will be powered by a perpetual motion generator. 
zipperhead_cop said:
You forgot to detail how it will be powered by a perpetual motion generator. 

It's not a perpetual motion generator silly, it's a planetary motion generator!! ::)

I could figure out how to diagram all the planets and their forces, then show the inverse ratio of effect in that small picture....so I forgot about it :)