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  1. ImanIdiot

    Hearing protection / Aids

    Are there any retailers for these products in Edmonton? I am heading out the door pretty soon, some decent hearing protection just might be a good idea....
  2. ImanIdiot

    2006 Parliamentary Debate on AFG Mission

    oooh, vote time. The speaker of the house said he believes the motion will pass.
  3. ImanIdiot

    2006 Parliamentary Debate on AFG Mission

    I am not a doctor, so I wouldn't go into a hospital and tell a surgeon to do something different than what he is doing. To do so would be both ignorant and potentially dangerous. I wish these politicians could understand that concept.
  4. ImanIdiot

    TRADOC Changes Deep Attack Doctrine

    General William Wallace? At what point during the Battle for Baghdad did he scream, "FREEEDOMMMM!!!!!"?  ;) In all seriousness, that is some interesting info, and it makes sense, however I would think that a vehicle operating in close support would be just as vulnerable to small arms fire. Am I...
  5. ImanIdiot

    Canadian resolve weak: Taliban official

    Isn't that kind of like bitching and moaning when your office doesn't have a Christmas party, then the next year when they arrange one, you don't even go? I mean really, who does that? What a waste of resources....
  6. ImanIdiot

    "The stuff the army issues is useless" and "no non-issue kit over seas!"

    http://www.mytelus.com/news/article.do?pageID=canada_home&articleID=2206544 I stumbled upon this...hopefully I have posted the link properly. Apparently the Defense Minister thinks that a vest capable of holding 10 mags is "excessive".
  7. ImanIdiot

    Cougar Salvo 2006, 11-18 March

    Positive Points: -The live fire trg is always a valuble experience. We should do way more of this. Apparently the night shoot was a real eye                  opener to some of the new kit, as well. -Helicopters are always cool -weather cooperated for the most part. -Rental heaters turned the...
  8. ImanIdiot

    Canada vs Russia.

    Well.....that was depressing. and that was a pretty damn fast whistle on the Canadian no-goal.
  9. ImanIdiot

    Canada vs Russia.

    Did anyone catch the Kasparitis hit on Gagne? I saw them taking him off, it didn't look like he was putting any wieght on his leg once he got to the tunnel.
  10. ImanIdiot

    Joe Rogan from Fear Factor, fights a Contestant *VIDEO*

    I met Joe Rogan after he did stand up in LA a year and a half ago. He was super funny, and a real nice guy to talk to. He told a buddy and I about some girl fight he saw on Sunset Strip the night before, and was just generally very friendly. Pretty short, but powerfully built...apparently he won...
  11. ImanIdiot

    Cougar Salvo 2006, 11-18 March

    gate_guard: You are just bitter because you had to do the recce before the raid!
  12. ImanIdiot

    Cougar Salvo 2006, 11-18 March

    M410: What is the focus of this year's ex? We haven't really had a proper briefing as of yet, only that it will involve section live fire. The rumor mill suggests it will be similar to last year, which was among the best exercises I've been on.
  13. ImanIdiot

    Juice crystals in canteen, split from Re: Gun stolen from CFB Gagetown

    Just to tackle this from another angle guys, keep in mind it's not necessarily your buddy's sucking chest wound that might need cleaning. Ever get some horrid god awful painful dirt/dust/pine needle/CLP/whatever in your eyes? I don't know about you, but if i was stumbling around blinded by...
  14. ImanIdiot

    Villager tasking to Wainwright Alberta

    I patiently await a witty comment regarding the 'village idiot' tasking.....  ;D
  15. ImanIdiot

    TF 206

    Yeah my regiment is looking to put a significant number of bodies on 2-07, and RUMINT has the TF headed to everywhere short of Saturn's seventh ring (unless we are rerolled as mega-space laser-troopers, but I couldn't find that anywhere in the Conservative's defense policy), when there is a...
  16. ImanIdiot

    TF 206

    Just as a frame of reference, how long before some of the other 'stand by' TF's stood to did they get the word on what their tasking would be? Or is it just one of those things where 'when it happens, it happens'?
  17. ImanIdiot

    Will Canada respond to the Ivory Coast?

    I say delay with diplomacy, and then send TF 2-07  ;)
  18. ImanIdiot

    All things LASIK surgery (aircrew/other -- merged)

    Hello all, Not to continually beat a dead horse, but I thought I would mention I had LASIK(I opted for LASIK over PRK because of the quicker healing time- I can't take a week off work at the moment) about 50 hours ago, and so far it impresses me. The procedure itself was not fun. There is no...
  19. ImanIdiot

    A little help required from some Infantier Vets

    Mind over matter, my friend. Smaller people than you have gotten through it. As I'm sure you are learning, its much more of a mental fight than a physical one, as your mind will want to give up long before you are physically incapable of going on. You'll be fine. Happy New Year.
  20. ImanIdiot

    Even-numbered TFs

    Yes I would be inclined to agree