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Boot, General Purpose (Mk III acting/interim replacement)

George Wallace said:
Went for a 13 km practice for the BFT, with light load, and my feet are a mess.  I have blisters on the balls of both feet that are three inches long; both heals are ripped to s*#@; and I have blisters on the tops of two toes on my right foot. 

These boots are not made for walking (any great distance).  Don't think I'll go get my second set.

Seems to be the general consensus around here too.

Formation March of a mere 5km last Friday morning (I missed it - I was standing outside in the smoking area of CFSAL shaking my head in amazement at the complete gaggle-fuck [and shitty treatment of the troops in it] that is called "PretC"- that 'lil Unit has GOT to sort itself out and get a grip) sees a very high percentage of personnel who wore those boots with very screwed up feet this week due to blistering etc.

Eerily, their feet were fine after their 13km Marches in May in June when not wearing the GPs. 
George Wallace said:
Don't think I'll go get my second set.

When I was running some errands this week I asked clothing what the chances were of getting my second set of GP's. Apparently we can only have 1 set on charge for the time being because they are still coming into the system. So looks like I'm stuck with only one pair. Oh, and I did my BFT yesterday, with orthotics in. Oh tell me about hamburger. Hot spots all over the bottoms, blisters. As much as I like the GP for everyday wear I do miss having a nice set of MKIII's.
George Wallace said:
Well.  I got issued a pair in July.  Comfortable.  Love the speed lacing.  Nice pair of slippers............Been wearing them for three months.  Now that all ends.  Went for a 13 km practice for the BFT last Thursday, with light load, and my feet are a mess.  I have blisters on the balls of both feet that are three inches long; both heals are ripped to s*#@; and I have blisters on the tops of two toes on my right foot. 

These boots are not made for walking (any great distance).  Don't think I'll go get my second set.

I'll do the BFT in my old Mk III's with Vibram soles.

Me too.

Last Wednesday we did the BFT in 2:15 and I wore the dreaded 'blister raisers' for the first time just to see what would happen (NTS - you idiot). The pace was fine, and all on flat trails and paved paths as well. The weather was perfect.

The balls of both feet are now toasted and both big toes are smashed with toenails starting to shed like the leaves off my big maple tree out front. In my time on this earth I've covered several thousand miles of it on foot, in one type of army boot or another mostly, and I can honestly say that these are the worst I've ever worn for any kind of distance marching (left hand on heart, right hand raised palm outwards now). Thank God we didn't do anythiing like a hill session, or in wet conditions, or the rest of my feet would be fit for Hamburger Helper too.

Unfortuantely they're the only issued boots, apart from the CWW boot, that fit my orthotics. My good ol' Mk IIIs just don't work anymore with the orthotics fitted.

20-20 hindsight - I should have worn my $250 Danners.

By the left, quick... limp!
Now that I'm thinking of it, I might just get that pair of MkIII's, and start learning to go without the orthotics sometimes. It would be really nice to have a pair of boots that are comfortable on the Big F***ing Trek.
-Ah-yup: Did BFT on Friday with GPCBs and had a bloody right SockWoolGrey to show for it.  Foot sliding all over the place inside the boot.  Too loose at the sides of the heel.

- As of last spring, my Mk. IIIs had worn out.  They had been Vibram soled four years ago and then Wainwright Clo Stores had soaked the upper in alcohol and put the turnscrews inside the boots to raise the upper over the instep.  I then asked for the orthotics WITHOUT PADDING to make them thinner.  With black 'white line' socks I could ruck for miles with them. 

- But once they wore out, Base Clo said there was no local contractor in Wx to Vibram new Mk. IIIs, so I ended up with two pair of GPCBs, which come in my length, but not my width.

- The saga continues...
OK, we all know the drill, we bitch about the stuff we hate but stay quiet on good things, so......

Does anybody actually have good stories about the GP Boot?
[ for those of us whom only know what we read]
Bruce Monkhouse said:
OK, we all know the drill, we ***** about the stuff we hate but stay quiet on good things, so......

Does anybody actually have good stories about the GP Boot?
[ for those of us whom only know what we read]

Mine stretched out nicely. Over the span of two weeks. I purposely got them three sizes to short and narrow (remember the sizing is different in these, so three sizes is not that much at all). Now they are too big. No water required.

Oh, they lace up fast, so getting out the door in the morning is a breeze (just no running, feet move around in them too much).

They are still comfortable in my office/lecture room setting. I wear my Magnums for marching/field training.
Bruce Monkhouse said:
OK, we all know the drill, we ***** about the stuff we hate but stay quiet on good things, so......

Does anybody actually have good stories about the GP Boot?
[ for those of us whom only know what we read]

Well, there was this robber once. He was running away so I picked up the boot and proceeded to throw it at him. The boot itself actually fell short of it's mark by about 15 feet. The good news is that because the boot was so heavy, I strained my shoulder when I picked it up and finally tore a ligament when I went to retreive it - now I receive a big pension!! On another note, the theif got away with 3 blue pens and my calculator. I really miss that calculator.

Sorry for the sarcasm, but I work in Supply and can find absolutely nothing good about this boot. I'm still pushing for Vern's infamous "Boot Allowance".
Bruce Monkhouse said:
OK, we all know the drill, we ***** about the stuff we hate but stay quiet on good things, so......

Does anybody actually have good stories about the GP Boot?
[ for those of us whom only know what we read]

I enjoy the boot for every day wear, it broke in very well, love the speed lacing, and the sizing variations are marvelous. I just don't ever want to do a BFT with them again is all.
Chapeski said:
I enjoy the boot for every day wear, it broke in very well, love the speed lacing, and the sizing variations are marvelous. I just don't ever want to do a BFT with them again is all.

- I am in the same boat.  BUT...  If not for BFTs/field/etc we wouldn't need boots at all.  So if they give us boots GP, they should be GP and not just "Boots, Office."
What with the boots, office, will we now also get Pants, CADPAT, Office, with Ass, Reinforced, for Chair sitting, extended?  Here in Ottawa there are a considerable number of people who seem to be wearing out something other than the knees of their uniforms.
dapaterson said:
What with the boots, office, will we now also get Pants, CADPAT, Office, with Ass, Reinforced, for Chair sitting, extended?  Here in Ottawa there are a considerable number of people who seem to be wearing out something other than the knees of their uniforms.

Don't forget the reinforced elbows.  It provides padding as well as extra reinforcement for those who lean forward and use their elbows to prop their heads up as they doze monitor their screens or just watch the world go by.
You could also add SHIRT, CADPAT, BROWN-NOSER w/reinforced, lubricated collar and shoulders for those who constantly seem to have their head up their superiors a**, which would be issued along with PANTS, CADPAT, ARSE-KISSER w/reinforced padded knees [only to be worn immediately preceding PER and/or posting season].  Emergency issue would be limited to temp loan the day of Career Mngr meetings, CRBs and Summary Trials.
TCBF said:
- I am in the same boat.  BUT...  If not for BFTs/field/etc we wouldn't need boots at all.  So if they give us boots GP, they should be GP and not just "Boots, Office."

Not really an office Rat. I'm in the warehouse most of the time, or POL compound. When not in those places you can often find my boots sticking out from under a truck. I do not spend my day walking 13 km with a ruck on. I use my boots very well, I enjoy them, but on the really long walks, they hurt, especially the orthotics part. If it wasn't for those I'd still have the MkIII's as I've stated before.
Eye In The Sky said:
PANTS, CADPAT, ARSE-KISSER w/reinforced padded knees [only to be worn immediately preceding PER and/or posting season]. 

Nah, that'd be:

Pads, knee, cadpat TW, adjustable, with side pocket, stowage; issued with Towlette, moist, chin.
P/O CL IOU12 Carrier, PER Kit.


ArmyVern said:
Nah, that'd be:

Pads, knee, cadpat TW, adjustable, with side pocket, stowage; issued with Towlette, moist, chin.
P/O CL IOU12 Carrier, PER Kit.


ArmyVern said:
Nah, that'd be:

Pads, knee, cadpat TW, adjustable, with side pocket, stowage; issued with Towlette, moist, chin.
P/O CL IOU12 Carrier, PER Kit.


Typical supply system.  Folks need them in CADPAT AR now, and you're still shipping CADPAT TW.

dapaterson said:
Typical supply system.  Folks need them in CADPAT AR now, and you're still shipping CADPAT TW.


Different kit altogether;  ;)

Pads, knee, cadpat AR, adjustable, with side pocket, stowage. Issued with: Tube, chapstick, retractable; 2 ea Towlette, moist, facial; Googles, sun, wind, dust, moistureproof.
P/O CL ICU812 Carrier, Kit, Theatre-PER.

ArmyVern said:
Nah, that'd be:

Pads, knee, cadpat TW, adjustable, with side pocket, stowage; issued with Towlette, moist, chin.
P/O CL IOU12 Carrier, PER Kit.


HAHAHHAHAHAHAA!  That's a classic  :rofl: