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Go Habs, go!

The Flyers have been my team for years, but the Habs are the only Canadian team left...and just won in OT  ;D

I am confusing myself cheering for both for different reasons.  But that 'confusing myself' part is a WHOLE other story...
Got some brain wave jamming issues, Vern?  ;D

Go Habs Go (now that the Sens are on the dustpile of history)
cavalryman said:
Got some brain wave jamming issues, Vern?  ;D

Go Habs Go (now that the Sens are on the dustpile of history)

I'm going to need an upgrade.

Actually ... forget the ESP --- I'm going back to utilizing my witchly powers ... they haven't failed me yet.

Flyers in 6 ... that's still my call.
ArmyVern said:
Oh -- 4-3 for the Flyers eh!!??

Better luck next game.  >:D


My ESP IS on tonight ... wait for it.

HABs will effectively do better then their 4-3 next game
ArmyVern said:
but I guess you already know it's 2 up for Philly over a big O for les canadiens at the moment.

And The Habs tied it after that little remark.

3-2 Philly still works for me!!  ;)

And once again, after that, the Habs tied is with SECONDS remaining.

Oh -- 4-3 for the Flyers eh!!??

Then the Flyers LOST!

Damnit, Vern. I'm going to have to duct-tape your mouth shut! (or hands behind your back so you can't type)!!

uncle-midget-boyd said:
Damnit, Vern. I'm going to have to duct-tape your mouth shut! (or hands behind your back so you can't type)!!

No worries -- I've scrapped the ESP ... am casting a spell now (more of a curse actually)!!  ;)
uncle-midget-boyd said:
Damnit, Vern. I'm going to have to duct-tape your mouth shut! (or hands behind your back so you can't type)!!

No, no. There is NO need for that

      First you cheer for Boston and they lose all season to the Habs I might add . Than you cheer for the Flyers when are you going to learn you don't bet against the Habs.  This series will be over in 6 alright but with a  HABS winging it LOL
ArmyVern said:

Now, as for my point, the Leafs are NOT losers since '67, since the Leafs won that year, in 67 they were winners.  They have failed to win the cup (eg: lose) since 68.  68 was the first time in the current loss streak (ugh!), hence my argument for the Leafs being losers since "only" 68.
Wait a minute, am I really arguing that the Leafs are lesser losers by only one year?  I suck...apparently almost as much as the Leafs.  Still, they ARE my team.  Now that they are golfing, all I can say is:
Yrys said:
just saying ^-^ ...


french article about Montreal city, firemen and habs...

I'm a Leafs fan but right now, we HABs only one way to get the Stanley, its through Montreal.  Go Canada Go Habs!!! Yehey!!!
cavalryman said:
Got some brain wave jamming issues, Vern?  ;D

Go Habs Go (now that the Sens are on the dustpile of history)

We called in the EW guys to make sure that Vern's brainwaves wouldn't interfere with the game...
HighlandIslander said:
We called in the EW guys to make sure that Vern's brainwaves wouldn't interfere with the game...

On the military database : "EW :Electronic Warfare" .

You are waging WAR on ArmyVern  :-X?

Careful, there, sweety  :blotto:!

Particularly as you didn't send/post any pic with chaps for her  >:D !

add :

L'identification des émeutiers se poursuit

28 persons have been arrested in total, in relation with Monday night event. I've heard on the radio, that parents saw their boy with a 150$ Canadian shirt.
Since he doesn't have the kind of money needed to buy it, they took him by the neck and went with him to a police station.

Go! Flyers! Go!

Strange journalistic experiment. They put a journalist (man) with a Flyers shirt downtown, followed by  another journalist (a woman, nickname "la louve" "wolf") taking note. Noting physical happened,  meet one hostile man in all the evening.
Habs 2 - Flyers 4

My HABzapper worked apparently!!  >:D

That's a 1 - 1 series folks; HABzapper ends at 6 games though ... with a crushing defeat to the ones who took my team out!!  ;D
ArmyVern said:
Habs 2 - Flyers 4

My HABzapper worked apparently!!  >:D

That's a 1 - 1 series folks; HABzapper ends at 6 games though ... with a crushing defeat to the ones who took my team out!!  ;D
OK, we'll let you have that one.  You gotta have faith! ;D