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Interview on may 11, will i make it for summer?

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yea i totally understand, the thing about my scoliosis is, i dont even know if thats what it is, thats what one of my physiotherapists called it, but he was jsut in training or seomthing, my docotor jsut said i have an extra curvey spine, so who knows
50% education, contact your unit, they will have the full details in a message that went out in Feb 04. I know that they will still cover up to the end of this term (Apr 04) and there is some discussion WRT people in second and third year of the program being able to follow through to the end, but I think it is just wishful thinking at this point. Your unit will have all the details.
Royal: is this an all ranks thing, or just NCM? Reason I ask is that I know it was initially there to get degreed officers... will there be a new entry scheme for RESO with a subsidization factor, or will it be you pay for it, we commission you?
Let me get this straight... you‘re currently attending the University of Manitoba, and yet can‘t spell simple words like "ludicrous" or "something" not to mention not being able to string together a simple sentence, or use proper grammar, capitalization or punctuation?

Either you‘re lying and are really a 16 year old kid with minimal education, or you‘re exceedingly lazy and can‘t be bothered to type correctly. In either case, none of these attributes are needed in the CF, and you won‘t make it far, and probably won‘t pass the interview.
alright just a few points, first off, ludacris is the name of a rapper, alright secondly, im just a lazy typer, thirdly why should i feel the need to use proper sentece structure and spelling for a bunch of people who i dont know and dont really care about how you feel about me and my typing. and finally why dont you find something a little more intresting in your life then trying to bash people, just cause you most likely had a bad childhood, no friends and the such doesnt mean you need to take it out on the rest of us, i dont need your opinion and i dont care about it either
The fact that the entirety of your last post was filled with bad grammar, poor punctuation, and spelling mistakes; kind of makes it hard to take what you were attempting to say seriously. The fact that you listen to rap just makes it worse :D
If you‘re too lazy to type correctly and don‘t care what anyone here thinks, then please leave this forum and ne‘er return... by the way you‘re going, you‘re far more likely to get banned before you have the chance to leave. No one would miss you, and certainly most would applaud your absence.

Second, please don‘t join the military. Your poor attitude, laziness and idiocy are not welcome! I hope the recruiter sees right through you on your interview, and you get turfed on your arse!
Originally posted by ludacris:
[qb] i dont need your opinion and i dont care about it either [/qb]
If that be the case...why are you writing in a forum where you know that you are going to be picked apart by the members for your rants?


Go away and stop wasting bandwith with the drivel that you‘re spewing out of you mouth.

haha what is your problems? i really dont get it, honestly, are you all english teachers or something, does the fact that im not using proper grammar and spelling mistakes really make me a bad person? is it because im curious and ask questions? really what can it be, i dont sit on here making fun of people, im trying to join in on conversations, i havent said one negative thing about anyone. the fact that you people are so judgemental make you terrible candidates for being in the armed forces... over the fact of poor spelling punctuation and grammar. it sounds a little riddiculous to me.
You‘re right it is a bit unfair. However, like it or not, people are judged on how they present them self. That includes spelling and grammar. In my opinion, your negative experiences are being escalated because you continue to refuse using proper grammar and you ignore your spelling mistakes. This shows a lack of concern for detail--something that (in the CF) is likely to cause big issues for not just you, but people who depend upon you for their safety.

If you just take the simple step to use proper grammar you‘ll likely find the general attitude toward you take a huge shift into the positive spectrum.
Very simple: because you are too bone idle to even bother to press the SHIFT key at the begining of a sentence. Nothing pisses soldiers off more than people that cannot be bothered to put forth the required amount of effort.
So, you people are saying, since I don‘t use proper spelling, grammar, etc. I shouldn‘t be allowed to use this discussion forum, and I shouldn‘t join the army. Hmmmm makes a lot of sence to me.
Just be more diligent about eliminating bad gram/typos...no doubt people will lighten up on you a little.
Originally posted by combat_medic:
[qb] Let me get this straight... you‘re currently attending the University of Manitoba, and yet can‘t spell simple words like "ludicrous" or "something" not to mention not being able to string together a simple sentence, or use proper grammar, capitalization or punctuation?

Either you‘re lying and are really a 16 year old kid with minimal education, or you‘re exceedingly lazy and can‘t be bothered to type correctly. In either case, none of these attributes are needed in the CF, and you won‘t make it far, and probably won‘t pass the interview. [/qb]
I knew if I asked someone would eventually come along and do the dirty work.
"i dont sit on here making fun of people, im trying to join in on conversations, i havent said one negative thing about anyone."

"just cause you most likely had a bad childhood, no friends and the such doesnt mean you need to take it out on the rest of us,"

Now ludacris, I give you the choice between liar or hypocrite.
I choose to take a little from column A and a little from column B. But really would you calm down a little bit, Im not hurting anyone with my bad grammar and editing skills. This is almost as bad as persecuting homosexuals, just becasue someone chooses a certain way, and you dont agree with it, it doesn‘t make it wrong. so your an editing biggot, thats right, I crossed the line, I called you an editing biggot.
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