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Anyone have an open file right now?

BrandonM said:
Thanks... Kind of confusing though. So I have to wait until a time near when infantry will be open then hope I get on the merit list? Why don't they just gather all the applications while the trade is "closed" and review them when they're open? Oh well, I'm more than willing to wait a year or two to get a chance for this.
Could you perhaps explain this to me? Or point me to a thread that explains what exactly I'm going to have to go through? This is so confusing and I never saw anything of this nature on my "Steps to enlist" papers I got from the recruiters (surprise, surprise, eh?)

You'll just have to be patient.  The trades will open when they open.  It's been said here before that there's no sense in processing applications when there are no openings.
PuckChaser said:
The recruiting system is not going to waste time collecting applications for a trade that is at 120% manning levels. They're going to process paperwork for trades the CF needs right now. If they forecast that Infantry will open up due to attrition in the CF, then they'll take files and merit list them.

Good point. I should have looked at the big picture. Just kind of bummed out I might have to wait a few years to be infantry  :-[
Dubya said:
Did you get word that armoured is open? I ask because I applied for a different trade a year ago (qualified for all trades NCM and Officer) and armoured is my second choice and when i was at the CFRC not even a month ago they said it was still closed...just curious if they said any different to you

This was after the cfat, he asked what i wanted to do, i said id like infantry but knew it would probably be closed, so i said id like to do armoured, he said ok. come back in the middle of march to set up an interview date and medical... wasnt much to it.. This being said, I have never once said armored is open, im just telling you what MY recruiting process has been like.