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Independent Quebec will have own army: Duceppe

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Sig_Des said:
IF Quebec did seperate, and IF they formed a military, what would that mean for serving CF Members who are either born or reside in Quebec?

How many of these members do you think would leave the CF to join a Quebec military?

I was in Borden doing my QL 3 10 yrs ago. Right across the hall in T139 was the French Medic QL 3 and next door over a French Log QL 3 (clerks or supply I can't remember). I distinctly remember the build up on that day, with a couple Bilingual medics coming across the hall to sit with us because they could not sit in their mods anymore for all the Separatist crap (read celebrating) that was going on. The next am there was general disappointment amongst the French courses.

Buddies who came across with us the night before told us that 15 or more of the students from that course were ready to go home to join the Quebec Armed forces if they called. Needless to say there was much tension in our area of the building.

So if you think that all Quebec Soldiers think the same as those who posted (and I commend those of you who did post), think again.
2332Piper said:
For even speaking about that those troops should have been court-martialed and then tossed out of the CF. Thats disgusting.

Yeah it is....I wonder why they think a Marxist like Duceppe would protect their heritage anyway?!

I'd like to see there Tibetan military defend them from whoever....would anyone be surprised to the American military come and "restore order in a failed state?" >:D I guess the onlt question is whether they would leave afterwards. ;)
I hear the CDR is recruiting, Canadian Defense Regiment anyone? ;D

I love Quebec and its french culture I hope they chose to stay when the time comes if ever, those that want to leave can get free passage to the docks, thats what Wolfs command offered them, I say we offer it again just in case we missed a few die hards way back when.
My personal view is that if Quebec ever did decide to betray Canada not one serviceable piece of equipment or stone of any Federal building should be left standing. Traitors do not deserve in "inherit" anything at all. If they want to have an army, then they will have to pay for it.

If anyone thinks that the new country of Quebec would ever agree to take on part of the national debt is severely misguided.
Well this is exactly the kind of talk that I like to hear, as a French Canadian living in Canada. I thought this was a free country where as Canadian soldiers we go all over the world to help people suffering from tyrants.

I for one never hear much about separation in the forces in Quebec, remember the vote was 52% against 48% so if you think it is a hot topic in the rest of Canada try being in Quebec when it gets heated, and most times it relatives.

Duceppe wants nothing more than to help create hatred and negative talk about Quebecers to prove that we cannot live together, I find things written like â Å“free passage to the docks, that's what Wolfs command offered themâ Å“ or â Å“troops should have been court-martialedâ Å“ offensive.

This is what he wants, discord and negative thoughts to feed his wish to see Quebec separate, imagine if a seperatist newspaper got access to this sight and posted some of the reply's. Food for thought....
That is the point of free speech.  If people can advocate the separation of their province - others can legitimately have their contrary views too.

I do not believe it is wrong to have such a political view.  However, as soon as the first actual step is taken, any member of the Canadian Army who is willing to vote for Quebec's Independence should leave. The armed forces and Canada have a right to demand your complete loyalty.  If you cannot give it unreservedly then you should not be a member of the Canadian Army. As someone who is British I personally would never, ever be able to give any loyalty to the EU, and as such I would not be willing to be a loyal member of any form of EU army.

As a matter of interest I often hear comments from a number of Canadians who wish Quebec would go and get lost from the rest of Canada.
TheNomad said:
As a matter of interest I often hear comments from a number of Canadians who wish Quebec would go and get lost from the rest of Canada.

Thanks for the update.......

The exact thing that are said that Duceppe wants to hear and see posted on sights all over Canada.
Lets hope if Quebec seperates Duceppe isn't an asshole and puts a copywrite on poutine
TheNomad said:
That is the point of free speech.   If people can advocate the separation of their province - others can legitimately have their contrary views too.

As a matter of interest I often hear comments from a number of Canadians who wish Quebec would go and get lost from the rest of Canada.

Would venture to say that the people you are hearing are those who are just tired of hearing the rhetoric going on, ad nauseum.....
Would venture to say that, in the UK, there were a lot of people who had the same feeling about Northern Ireland... after that thing went on and on and on...

Mr Duceppe as a long time MP will be entitled to his Pension from the Federal Gov't.
guess he might have to sue to get it - if he gets his wish.....

Note that Mr Duceppe has no power in Federal politics other than his big fat mouth...
In this instance; he's fishing for reactions. The bigger the knee jerk reaction from the people, the better.

A real way to piss him and his ilk off is to simply ignore them..... Hmmm?... what was that noise?... what was that unpleasant smell?.... not important.
geo said:
Note that Mr Duceppe has no power in Federal politics other than his big fat mouth...
In this instance; he's fishing for reactions. The bigger the knee jerk reaction from the people, the better.

A real way to piss him and his ilk off is to simply ignore them..... Hmmm?... what was that noise?... what was that unpleasant smell?.... not important.

Merci! Thank you very much for that reply, my point exactly..........,
I like to go by one little phrase when ever I hear anyone talk about Quebec separating.  I will believe it when I see it.  From my point of view it seem like when a little kid threaten to hold his breath if he doesn't get what he wants.

Once again this has ventured away from the topic of "Ducept" stating that he wants a Quebec army and into more blah, blah, blah,.....so this one is locked and staying that way this time.
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