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Component Transfer ( CT ) - Reserve to Regular

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You'll have to return all your 'unit kit' - ruck, snow shoes, sleeping bags, bivie bag, gortex socks, etc. At my base supply (where I got my DEU's, combats, etc) they let me keep anything I wanted to. It'll just stay on your docs. It all depends on who you get at the counter though, I've had friends who have returned everything and then kicked themselves when they heard they could have held onto their CADPAT and gortex gear (jacket, gloves, boots). The guy I had didn't care what I kept and if anyone tells you differently you may want to investigate it further.
nice  i  look in to it thanks i hope i get to keep pretty much everything it would be easier that way, as for quiting and re-applying you have to wait a  year anyway, and this way i won't have to redo BMQ and possible SQ as far as i know i think i just have to do Battle school over again
I understand that this topic has been thoroughly discussed, but I wasn't able to come across a post which properly answered my questions. I am joining the Queen's Own Rifles (Reserves). I gave in my application form over 2 years ago, and I've been waiting ever since (mostly because of the background check). I've already completed the CFAT, Medical, the interview, and my PT is coming up in 2 weeks. My situation now is that this is my last year in school, and I was hoping to switch from reserves to the regular forces right after I got my high school diploma. But as I understand, it can be a real pain in the neck.

Now, I'm not sure about my options. Would I have to go through cfat, medical, interview, and pt all over again? How long does this precedure usually take? When do you recommend me to apply? If I got accepted before I finished school, is there any way I can postpone it for a couple of weeks? And finally, if I understood it correctly, I will only be able to transfer from reserves to the regulars if I complete the bmq in the reserves, do you think it would be better for me to just apply for the regulars now, before getting into the reserves or should I complete bmq in the reserves and then apply?

Those are all the questions I can think of now. I would really appreciate it if somebody could clear this up for me. Thanks in advance.
Stormtrooper, I am no expert on the recruiting process (especially in the reserves) but you should go and talk to a reg force recruiter asap and ask all your questions to them.  That is what they are there for.
If you want to be in the regs after school, than tell the CFRC you no longer wish to join the reserve an you want to change to reg force. If you get into the reserve, you can't do a componet transfer untill you have atleast your BMQ completed. And a componet transfer can take a year. You might have to redo your testing, depends if your results have expired or not.

Best thing to do is call your CFRC an explain this to them an ask them any questions you have.

Just finished a stint as a Military Career Counsellor, and will try to give you a hand with this one. The recruiting process changes all the time so some of this info may be dated, so it's best to check with a clerk/MCC at a CFRC....

1) CFAT is good for 5 years. If you want to go into a trade with a cutoff threshold higher than what you scored, you may rewrite 3 months after the original testing date if the CFRC so chooses to let you. Careful - after the first rewrite the policies governing retesting are very strict and rewrites seldom granted.

2) Medical is good for one year, with the clock starting from the Recruiting Medical Officer's OK (Ph III med). In cases of CT, your last medical by a CF doctor is valid for 5 years depending on your age.

3) Interview is good for 6 months, extended for another 6 months after an "update" interview done over the phone(it's been awhile, so this may be a bit inaccurate). To tell you the truth, the update if done for your advantage - it's to see if you've grown as an applicant and focused your life more towards the military. It's very rare a candidate's score will drop. However, if you apply for a new trade and/or change your desired component (Res to Reg) you should be called in ad re-interviewed as the obligations and terms of service are completely different.

4) PT. 6 months. If you fail it, you can be retested at anytime but you need to pay for it.

Some additional points, one or two of which may ignite a firestorm:

1) Each CFRC is a little different. The "steps" and "standards" are mandated by recruiting group, but the order of application is dictated by the CO of the centre in question ot best utilize local resources. CFRC Hamilton used to do the PT test AFTER an offer was cut, whereas CFRC Toronto did it up front after the CFAT because they had a bad shortage of MCCs. Some CFRCs use "Stations" where clerks have specific functions relating to a file that lands ont their desk(ERCs, etc) whereas others have "case managers" who follow a file from begining to end. It's not my place to say which system is best. Talk to someone at your recruiting centre about how your file "moves" so you can best track it.

2) The CT process is getting better. One huge flaw was the requirement for the CFRC to wait until a recommendation came from the applicant's reserve CO. This made it so CT files would languish in a unit as more "important" paperwork was done (note the sarcasm). Now, if the CFRC doesn't hear anything from the unit in 2 weeks, it's assumed the reserve CO concurs and the process initiated. That being said, if you have not completed BMQ yet don't even think of CT'ing....it's alot easier to come from the street to the Regs as there are fewer record checks, PLARs, etc involved.

3) You cannot delay an offer. You could turn it down and reapply immediately afterwards, but your file would be reboarded, etc. Stuff would stale-date and you'd need to do some things over. That being said, the date your offer starts is different from your reporting date. When you enrol in the Reg F, you may be put on Leave Without Pay (LWOP) until the begining of a course for you. However, Usually that period of time is minimized.

4) The recruiting process for NCMs can be very fast if there are no hiccups. I once saw someone get in in 6 weeks. The problem is, all the stars need to be aligned (apply to the proper trade at the right time) and no problems encountered. A criminal record will slow things down greatly, as the CFRC may need to consult higher HQ, consult CPIC, etc. Collections will need to be substantiated as paid, etc. Officers apps can be agonizingly slow, depending on the trade, how the branch manages its vacancies, and the availability of courses.

Hope this helps. The best thing I can advise is GET TO KNOW A CLERK. MCCs are overall responsible for the process, but are often fixated on people with problems or on conducting their interviews. When I was at CFRG I was doing 5-6 NCM interviews a day and didn't really have time to watch files get processed. The clerks are the guys doing the processing work and will know the centre's procedures inside and out.
Thanks for the replies. This is just an update; I talked to a recruiter at the RC yesterday, and he told me that I should finish the bmq in the reserves first, and gave me a lot of reasons for it. Also, he said that the component transfer shouldn't be a problem as long as I stick with the same trade as I will be doing in the reserves (Infantry). I passed my pt today, and I guess I am gonna spend the following week waiting for someone to call me from the recruiting centre  ;D
If you're done all the testing, then your file should be passed to the QOR, and they should be calling you to arrange an enrollment date. Congratulations, you're joining a fine regiment! BTW, North Star, your info is still pretty much up to date WRT CT.
Heya Cpl,

Just finished a CT myself from R23A (infantry officer) to 82U (Int).

Here's the skinny:

1) It took me 18 months to transfer. It was long for me b/c I had an item on my med-file that the Recruiting Medical Officer freaked out about and required a series of letters from DCIEM to clarify, and also b/c I picked an occupation that is very small and selective.

2) You will have to return all your unit kit. So if you signed for it from your QM (not ASU Clothing stores) you have to collect it and give it back. Have your QM copy your TI cards for you, put the stuff in a bag, and when you get the call make an appointment at your unit to turn it in.

3) DO NOT QUIT. If you quit, your file changes from being a CT file to Forcer Svc, which will freak out recruitiing clerks and result in long delays. You will also have to turn in all your CF issue-kit (ASU Stuff) and if you can't return it all, you'll have to pay for it before they'll fully release you. Whilst in that "grey-zone" of in-but-not, the CF can't enrol you again.

4) The only time in a CT where you'll have to turn in significant amounts of CF kit is if you change environments (e.i. land to air). So stay Army!

Good luck with the CT, and remember to be patient.

I just completed a component transfer from Reserve Musician (army) to Reg force Infantry. I got called and am going to basic Oct. 31. From when I started my component transfer to the date I was called was about 9 months. That seems fast compared to some stories I've heard. In my case I had to return all kit. It may have been different since I moved in the middle of my component transfer.
Same here .. Times are varied for getting in depending on the trade you selected and when selections / courses are scheduled to begin.

I began the process of Component transfer in October of 2004 and was selected on the Sep 5 2005 selection board.  AVN Tech Recruit School By-Pass.

Honestly, the best and most effective way of moving things along is to ensure you stay on top of all your paperwork and the recruiting centre. 

The CDS and ensured Reservists that they will be priority on completing component transfers and all redundancies will be eliminated (Such as re-applying for security clearances, up to date medicals having to be re-done etc..)  This should also ensure a more speedy process.

Good luck and hope this helps.

Just thought Id post my experiences, I started my CT in September 04, and got course slotted August 20 something. I was 031(R) transferring to 031,
When I had to do my outclearance , i had to turn in all of my non- next to body clothing. So i got to keep, socks, underwears, polypro, shirts, boots, gloves, and some other random items, Nothing left on my clothing docs, I'm happy because i don't have to find a way to bring 8 bags of clothing to Wainright, especially since none of the clothes, or boots were the right size.

Now the weird part is, I was accepted for BMQ in Borden Oct 3rd, but because I'm fully trained with 1 year in, I was told They turned it down, and got me RSBP instead, and now I'm leaving Nov. 15th , and then most likely starting BIQ in January, I assume. Straight off Civvie street into PAT platoon lol.
I want to start my CT (component transfer) but I'm a bit afraid.

1. I don't want to start then my unit not willing to put me on courses or tasking because I decided to go Reg.
2. I have a class B coming up in 3 weeks and not sure if I can still be on this and start my CT.

I am a PRes medic and wish to stay in the same trade. Can anyone offer some advice?
elminister said:
I want to start my CT (component transfer) but I'm a bit afraid.

2. I have a class B coming up in 3 weeks and not sure if I can still be on this and start my CT.

I am a PRes medic and wish to stay in the same trade. Can anyone offer some advice?

I had a Res on Class B working for me this past winter and he visited the Recruiting Center here and initiated his CT while he was on his call-out....now he's posted here!!
Just trying to clarify a rumour I've heard... Is there a recent CANFORGEN out relating to Component Transfers? A friend of mine (who has little knowledge of CF administration or CT's) swears that there is a recent CANFORGEN that has info and direction on appeals to the CDS with CT's that are dragging out.


A few results from Google:

CF Personnel newsletter 
Issue 11/05 – 16 November 2005
Makes reference to CANFORGEN 134/05 (Intranet).

DAOD 5002-3, Component and Sub-Component Transfer

CANFORGEN 200/05 ADM(HR-MIL) 105 231243Z DEC 05

First off I'd like to say I searched for this topic and had not found it so i decided to post a new topic.

If I join the reserves for a few years until I'm finished school and college and switch to Reg Force would I:
1) Keep qualifications or have to renew/re-due the courses etc..
2) Keep my rank should I happen receive while enrolled as a reservist.
3) Is it true I can receive credit for a military pension for time served it the reserves to reg force.
I hope you're not an english major ;), but joke aside.

Your qualification are transferable to the reg force but then again there might be exceptions depending on the trade you would have to verify with the recruiting office for that one.

You will not keep your rank at best you will be corporal in the reg force. Otherwise they will calculate how your reservist time is worth in a reg force setting and give you your rank accordingly

If you haven't paid for pension so far you will be able to buy back your years so that they count toward your retirement *that will be done once your in a reg force unit and you will have to see your ordely room for that*

1)     Depending on when and where you get qualified on a Course.  Some Courses do not keep their qualifications for more than a year.  Some are good for Life.  Some are to Regular Force standards and are recorded as such.  Some are not.

2)     It is not very likely that you will keep your rank.

3)     Yes it is true that you can receive credit for your Reserve time towards your CF Pension.  You can claim and Pay back monies for Reserve Time.  You will get 1/4 time for your Class A time.  If you do any Class C time, it is counted as Full Time.  In the end it isn't too much and remember that you have to buy that time towards your pension.  You will have to see your Pay Clerk and they will make the deductions from your pay.  It is best to do that as soon as you join, rather than later when you have been promoted to a higher Pay Scale.

Clear as Mud....Right!  
Hi Meadus,

Give this link a try, hopefully there are som more answers tot any other questions.



(Dang George...you beat me to it...I will just post a suggestive link..)