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Comparing the Regiments (PPCLI, RCR, and R22eR) and thier bases

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i severed with 2 ppcli when it was in the city of Winnipeg i don't no about shilo but once a ppcli always a ppcli
back in my days they told you whear you will be going i got luckly and was posted to 2ppcli yes the cowboy rigement
2PPCLI 1978 said:
back in my days they told you whear you will be going i got luckly and was posted to 2ppcli yes the cowboy rigement
Hell, I think back in my day, 1994, they even told me where I was going and it was 1 RCR in Petawawa.
jasonf6 said:
Hell, I think back in my day, 1994, they even told me where I was going and it was 1 RCR in Petawawa.
Same for me just substitute 1978 for 1994 &  London for Petawawa.
I need to know if there are any differences or advantages to joining either of the regiments. I am being assigned to PPCLI  but I'd like to rebadge to RCR so that I can be in Ontario closer to home. Are there any other reasons besides that why I should want to join RCR?? Or are there any reasons why I should want to stay PPCLI and move away?
No. Nature and quality of training will vary based on many things. Regimental affiliation won't be one of them.
Jeffpursley said:
I need to know if there are any differences or advantages to joining either of the regiments. I am being assigned to PPCLI  but I'd like to rebadge to RCR so that I can be in Ontario closer to home. Are there any other reasons besides that why I should want to join RCR?? Or are there any reasons why I should want to stay PPCLI and move away?

The RCR. The only difference between training in the different regiments is each has their own distinct parade moves. I did my battle school in Wainwright, but was posted to Petawawa and still fail every time I try The RCR halt.
Cutting the proverbial umbilical cord may be a reason to go west.  Plus Alberta chicks are hot!
Jeffpursley said:
I need to know if there are any differences or advantages to joining either of the regiments.

You may find some answers here:
mariomike said:
You may find some answers here:

And merged....

Milnet.ca Staff
Jeffpursley said:
I need to know if there are any differences or advantages to joining either of the regiments. I am being assigned to PPCLI  but I'd like to rebadge to RCR so that I can be in Ontario closer to home. Are there any other reasons besides that why I should want to join RCR?? Or are there any reasons why I should want to stay PPCLI and move away?

I was in quite a while ago and things changed drastically just as/after I was getting out. I had spent my entire life in Ontario and wound up with the PPCLI. A lot would depend on your age and what you are looking for as far as the environment you'd like to live. I spent most of my service time in Calgary with 1 PPCLI, it was a great place and were I to return to Canada would be my first choice of places to live. Unfortunately CFB Calgary like the garrisons in London and Winnipeg was shuttered. 

The PPCLI have 2 battalions in Edmonton and 1 in Shiloh. The RCR have 2 in Petawawa and 1 in Gagetown. I spent some time in both Edmonton and Petawawa. Edmonton was a nice city, decently sized, it could be pretty damn cold and lacked Calgary's proximity to the mountains. I've never been to Shiloh/Brandon or Gagetown and can't comment. Petawawa winters are no treat, a perk is it has great proximity to some amazing national parks, but the biggest problem with Petawawa is it's size. Petawawa is a small town of some 15000 people. While garrisoned there I spent a lot of time driving home or to Ottawa/Montreal. It can be a tough place to be male and single.  While growing up I lived in a small town, a city of 70,000 and one of the largest cities in Canada. I personally didn't like living in Pet, we were young it was small and the base was big, the number of bars and places to go was extremely limited and swarming with military personnel. Off duty pretty much consisted of drinking, inter branch/regimental fighting, male to female ratio was horrible and led to more fights with other service members, townies and across the border in Quebec. I was fortunate and had a friend that had a place we could crash in Ottawa and spent most of my time there. Calgary was the exact opposite. The guys from 1VP that wound up reposted in Edmonton after Calgary really liked it as a garrison and place to live.

I would take some time and read through this thread on the forum. I am sure things are different post 9/11 and 12 years later. I don' t mean to disparage or say one way was better than the other. While I was in the regimental culture of the PPCLI and RCR were slightly different. It's tough to put into words but the RCR being the senior infantry regiment seemed to put more emphasis on and considered themselves the keepers of the trappings, ceremonial, pageantry and parade squarish aspect of military life. Whereas I found the PPCLI being a younger/western based regiment to be more cowboyish, individualistic and less caught up in the mundane and trivial matters of military life and more concerned with the soldiering aspects of military life. In the 3 years I was posted in Calgary I wore my DEUs for Remembrance Day and the Mens Christmas Dinner as well as a couple of funerals and a parade and I wore my Garrison Dress all of once to work an NCO dinner. They are both great Regiments with great tradition and soldiers from all across Canada. Ultimately the regimental family and section/platoon/company bond is what will make the military home, that experience will be there regardless of where you wind up.

How far is home from Petawawa? The infantry isn't like a regular job where you schedule your vacation. The army will tell you when you get block leave and for how long, that's when you take the time to drive/fly home. If home is a four hour drive from Pet you'll make it there much less than you think.

I would proudly serve with either the PPCLI, the RCR, or the 22nd.

That being said, I enjoy firearms and target shooting/hunting. Quebec has the worst civilian firearms laws in Canada, therefor living in Quebec would be my last choice. I love Quebec, but not as a gun owner. Edmonton would be my first choice, Ontario (my home province) would be second.
Sythen said:
The RCR. The only difference between training in the different regiments is each has their own distinct parade moves. I did my battle school in Wainwright, but was posted to Petawawa and still fail every time I try The RCR halt.
Try this.
When i joined I was sent to London for TQ3 after Cornwallis.
There at the time they used the 4 count for drill. 1-2-3-4-1
Not long after that they changed to the more standard 3 count of 1-2-3-1.
I was in the Reserves from 2011 - 2012(2nd Battalion Royal Newfoundland Reg) then got out. I then waited a year so I re-enlisted got all my processing done(Interviews, test, medical, etc.) then my recruiter asked where I would like to be stationed. Either in the RCR or PPCLI. I've been thinking hard about this and I live in Newfoundland so you would think I would like to go to RCR because I have a chance of getting into 2RCR which is kind of close to home. The problem is as I look up history of the two Regiments I took notice that it looks like the PPCLI has a bigger history and they do a lot more training exercises and such. Forgive me if I am wrong but I want the best experience if I get called to go back into service. Its really difficult deciding which too choose from of the two Regiments.

My two trades I chose was Infantry and Combat Engineer. I had down Artillery Soldier also but I felt that I wasn't very strongly loving it so I decided to cross that one out.

Thanks for any advice or information you guys can give me.
Both the PPCLI and The RCR do multiple training exercises and courses during the year.  As well,  I don't know what you mean by "bigger history", but both regiments have served in numerous wars and overseas missions, as well as a list of battle honours and unit commendations.

This thread with info on all 3 Reg Force infantry regiments may be of interest to you
Jim Seggie said:
A good number of Patricias are Newfoundlanders. Salt of the earth they are.

As are a lot of Royals too. Mind Newfs and members of the RNLDR do tend to turn up in all sorts of places. 8)
SeR said:
Why not the Van Doos?  >:D

[out of lane] 

If I was Infantry, I'd say Quebec City or surrounds was a better posting than almost anywhere, including Edmonton.

Heck, if I was Tac Hel, I'd say the same.

[/out of lane]
They are all the same for the most part it just depends on where you want to live.  I would say the 3rd Bn's of each of the Regt's are more similar to each other then they are to their sister Bn's.

Also the RCR is the oldest Reg Force Regt in the army so the idea that the Pat's have a larger history is false, not that it matters anyways as we all do the same stuff nowadays and the history is just that, history.