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Will Canada be invaded for its' water?

Yeah, but how would you dehydrate it???
Didn't we have a suggestion here about converting it to steam and selling it that way? Maybe we could use the steam process and call it Lite-Deydrated-Water.
Don't forget we can also sell heavy water for people who like that rich, full bodied taste......
OOOOh...that's a little too rich and definetly "full bodied" !! If it is preused, we could guarantee them XXX years employment as a night light .
GAP said:
Didn't we have a suggestion here about converting it to steam and selling it that way?
We had a brilliant suggestion about converting it to steam, bagging it into a bunch of hot-air balloons so that it could be sailed, dirigible-like, to marked. Simply brilliant.
Journeyman said:
We had a brilliant suggestion about converting it to steam, bagging it into a bunch of hot-air balloons so that it could be sailed, dirigible-like, to marked. Simply brilliant.

How do these Hot-air Balloons go about chasing and catching the Steam?  Would they have specially constructed plastic bags that they would haul like fishing trawlers?

Would the delivery range of the Dirigibles be related to the formula of the Steam cooling rate, over the weight of the water as ballast divided by the speed of the Dirigible over the Altitude times the rate of descent factoring the Air Temp at that time or year.  Of course we would have outside factors to consider, such as direction and speed of the Jet Stream, whether or not it is a full moon or a solar eclipse, is it Daylight Savings Time, etc. 

Could steam driven engines on the Dirigibles, be used to perpetuate the steam that they carry or keep it in the 'steam' state, to further the range of delivery?

Would these Dirigibles be able to haul freight on the return trip?  Empty Dirigibles are not economically sound business practices.
George Wallace said:
How do these Hot-air Balloons go about chasing and catching the Steam?   Would they have specially constructed plastic bags that they would haul like fishing trawlers?

Would the delivery range of the Dirigibles be related to the formula of the Steam cooling rate, over the weight of the water as ballast divided by the speed of the Dirigible over the Altitude times the rate of descent factoring the Air Temp at that time or year.  Of course we would have outside factors to consider, such as direction and speed of the Jet Stream, whether or not it is a full moon or a solar eclipse, is it Daylight Savings Time, etc. 

Could steam driven engines on the Dirigibles, be used to perpetuate the steam that they carry or keep it in the 'steam' state, to further the range of delivery?

Would these Dirigibles be able to haul freight on the return trip?  Empty Dirigibles are not economically sound business practices.

Evidence of FAR too much time on your hands.

Though I do believe the whole thing would go over like a Lead Zeplin. ;D
  :-[  I'll just leave the minor details to the techies - - I'm more of a...concepts sort of guy.....ya, that's it  ;)
George Wallace said:
How do these Hot-air Balloons go about chasing and catching the Steam?  Would they have specially constructed plastic bags that they would haul like fishing trawlers?

(In 50-100 years the Space Patrol will be bringing in ice from Saturn's rings or the moons of Jupiter. Of course, after reentry it will be very hot water........)[/size
George Wallace said:
][size=10pt] Now where do you think they got their OJT?? Huh…huh? 
George Wallace said:
Would the delivery range of the Dirigibles be related to the formula of the Steam cooling rate, over the weight of the water as ballast divided by the speed of the Dirigible over the Altitude times the rate of descent factoring the Air Temp at that time or year.  Of course we would have outside factors to consider, such as direction and speed of the Jet Stream, whether or not it is a full moon or a solar eclipse, is it Daylight Savings Time, etccolor].

[size=10pt] (details…details…your trying to cloud the issue!! We got to the moon didn’t we…and we didn’t even have to leave the Earth !!)[/[/size]Could steam driven engines on the Dirigibles, be used to perpetuate the steam that they carry or keep it in the 'steam' state, to further the range of delivery? (Why would you use up a valuable resource?? Simply use the magnetic field effect of planetary motion…duh )

[size=10pt]see post below, now there is brilliance!!! [/size]

Journeyman said:
Clearly, the solution is to boil it. The steam rises....simply bag it into a bunch of hot-air balloons, and sail it to market like a dirigible. Why, you could even sell it in its boiled state for tea-drinkers!
Journeyman said:
Sometimes I think so many smart thoughts, my brain hurts....maybe this hat needs some more tinfoil
(now..now…it gets better!!)
zipperhead_cop said:
OH GOD, THAT IS IT!!!  They aren't trying to build an oil pipeline in Afghanistan, it's a WATER pipeline!!  We are being puppets of the American empire building machine that is Brita!!  And George Bush drinks water too!!  What is wrong with you people?!?!?  Wake up before it is too late!
$15,000,000 for irrigation systems my ass…it’s a water pipeline!!
GAP, that isn't.........water......in your glass............is it? :o
sic....goldarn right is is...pure sweet.....vo...water
$15,000,000 for irrigation systems my ***…it’s a water pipeline!!

Now I'm really confused, are we planning to pump water into, or out of, that desert country?

What's the commander's intent? Hopefully the Bilderberg group will release the notes of their recent conference to clear this up.

I hate a poorly defined conspiracy theory.  It just leads to wild ass guesses and conjecture from the tin foil shielded minions of the resistance. 
Excuse me, but your tinfoil is inside out.

The pipeline is for neither in nor out. It is just to be there. There may come a time when we have to use it, and like any good old porkbarrel, it should be available. This new pipeline will run roughly parallel to our Area51a we are  creating in the the Panjway District. We are getting some minor objections to the idea, but we will have those all cleared out shortly...meanwhile, the pipeline will be able to pump water from point A to point B. Why would you export such a valuable commodity, and the import taxes would be too high, so we will just go from A to B. See...it's simple if someone explains it.....right?
As the originator of the dehydrated water theory, I think it shoulld be explored further. For example, can we send it as an email attachment or must it be physically delivered, say as a pill with the notation 'add water and stir'?
Ah...but that's the real conspiracy....it only looks like a water feature!!

We are supporting the entrance of a whole sheaf of Afghans to enter the 2010 Olympics in the Salom and Downhill to prove our support is paying off. See...you gotta look at things long term...huh?  People, especially Vancouverites, have a real need to see us succeeding in Afghanistan.....and BY GOSH we'll show them some REAL success !!!  won't we ???
Old Sweat said:
As the originator of the dehydrated water theory, I think it shoulld be explored further. For example, can we send it as an email attachment or must it be physically delivered, say as a pill with the notation 'add water and stir'?

Virtual 3D dehydrated water.....love it