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Boot, General Purpose (Mk III acting/interim replacement)

Eye In The Sky said:
HAHAHHAHAHAHAA!  That's a classic  :rofl:

I've been calling those damn kneepads "PER Kits" for years now (well at least 3 years now) ...

They do make for some wonderful moments  when people are least expecting them.
Bruce Monkhouse said:
OK, we all know the drill, we ***** about the stuff we hate but stay quiet on good things, so......

Does anybody actually have good stories about the GP Boot?
[ for those of us whom only know what we read]

Well, if you insist: they're the same colour as most of the boot polish I already have.

I did a BFT in the GP boots, didn't have too much of a problem. One small hotspot, but that was about it. They are significantly better for my feet than the MK IIIs were, but by no means perfect.
PuckChaser said:
I did a BFT in the GP boots, didn't have too much of a problem. One small hotspot, but that was about it. They are significantly better for my feet than the MK IIIs were, but by no means perfect.

Two points:

1) You're crazy; and

2) You're also one of the rare lucky ones apparently.
PuckChaser said:
I did a BFT in the GP boots, didn't have too much of a problem. One small hotspot, but that was about it. They are significantly better for my feet than the MK IIIs were, but by no means perfect.

Must be a pirate with two wooden legs? Yarrrrrr!
I already have problems with my feet, that the Physio department here dubbed as a "comfort issue", so I figured if I really screwed up my feet, they'd listen. Kinda backfired, I guess. Keep in mind I also have the special blue insoles that Physio in Kingston gives out on foot parade, so it snugs the boots up a fair bit for me. Without them, I can definately see the problems people have been having, there is a lot of play in those boots.
I must be one of the only guys I know in my Coy who has no complaints about the GPs. I've been wearing them every day for over a year now, and I've only ever once had a blister from them... because I got dressed in a real hurry and somehow got a small rock in the bottom of my boot. I don't use the issued insoles though, I have some green ones (the name escapes me ATM) I bought at Sportcheck for 20-some dollars. I've not once had a problem with my feet in those boots. All the guys I did my DP-1 with bought SWATs or whatever within a couple weeks of getting to Btn, while I get 112$ of extra booze.

Well, I'm at least one satisfied customer. As a side note, The Civvie Supp tech told me that the size I was issued is the largest they manufacture (305/116), which is why it took about 6 months for me to receive my second pair. Vern, can you confirm/deny this?
Just got my old pair of Mk III back from being resoled.  The cobbler said something interesting about the GPs.  Apparently the heel cup uses paper or cardboard as a support.  Once this get wet, either from the outside or inside the support is pretty much gone.

Anyone ripped a pair apart in anger or actually knows if this is correct?
Maybe it would be easier for the army to just issue new feet vs. withdraw the GP crippler from service and replace it with a proper, non casualty inducing boot? ;D
PuckChaser said:
I did a BFT in the GP boots, didn't have too much of a problem. One small hotspot, but that was about it. They are significantly better for my feet than the MK IIIs were, but by no means perfect.

I had the MkIII on IAP and the GP on  BOTP.  While the vibrum soles were heaven on my knees, the boot was murder on my feet.

In my experience:
MkIII pros:  almost NO blisters, hot spots.
cons: NEVER dry

GP pros: for just walking around garrison, very comfortable, vibrum soles are great, dry extremely well
cons: blisters like effing crazy.  while fine for garrison, after about 3 days in Farnham my feet were hamburger held together by second skin and tape.

plus.  IMHO, the GP's are a little mickey mouse looking compared to the MkIII's.
AirCanuck said:

plus.  IMHO, the GP's are a little mickey mouse looking compared to the MkIII's.

It is just a matter of "Acquired Taste".
In a weird ironic twist, I should never have given back my Mk IIIs and one set of Aircrew boots.  I ended up with Matterhorns, Magnums and kept a set of Aircrews, but when dealing with Winnipeg winter (and the ice-skate properties of Matterhorn/Magnum soles), I'm back to wearing Aircrew boots and wishing for Mk IIIs.  :-[
Have you thought of these ?


geo said:
Have you thought of these ?



Whilst I've never used either of those, I'm currently using a set of Yaktrax on a set of old Marine Corps 'Infantry Combat Boots' which have the same Vibram Sierra outsole as the CF Wet Weather Boot (pre-resole project) and the difference in terms of grip and traction is night and day.  I was constantly slipping and falling as the Vibram sole became like hockey pucks. With the Yaktrax on, I'd be hard pressed to fall due to slipping on ice or compact snow.
Have been using the ice trekkers.... great piece of kit - keeps my a$$ wher it's supposed to be.... off the ground.
Bit of a problem slipping em on in the morning in my present condition - 3rd try at Quad repair after having a bad fall with CF WWB (with post-resoled vibram) - completely sectioned the quad...

They,re rough on the hardwood floors. 
AirCanuck said:
The traction aids have carbide tips. 
Having a trashed knee, I have to be seated to get anywhere near my foot & put the darned thing on - THEN & only then am I ready to head out the door.
Clitty clack, clitty clack, clitty clack... Have resorted to laying a towel on the floor to spare my floor
forgive me for laughing, it just paints a funny image.  Certainly not laughing at your pain  :salute:
... seeing what I did to MY kitchen floor really hurts !!!
Now my wife will want me to refinish the floors.....