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Boot, General Purpose (Mk III acting/interim replacement)

His OLD boots fit, the new REPLACEMENT boot doesn't.  This has given him cause for concern.
Fact: My foot size fits within the sizing template. Mk 3s fit me.

Opinion: my new boots (which are the narrowest size) feel too big in the heel.

With the ref given, is my opinion enough vs the fact that my foot still fits inside the sizing template?

ps- not like getting a chit for boots is difficult for me...I want ducks in a row here before I jump into a puddle.
SMMT, my problem seems to be the same.  Although, I must say that my MKIII boots don't fit me perfectly, but my heel is not sliding up and down, either.

If, when wearing the narrowest sized GPB and the CSS, the speed lacing loopholes touch, or if your foot travels, then you need and deserve special sizing footwear.  It's not a matter of opinion.

If the boots don't fit because you wear non-issued socks, then it's not the system responsibility.
MedTech said:
polishing any form of combat boots = dumb.

It is, and I think so, and I'm sure many of you think so as well. The idiocy that goes behind polishing your damn combat boots is mind boggling. If you want a shiny pair of boots while in garrison wear garrison boots. Oh yeah... remember those? The Corcoran Jump Boots that they decided would be really really great addition to the fold?! Let's bring THOOOSE back shall we?

If not... no polishing boots while in combat clothing. Makes no damn sense a tall.

I want to know if you're talking the old garrison boots (which sucked royally), or the SSF boots (which rocked and made many a guy look even hotter than I already saw them to be)? Vern's getting visuals and having flashbacks ...  >:D
St. Micheals Medical Team said:
So today I took in my boots for exchange, only to find that my size 260/94 is the narrowest width provided in these boots. The young Cpl shows me in the sizing book that they do not make any 260's any narrower. So I ask what should I do. He tells me to get a medical chit. But remembering the article below (which does not quote over), I say, Med chit? but I don't have orthotics. He says it does not matter, I need a med chit to get proper fitting boots.

Not one to argue when I am not sure, I thank him, and go on my way...To find, from the ref that I was right.

Young Pte is wrong. It is a sizing issue. No medical chit is required. Just copy that ref onto a word doc and take it in with you next trip ...  ;)

Seems that there are a great MANY people having the same issue with the boots, GP as yourself.

At least 5 members of this site have PMd me noting that the GP boots were fitting quite nicely up at the toe/arch, but that the heels were way too wide and that their feet were riding up/down and sideways. All that I could recommend to try was to ensure that (because the boots ARE speed lacing) that one ensured the laces were very snug from the arch all the way to the top and that they were knotted tightly. With speed lacing, any looseness in the laces up top on the shin area WILL travel downwards and loosen up over the heel/arch area. Boot laces will also loosen themselves up over the course of the day, so make sure they are very nice and tight at the start of the day. I've told them, that if trying that doesn't solve the problem ... then head back in to clothing for either narrower boots (and if none narrower in your length size) ... the below ref becomes applicable.

Given that you're the 6th person just from this site to mention the same problem -- it seems there may indeed be a problem with the GPs that may need to be addressed.

I'll have to check to see if anyone's UCRd this one already.


Edited to add:

It seems that the problem is that in giving us MORE leeway and room at the arch/ankle curve of the new GP boot, they have given us TOO much room for play. As the GP boots are being worn and the leather stretches - it is stretching out at the ankles/heels/arch area where ones foot is constantly bending/stretching the leather with each step they take. That's what I see the problem to be with these boots given the PMs I've received about them and from comments at work. Perhaps, some of the leeway they've given us with this design -- is the issue and these boots need to be "narrowed down" through the arch/heel curvature are.

I'm going to have to head over to clothing and try a pair out ... my own foot is much wider up front than it is in the heel area and my archs aren't very high either, so I suspect I will experience the same problems noted ...

Bzzliteyr said:
But will they go well with chaps?


Black. Leather. Knee High. 4 inch heels. That's the boots that go with the chaps -- perhaps next time I'm dressed up ... I'll snap a pic for you as proof.
- I also have found a bit of heel slip in the GPCBs.  My best fit occurs when I leave in the issue insoles and put my orthotics on top of them. 
ArmyVern said:
I want to know if you're talking the old garrison boots (which sucked royally), or the SSF boots (which rocked and made many a guy look even hotter than I already saw them to be)? Vern's getting visuals and having flashbacks ...  >:D

The UBER UGLY Garrisons... the SSF boots would just cause an influx of boot lovers into the CF ;)
Vern, that's odd.. that's the boot I am going to try to wear with my CFs today on parade, think anyone will notice?
Bzzliteyr said:
Vern, that's odd.. that's the boot I am going to try to wear with my CFs today on parade, think anyone will notice?

You have been issued VHHBs!!??  :o

Post pics -- for sure.  >:D
MedTech said:
The UBER UGLY Garrisons... the SSF boots would just cause an influx of boot lovers into the CF ;)

Well that would be a funny addition to my boot shoe collection.  I said that once and had the commissioners at accommodation's (Gagetown) look at me like I had 4 heads; till I started naming off all the different boots  ::))
And so the saga continues:

Went back to Supply and luck of the draw, was fortunate to encounter the same young Pte as I seen yesterday. Armed with the ref provided, he saw that it was not a chit I required, and that correctly he needed to get me special boots.

Unsure what the next step is, he seeks advice from his MCpl. The MCpl gets me to step on the sizing template. Because my feet fit inside the template, I do not require special boots as the template says that these boots will fit. My templated size is 260/100. Obviously that size is too big as my boots I have been wearing is 260/96. So he get the young Pte to get me size 255/100 and 255/92. I can even get my foot into the 255/92. But my foot easily slid into the 255/100, but was still too wide.

Then the Pte brings out a 255/96. That pair fits the best so far. Unfortunately, I still have the speed lacing touching. So he has me try 250/100. Too short.

So the MCpl states that that 255/96 is the size I need. Of course there are none on the shelf so they have to order me 2 pr in. 

Time line until I get boots...unknown.
time spent in line at clothing stores....50 mins
time spent sizing boots......45 mins
1 pr of SWATS.....$105
Working in a unit that does not care what you got on your feet as long as its black....priceless
St. Micheals Medical Team said:
Time line until I get boots...unknown.
time spent in line at clothing stores....50 mins
time spent sizing boots......45 mins
1 pr of SWATS.....$105
Working in a unit that does not care what you got on your feet as long as its black....priceless

Enjoy the School LMAO ;D
Because my feet fit inside the template, I do not require special boots as the template says that these boots will fit.

I hate it! :'(

Time line until I get boots...unknown.
time spent in line at clothing stores....50 mins
time spent sizing boots......45 mins
1 pr of SWATS.....$105
Working in a unit that does not care what you got on your feet as long as its black....priceless

I love it! ;D
- A long in the tooth Clothing Stores civ told me those sizing templates were garbage.  Basically, they tell you which boot to try on first, not which size actually fits you.

- So, you are replacing a 260/96 with a 255/96?  Too wide at the heel, so they give you shorter boots?  Sure, why not add a case of "Hammer Toe" to blistered heels?

- If they do not re-issue the boots that you are trying out for a week at a time to someone else, they are wasting a lot more money than a pair of COTS boots is worth.
TCBF said:
- So, you are replacing a 260/96 with a 255/96?  Too wide at the heel, so they give you shorter boots?  Sure, why not add a case of "Hammer Toe" to blistered heels?

Exactly what I'm thinking as I read this.

If a 260(length)/96(width) is too wide for you, but fits in the length ... then you need narrower boots. Period. The template IS only a guide showing the Sup Tech where to begin trying you for size. If the boot's too long, we move you down in length. If the boot's too wide - we move you down in width. Etc. We don't move you down in length when the boot's length is FINE. At least, that's NOT supposed to be what happens ... did they read the instructions that tell them how to use the template? Should anyone really need instructions to know this?  ::)

So the MCpls move is to put you into a 255(shorter)/96(same width) boot? When your boot was fine in length, but too wide at the heel. Ni-iiice.

THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. Don't be afraid to tell the Clothing Stores Supervisor that either.

ArmyVern said:
THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. Don't be afraid to tell the Clothing Stores Supervisor that either.

The wording I used was something like "this boot sizing is ......". But this discussion is with the MCpl.

ArmyVern said:
So the MCpls move is to put you into a 255(shorter)/96(same width) boot? When your boot was fine in length, but too wide at the heel. Ni-iiice.

These (255/96) boots actually fit me the best. My heel does not slip, albeit the lacing touch, as mentioned above. But until I can get them and wear them for a full day, I won't know if they are good or not.  :-\
Either way, the next time I need to exchange boots, it will be in Borden.

Looking down at the boots I have on my feet (GP) I see that my speedlaces are touching.  Does this mean they aren't fitting me correctly?  Over my years in the military I have seen all kinds of people, some with thick ankles and some with thin.  I can't see how that is related to foot size?  Or am I not following the link between the two in this case?
