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Anyone have an open file right now?

CDN Aviator said:
The only person that can possibly answer that is.......YOU

I think he was asking with the thought of being laid off...

Your employment is secure. Individual trades may change, but your employment is secure. It takes extraneous circumstances to be released ("let go"). If you leave in 5 years, it really is up to you.
I applied back in august, did my apt testing, going in for interview in march
I applied in March 2009 from CFRC Toronto. The security clearance procedure took a year and now I am waiting for the April intake.
I have applied for DEO, Armour.
a Sig Op said:
I think he was asking with the thought of being laid off...

Your employment is secure. Individual trades may change, but your employment is secure. It takes extraneous circumstances to be released ("let go"). If you leave in 5 years, it really is up to you.

Precisely. The NE Techs are 4 year contracts with additional initial time based on education inside or outside the CF.  That's exactly what I was asking because I've heard about layoffs in certain trades and positions.  As a matter of fact an Army guy I had played ball with was forced to move because his trade was required at a different base here in Ontario.  It was about 3 months before he could retire with a pension and I don't think that he had much choice in the matter if he wanted to receive the benefit.  Tough on the family unit, eh!?

Thanks for your post NavyHopeful.  These trades have been In Demand for a couple of years now.  Same thing at CFRC Barrie.  In our group, a Construction Engineering Officer (Air Force) hopeful and myself appeared to have been the only ones applying for trades In Demand.  Most of the other applicants are for Infantry and Armour / Infantry, I think.  They're lengthy lists I hear ...

I had applied last Fall as well, had app closed, and then reopened based on conversations with the Sgt at the CFRC.  REALLY helpful guy.

My CFAT was awesome, my background checks are going on right now, have interview with an Officer this week, and medical exam in a week and a half.  Am working out in my spare time as usual.

Maybe see you at BMQ.  :cdn:
mwc said:
good stuff, which trades did you apply for?

Orginally I applied for infantry, combat arms and weapson tech. Now I'm going in for armored since infantry is closed.  I have a friend thats with the dragoons, and talked to him and he said that armored is fun. You drive lavs and other vehicles (and very rarely you *might* see a leopard, but don't hold your breath).
Did you get word that armoured is open? I ask because I applied for a different trade a year ago (qualified for all trades NCM and Officer) and armoured is my second choice and when i was at the CFRC not even a month ago they said it was still closed...just curious if they said any different to you
Dubya said:
Did you get word that armoured is open? I ask because I applied for a different trade a year ago (qualified for all trades NCM and Officer) and armoured is my second choice and when i was at the CFRC not even a month ago they said it was still closed...just curious if they said any different to you

Is it 1 April 2011 yet?
George Wallace said:
Is it 1 April 2011 yet?

The CFRCs wont even be open yet on the 1st and there will already have been 50 facking posts asking if the poster's pet trade is open or "its April 1st....why havent i got a call yet ??"
And the site owner, I've heard, has a bit of a reputation for things happening on 1 April.
Stacked said:
Oh April 1'st should be hilarious on this website. I can't wait.

You don't have to wait until 1st of April.  The site has some pretty hilarious posts already.......especially those posted by people who claim to have an education but post like someone in kindergarten.  :facepalm:
Thanks for your post NavyHopeful.  These trades have been In Demand for a couple of years now.  Same thing at CFRC Barrie.  In our group, a Construction Engineering Officer (Air Force) hopeful and myself appeared to have been the only ones applying for trades In Demand.  Most of the other applicants are for Infantry and Armour / Infantry, I think.  They're lengthy lists I hear ...

I had 5 other recruits with me:  1 was going for infantry officer, 1 for armoured reserve, and the rest were going for sig ops.  They looked at me like I had lost my marbles when I told them I was going Navy  ;D  You live in the Barrie area???  I used to live in Cookstown.  Has it really turned into an extension of Toronto in the last five years or so???

[quoteI had applied last Fall as well, had app closed, and then reopened based on conversations with the Sgt at the CFRC.  REALLY helpful guy.

My CFAT was awesome, my background checks are going on right now, have interview with an Officer this week, and medical exam in a week and a half.  Am working out in my spare time as usual.[/quote]

Yeah, my Sgt has been really helpful, even with the limited info on my trades at his CFRC.  He's the one that actually pointed me towards this site, so I should send him a thank you (but I don't want to draw unneccesary attention to him, so I'll just say "Thanks Sgt!!!")

I've already done all of my testing, and I think all of my checks are done too.  Now it's the "wait" portion of the "hurry up and wait" motto of military life that I've been told is in abundance, and to get used to.  They say patience is a virtue, but anyone who knows me would not confuse me with a virtuous person...  not in the least!!  ;) ;D

Maybe see you at BMQ. 

Maybe... you never know...

Good luck with your application.  Let me know how you do...

You live in the Barrie area???  I used to live in Cookstown.  Has it really turned into an extension of Toronto in the last five years or so???
I'm about 2 or 2 and a half hours away and it's the closest CFRC to home.

It really is an extension these days.  My cousin who was living there, she's moved down to around Bradford to help solve the lengthy commute to work in Toronto.  What a wasted day!  1.5 to 2 hours on the road everyday at the start of and end of an 8 or 12 hour shift.

Now it's the "wait" portion of the "hurry up and wait" motto ...

Damned straight!  Wait, wait, wait .....
I have had everything complete since august of 2010, i applied December of 2009. was merit listed for NWT in October 2010 and am still wait to have a job offer, its a pain all this waiting, but hopefully in april i will be picked up and off to BMQ cause i am also going NCMSEP in september so hopefully im able to get my BMQ done before i go off to school.
I have an application in Field Arty reserves right now... Going down to the recruiting centre this week to switch off to Infantry in the Regs... Anyone have any clue how long the wait (approximately) will be if I get everything done by about April 15th? I'd rather not wait so long to be part of the Forces cause I've been wanting to join since I was about 13 or 14. Though on the bright side, I might be able to finish highschool if the wait is long.
You realize RegF infantry is closed and probably won't open on 1 April right?
PuckChaser said:
You realize RegF infantry is closed and probably won't open on 1 April right?

From what I've heard. Is there a thread or something with any info about when it will?
PMedMoe said:

Thanks... Kind of confusing though. So I have to wait until a time near when infantry will be open then hope I get on the merit list? Why don't they just gather all the applications while the trade is "closed" and review them when they're open? Oh well, I'm more than willing to wait a year or two to get a chance for this.
Could you perhaps explain this to me? Or point me to a thread that explains what exactly I'm going to have to go through? This is so confusing and I never saw anything of this nature on my "Steps to enlist" papers I got from the recruiters (surprise, surprise, eh?)
The recruiting system is not going to waste time collecting applications for a trade that is at 120% manning levels. They're going to process paperwork for trades the CF needs right now. If they forecast that Infantry will open up due to attrition in the CF, then they'll take files and merit list them.