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Decent Pilot OJTs

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If I wasn't the only OJT in Kingston, I would have stayed. I think you can relate Cheez ;).

It's a great town and I enjoyed my time there.
I have done two OJT's so far in my relatively short career. My first one was in 2004 at 430ETAH in Valcartier. I was only there for 2 months and got a chance to see some really cool TacHel flying. So much so, that it convinced me to go TacHel.

My other OJT was at 425 ETAC in Bagotville. I was there for over a year and it was amazing. I got about 15 flights in the backseat of the hornet and managed to go to Homestead (outside of Miami) for 3 full weeks on TD in February. I flew practically everyday in the backseat and did BFM against F-16s and Air-to-Air refuelling with canadian hercs that came down with us. My buddy also got a chance to go to Denmark for 2 weeks immediately after I got back. He was actually the first ojt on squadron to do transatlantic in a Hornet. 425 is probably the best place for an OJT as they take super good care of you by giving you rides, taking you on TD (about once a month they took an OJT somewhere on TD), and making you feel part of the squadron. Oh, and the nightlife is decent, not like what I heard but still alright.

let me know if you have any questions...
23007 said:
I have done two OJT's so far in my relatively short career. My first one was in 2004 at 430ETAH in Valcartier. I was only there for 2 months and got a chance to see some really cool TacHel flying. So much so, that it convinced me to go TacHel.

My other OJT was at 425 ETAC in Bagotville. I was there for over a year and it was amazing. I got about 15 flights in the backseat of the hornet and managed to go to Homestead (outside of Miami) for 3 full weeks on TD in February. I flew practically everyday in the backseat and did BFM against F-16s and Air-to-Air refuelling with canadian hercs that came down with us. My buddy also got a chance to go to Denmark for 2 weeks immediately after I got back. He was actually the first ojt on squadron to do transatlantic in a Hornet. 425 is probably the best place for an OJT as they take super good care of you by giving you rides, taking you on TD (about once a month they took an OJT somewhere on TD), and making you feel part of the squadron. Oh, and the nightlife is decent, not like what I heard but still alright.

let me know if you have any questions...

This is kinda what I was getting at in my first post. I was at 425 too and had an opposite experience, it all depends what you like in a job/home. I didn't like that no one really cared if I showed up for work, couldn't get rides(forget TD) and a lot of other security clearance issues. Bored through the winter(no car) and until you guys showed up there wasn't much of anyone around, it was already too late for me.

Ended up in Halifax RCC, a great city, at a job where I was expected in for shifts and given responsibility and a lot of meaningful work and most of my friends looked kinda horrified that I was somewhere that wouldn't let me cut loose at noon but it was a better fit for me, even without the flying.

Bottom line, keep doing the research and get somewhere you'll be happy.
Has anyone done, or know someone who has done OJT at a CFRC Det?

If so, can anyone comment?
I did one.

OJTs are partly what you make of them, and what your boss makes of them. My OJT was as useful as it could have been. I was away on course a lot during my stay at a CFRC Det-  yet I did manage to get a Military Career Councilor (MCC) course. I did interviews and council outs. I got the chance to go to many schools and talk about life in the military and aviation.

I have friends who also did time at a CFRC Det, and they had opportunities to get their OPMEs done.

If you do get a chance to go to a CFRC ask to get a MCC course.

I'm going to continue this topic (knowing that it is old), because I've been looking everywhere for answers to almost your exact original question, and know that it will come up again in the future.

I too have to make an OJT selection for this year, and wanted to know which would be the 'best' choice for a 32U.

I found almost nothing I didn't already know, but a couple of personal experiences on this thread were useful. I basically searched for what kind of operations I would like to see myself participating in in the near-far future, and this as an opportunity to base my actual training/posting preference on firsthand experience.
I ended up searching for anything 'interesting' that the CF does with helicopters (I plan to ask for rotary wing as my first choice), and found as my choices:

442 sqn from comox (search, rescue, and transport?),
427 sqn from pet (SOAS),
CFS alert.

Please correct me if I am wrong on the transport side of 442.

I would like more information on Alert, if anyone has any... I know there's probably not much in the form of rotary wing up there, but it couldn't hurt to look at some fixed-wing aircraft as well. I chose Alert after talking to a couple of guys that spent awhile up there, but I'm not going to give off secondhand stories here. If anyone has spent time there, I would like to hear about it...
442 has a transport sub-role - although usually this is only on the fixed wing side of the shop.  If you go there, you will work the Operations desk, dispatching FWSAR and RWSAR crews on SAR missions.

CFS Alert does not have any dedicated aviation support.  If you can get an OJT position up there - go for it - just don't expect anything pilot orientated.
If you want to live up north, I've heard that the folks up in Yellowknife are looking for a good OJT. Not sure if this still applies, but never hurts to ask.
Astrodog said:
If you want to live up north, I've heard that the folks up in Yellowknife are looking for a good OJT. Not sure if this still applies, but never hurts to ask.

They are indeed.  I hope to get one of these spots :)  Never hurts to ask and i'm quite sure they're looking for more than one person.  Great squadron, allow you to get involved in the real day to day running of an operational squadron and the Twin Otter is a truly great aircraft which you should get a chance to fly.  I mean c'mon, who here can say they've been in a "fixed" wing aircraft that lands with skis ;)

I would like some insight as well... or as much as I can get.

I'm graduating in six months, approaching the time to submit OJT posting preferences (I'm a pilot-awaiting-training). At this point, I'm torn between Trenton and Winnipeg. My interest is heavily in the multi-engine transport world.

I'm looking for as much information as I can get about both the bases and the cities (in the case of CFB Trenton, information on Belleville living would be appreciated). How is the work environment on either of the bases, at any of the squadrons, career opportunities at each base, atmosphere, quality of living in each city, etc. Where shall a young 2Lt have a more fruitful OJT experience?

And, of course, the ultimate question: which would you choose, and why?

Any and all information would be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
Hey infamous_p,

Winnipeg 435 Sqn. OJT-ers are treated like gold and they get to go on a lot of trips up to Alert, Thule Greenland and other places as well as on SAR and air to air refueling trips. As long as you can do OJT in an operational squadron, you should do well. If you like a good night life Winnipeg would beat Belleville. But I must warn you... Winnipeg winters are terrible.
Hopefully I can help some future OJTers a little by sharing my experience. I have done some OJT in Edmonton and Shearwater.
First let me say 12 Wing is a great place for OJT. I live in Halifax, which is an amazing city and its only a short drive to Shearwater. When I was in Edmonton, which is were  I am originally from, I found 408 to be too small of a unit to do much as an OJT. Don't get me wrong, its a great unit, but it isn't the best place for OJT. You are stuck in one unit and there are only so many things an untrained 2Lt can do. 12 Wing is much bigger and it's easier to find interesting things to do. So far I have been sent to Yellowknife for Op Nanook, spent a week at sea on one of the Destroyers (which is amazing btw) and a few little courses here and there. Halifax itself is a party city which is always good and there is actually really decent surf here. Anyway, my advice is not to pick a place based on what aircraft they have, its not like you are being posted into a flying position, pick a city that you think you could easily waste a year and a half at. Good Luck