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Any point of trying to call CFRC for file update?


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So I am applying for NCM SEP for the NE Tech trades, and I called around the beginning of July and was told my file was just sent to Ottawa.

Now I'm assuming that if its been sent away that means that everything has cleared up to that point (references, backcheck, etc.), so if I were to call the CFRC, it would probably be out of their hands, correct? So am I just to play the waiting game now?

I know it's only been a month and some people wait years, but I would really rather not have to work a part time job while I'm going to school seeing as how it's a tough program, and something that's not going to be enjoyable to an extent. (read: math, math, math, chemistry ;))

Any advice is always appreciated, thanks in advance
Give them a call. What can it hurt?

After I applied I called to check for updates - on one call they gave me my interview/aptitude test/medical date. Following that date I called for regular updates - which usually yielded no information. However, I called one day and my file manager said "Did I not already call you - we have an offer of employment for you." My military career counsellor also suggested that by calling at appropriate intervals (i.e. once every two weeks) it lets them know that you're interested. While doing so, I made the effort not to be a pain in the butt. The file managers , MCC's, and CFRC staff are busy.

As for employment... my advice is to continue to draw income and maintain employment until you can afford your bills up until the month after you've started your BMQ. 

In general patience is more than a virtue - it's a necessity. The process can be slow I hear. Though, in my case my application date to BMQ start date was under 6 months.
MGB's advice is spot on. The forces is a large bureaucracy and thus is subject to all the issues that entail. Don't harass them, but a call every couple of weeks goes a long ways. I'm in the waiting game stage myself. I'm not particularly thrilled with my current job but it pays the bill; I'm not going to give my notice there until I have a confirmed employment offer from the Forces.

You always have the option (depending on your province) while schooling of applying for student loans if you feel working while studying is too onerous.
Thanks for the advice guys. Ended up calling, but apparently my file manager isn't going to be in until Monday, I guess I'm waiting til then!
Once a week worked well for me, either by phone or e-mail!!!! persistance and patience will pay off in the end.

Ravens22 said:
Thanks for the advice guys. Ended up calling, but apparently my file manager isn't going to be in until Monday, I guess I'm waiting til then!

How did your phone call go?