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Islamic Terrorism in the West ( Mega thread)

The exception to the rule of Islamic hegemony, according to Supra Zaida Peery, executive director of Muslim World Today, appears to be Azerbaijan, with its history, at least since independence from the Soviet bloc in 1991, of “egalitarianism, democracy, and rule of law.” Such advancements are possible only where the Islamic scriptures are studiously disregarded, which reinforces the argument that canonical Islam is anti-freedom and an ever-present danger.

Ms. Peery admits that traditional Islam, honor codes and all, is making a comeback. Azerbaijan also enjoys strong relations with Erdogan’s Turkey, a political alliance that provokes a degree of skepticism respecting Ms. Peery’s claims. Everything considered, I would agree with Danusha Goska’s critical review of Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now—a book which claims that Islam is susceptible, however tardily, to modernization. Goska writes: “We must confront jihad for what it is: a timeless and universal threat that requires an equally timeless and universal response.”

Sorry, current events I am not up on. I will have to look into this. But Jihad is hardly a threat, only a simplistic understanding of it makes it susceptible to being construed as a timeless universal threat.


I have nothing against Muslims practicing their faith in their homes, as long as they don't take its injunctions to rape, enslave, subjugate and murder in the name of Allah literally, and I have nothing against imams sermonizing from an extensively expurgated Koran—though their temples should have no greater legal status than, say, a Masonic clubhouse.

I am curious does this guy call for the expurgation of the Talmud or Torah? Hell, has he even read it? If he does call for the 'sanitization' of jewish scripture and making Jewish synagogues have the same legal standing as a Mason hall then okay.. but I suspect he does not. So I will just ask for those who don't think other religions have the same injunctions in them, using the same burden of evidence this fine fellow uses for Islam to go to google and check out what the trolls say about religion 'xyz'.

Meanwhile we line up at airports, remove our shoes, wait interminably to be processed, and expect to be groped—followed by the apprehension, shared by many, that the flight we have boarded may disappear off the radar. Meanwhile the French police are patrolling the beaches lest some "scantily clad" woman or child is knifed by some offended Muslim, as happened not long ago, a Jewish man in Strasbourg is stabbed by an Allahu Akbarist, seven people including a six-year-old child are injured in a “fire and knife” attack on a Swiss train, and an American tourist is stabbed to death in London’s busy Russell Square by a Somalian. “He’s still here, he’s still here,” were the dying woman’s last words, and indeed he is.

Meanwhile entire cities go into lockdown and people are warned to stay indoors after another jihadist onslaught. Meanwhile Pew polls report that young, second-generation Muslims—those we thought were Westernized “moderates”—increasingly favor death for apostates and gays and harsh punishment for criticism of Islam. Meanwhile countries are being swarmed with military-age “refugees,” a troubling number of whom are estimated to be ISIS plants or sympathizers; German intelligence official Manfred Hauser warns that ISIS has infiltrated the migrant hordes and set up a command structure in the country. Patrick Poole reports that the first two weeks of August 2016 have seen five dozen incidents of Muslim-related domestic insurgency in Europe. (As I write, a Muslim convert armed with detonation devices has just been shot by the RCMP in an Ontario community.)



Using the emotion of fear to sell a point, very well done. I suspect his hammer is coming down soon.

The very conduct of our lives has changed—it’s called the “new normal.” We now hear from the lips of French Prime Minister Manuel Valls that we will have to “learn to live with terrorism.” Is this OK? Are we prepared to accept the limitations upon our traditional freedoms and the ever-present threat of violence upon our persons as a customary aspect of daily life in the hope that one day in the indefinite future the “religion of peace” will become a religion of peace? As things stand, our enemies are laughing all the way to the future.

See when you look at facts the emotional effect goes away. I aint scared of terrorism and neither should you be. In fact I am more scared of being done in by a bear or cougar on september 10th when god willing i drop that 4 point Muley buck I've been tracking, then I am of being offed by a terrorist... ie not at all.




More to the point, the irony very few observers wish to acknowledge—and certainly not my interlocutors—is that it is no one and nothing but Islam that is pursuing a "final solution "—and not only for Jews. Read the Koran and the Hadith. Consider, among many other passages and commands:

Dear Thucydides;

When someone asks me to explain something about my religion in an honest open manner, I will. But you owe me coffee oh and my wife chocolate ;) joking... but I do not and will not under any circumstances give an explanation of Quran from my own understanding. I will only use accepted tafsirs, because I lack the knowledge to do it myself and I do not want to ruin the Image of Islam by my ignorance.. well any worse then I already do.

A primer ;)

Koran 2:191-193 (And kill them wherever you find them…)


Koran 2:216 (Fighting is prescribed for you…)


Koran 3:151 (Soon shall we cast terror into the hearts of the unbelievers…)


Koran 4:74 (Let those fight in the way of Allah who sell the life of this world for the other...be he slain or victorious, on him We shall bestow a vast reward)


Koran 8:39 (And fight with them until there is no more unbelief and religion is all for Allah)


Koran 9:5: (When the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them…—though jihadists today do not wait for the sacred months to pass)


Koran 9:21 (Fight those who believe not in Allah…even if they are People of the Book—i.e., Jews and Christians)

Unless I am to tired.. it looks like this one is misquoted... 9:21 shows something different to me...

Koran 9:41 (Go forth, light armed and heavy armed, and strive with your wealth and your lives in the way of Allah)


Koran 9:73 (O Prophet! Strive hard against the unbelievers and the hypocrites and be unyielding to them…)


Hadith, Sahih Muslim 041,6985: (Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger [may peace be upon him] as saying: The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him…)

Hadith Sahih Muslim 020,4712: (You shall conquer many lands and Allah will grant you victories over your enemies in battle, but none of you should stop practicing for war.)

Hadith Sahih Bukhari 4,52,196: (I have been directed to fight the Kafir until everyone admits “There is only one god and that is Allah.”)

Hadith Sahih Muslim 020,4681: (Certainly the gates of Paradise lie in the shade of swords), and 020,4696: (The man who dies without participating in jihad, who never desired to wage war, dies the death of a hypocrite.).

I can not fine a good tafsir of hadiths online, Im sorry and my collection of hadiths with tafsir's do not hold these in the collection. So doubly sorry.

So I can not comment to far.. but I will make a couple points.
-A prophecy is not a religious commandment. I have posted enough regarding religious tolerance, to not post more.
-I think a prophecy regarding winning wars is innocent enough... it came true and the practicing for war more military minded people can explain the logic in it... but it seems sensible.
-the other posts on jihad I need a proper tafsir and I can not find. Hadiths need to be taken in context of why they were said, to who and when.

This is a radically abbreviated gazette; the litany does not stop there. And one must remember that these are the words of the Prophet and his God; as such they are incumbent upon every believing Muslim, and form the basis for the war of civilizations that began in the early 7th century and has not abated since. If we insist that this does not constitute a “final solution,” then we are quite simply lying to ourselves and deserve the fate that will befall us. To adapt the Islamic terminology, we are “unbelievers” in the sense that we refuse to believe our eyes and we are “hypocrites” in that we condemn others both for our cowardice and for the very crimes of Islam.


I can't find any graphs comparing wars from the Islamic theater vs European theatre. To compare and see the difference during medieval and Renaissance era's, but from my limited knowledge christians and other religions were non to peaceful either. So to isolate Islam and not give its historical context is interesting and suspect to me, but I lack the google skills to compare them.

Serge Trifkovic, foreign affairs editor of the political magazine Chronicles, author of The Sword of the Prophet, and professor of international relations at the University of Banja Luka in Bosnia and Herzegovina, foresees the Islamic conquista of a “soft, genderless” Europe, expedited by “an implacably suicidal ruling class.” Trifkovic is worth attending to. The last paragraph of his chilling and premonitory article, “Europe’s Dark Hour,” reads in part: “The lesson of Europe for America is clear: The emergence of an autonomous and politically untouchable Muslim diaspora must be prevented. It is in the American interest for the U.S. government to introduce an open-ended moratorium on Muslim immigration now, while those who are present still lack the numbers and infrastructure to wreak havoc. In addition, Islamic activism should be treated as grounds for the exclusion or deportation of any alien…The alternative is the predictable pattern of terrorist violence, social corrosion, and cultural decline that we are witnessing in today’s Europe.”

Oh my god, due to twisted and misquoted Quranic verses and a few random hadiths he calls for deportation, oppression and ostracism of all Muslims.. I am a Muslim activist.. I do wonder where I would be deported to...

Meanwhile the killings and atrocities will continue, increasing in frequency and scale. At the same time Islam is embedding itself in our governments and social institutions. So how long are we willing to wait? I suspect that if we ourselves are harmed, if the people we love are maimed or murdered, our patience might run out. I suspect that if we are hauled into court by some Muslim organization (I speak from experience) for exercising our free-speech rights and speaking truth backed by evidence, and emerge beaten, humiliated or nearly bankrupt—because the plaintiff is flush with Qatari cash and we have only a salary and a suborned judiciary--we might find ourselves short of tolerant forbearance. I suspect that if we are on the receiving end, not of counter arguments but of death threats and salvos of unspeakable vulgarity (I speak from experience), we might think this has gone on long enough. I suspect that if we find ourselves fired from our jobs or fined large sums of money because of a Facebook post deemed offensive by our Islamophilic authorities, we might find ourselves less forgiving.

To bad this guy didn't learn. Bigotry is pathetic, maybe the reason he was beat is because he was promoting hatred hmmm...

Any rate, I am back to the demonizing innocents over the acts of terrorists spiel... if we did this for all groups no innocents would survive...

But those who have so far managed to keep a safe distance from the looming storm cannot be expected to think clearly and soberly. Living inside the beltways, gated communities and ivory towers of an obsequious serenity is only a temporary arrangement. Of this we can be sure: complacency is the mother of false immunity. Thus, it comes as no surprise to read Ottawa Citizen editor-in-chief Andrew Potter’s recent article in the National Post in which we are smugly informed that, in the face of multiple casualty attacks, “Canadians should keep calm and carry on” since it would be “an enormous mistake to panic.” After all, he concludes, “the Canadian model is working…much better than it is in the U.S. or in parts of Europe.”

I believe I posted links earlier showing extremism is not a legitimate fear in Canada for the vast majority of people... and yet he uses emotion to rouse people to hating Muslims. This is very saddening at best.

The witlessness on display here is stunning. The Muslim population in Canada is roughly 3.2% and growing worrisomely; the Canadian multicultural model does not inspire prolonged confidence. In the U.S. estimates tend to vary but the ratio appears to be between 1% and 2.2%, though the raw numbers are larger than Canada’s, somewhere in the vicinity of 3 to 6+ million; in the UK the census proportion is 4.6%; in Germany 5%; and in France it is approximately 10%. Has Potter never heard of the rule of numbers, which Raymond Ibrahim defines as: “The more Muslims grow in numbers, the more Islamic phenomena intrinsic to the Muslim world—in this case, brazen violence against ‘infidels’—appear.” The evidence Ibrahim provides is irrefutable. Incidentally, Potter begins his article by referring to Daniel Pipes as the “all-round scourge of Islam,” which should instantly discredit anything he has to say, given Pipes’ misplaced trust in so-called “moderate” Islam as an antidote to “radical” Islam and his peroxide distinction between “Islamism” and Islam.

Of course, Potter is no Trifkovic but a representative figure of a culture that has received its talking points from a myopic and self-destructive progressivist zeitgeist. The rhetoric in play in such boilerplate productions comes far too easily, flatters one’s sense of righteousness, and renders us increasingly vulnerable. Its effect is to lull us to sleep while the house is catching fire.

Furthermore, Islamic violence does not derive from a list of presumably justified complaints and resentments against the West, as many of us have been schooled to believe, and will not cease if we apologize, withdraw or provide reparations. As Ibrahim writes in The Al-Qaeda Reader, Islam’s war with the West “is not finite and limited to political grievances—real or imagined—but is existential, transcending time and space and deeply rooted in faith.” If more proof were needed aside from commonsense attention and a modicum of knowledge, a recent document issued by ISIS, Why We Hate You & Why We Fight You, cited by Ibrahim, makes it strikingly clear: “We hate you, first and foremost, because you are disbelievers; you reject the oneness of Allah…we have been commanded to fight the disbelievers until they submit to the authority of Islam, either by becoming Muslims, or by paying jizyah [poll tax]…and living in humiliation under the rule of the Muslims.”

Let there, then, be no more talk of a “final solution” except where it applies. Meanwhile, there's nothing like a dose of reality to awaken the sleeper and alert him to Islamic Jihad’s chief weapons, our own ignorance and complacency. So far most of us have been pretty well spared. But if our bedtime reverie continues, that’s not going to last forever.

I'm tired and done with this article of hate speech. This chap can not see clear between extremists and normal Muslims.

All my earlier links will have been in vain if the difference is not plain yet.

Thucydides said:
The German government finally steps off the X. Asking people to stockpile food and water is telling them to become more aware and self reliant. Making a society more robust is a good way to both mitigate the effects of attacks, and also start getting more people able to spot warning signs and respond to attacks, shutting them down early:


6 months ago a German would have been called an alarmist and conspiracy theorist for suggesting the very same.  Damn those "Free Masons" look what they have to us!!!
[quote author=AbdullahD]
I'm tired and done with this article of hate speech. This chap can not see clear between extremists and normal Muslims.


Speaking for myself I have a hard time seeing the like between extremists and normal Muslims myself.

For example, the first picture are extremists I'd say. Second picture, probably. What about the third?  Where IS the line?




Jarnhammer, that is the world. We are all a hodge-podge mixture of ideas and beliefs. But the vast majority of Muslims are okay.

public protests etc I have no issue with... the tenor of the signs are a wee bit suspect but I can not fault them for that. But even extremists have some "normal" values in their belief systems and the more normal the radical or radicalizing person is, the more normal values exist.

The trick is for us to recognize which beliefs are normal and which are not and correct them. In a democratic country, being politically active I can not fault... even if I personally do not like it (which I dont sometimes). But the signs about murdering and butchering those who insult Islam and the prophet are extreme at best.

But the default position with so many critics of Islam and Muslims is that Muslims are extremists and are of fundamental beliefs by nature. When that is simply not the case. I would prefer the innocent until proven guilty apply to Muslims.

Talk to Muslims and you will see we are Normal. Then figure out how to draw the line for yourself, for yourself. Because everyones personal beliefs are different and I suspect winning you over to being all cuddly with Islam will be hard ;)

Abdullah, I have a big issue with the sign on the left.  The one on the right, is just stupid but stupid isn't as bad as what's on the left.
jollyjacktar said:
Abdullah, I have a big issue with the sign on the left.  The one on the right, is just stupid but stupid isn't as bad as what's on the left.

Islam the solution for france or the devils religion?

To be honest the entire scene gives me the goosebumbs and if I was in that area when that was happening I would be wondering what the heck they were doing and why.

The religion of the devil, is a derogatory insult that if my child ever held a sign like that I would be ashamed to my core. So it actually ticks me off Muslims are stupid enough to do idiocy like this.

The Islam is the solution for france, in a political sense is sinister but in a spiritual sense not so bad. But taken in context with the other signs it is concerning.

So yea, I'm none to pleased either. But other more wholesome protests and lobbying im okay with. This particular scene I am not.

Ps if your talking about the middle picture... id slap both ****** and those beliefs have no place in Islam.
I'm only seeing the middle (?) picture with "massacre those who insult Islam" and "Freedom go to hell".  That, and the poor bastards in the orange jumpsuits.
jollyjacktar said:
I'm only seeing the middle (?) picture with "massacre those who insult Islam" and "Freedom go to hell".  That, and the poor bastards in the orange jumpsuits.

Oh I see a third picture below that. But the one you are seeing, id be extremely worried about.

Stupidity knows no bounds at the first two pictures seem to be the epitome of stupidity.

I really should post pictures of Muslims doing good acts at inter faith meetings or other such places... but I have no time and I am sure everyone knows about it anyways ;)
AbdullahD said:
Stupidity knows no bounds at the first two pictures seem to be the epitome of stupidity.

Well, the third one is not far behind either.

But you are right: Stupidity knows no bound - and kicking the ladder you are standing on is certainly a common human act of stupidity regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation, or any other form of distinction you can think of.

I have refrained from posting since this little burkini fracas started, but I think one of the point I have always made in the past is worth repeating:

The solution on determining how we should act here in the West is to me fairly easy: It hinges on the distinction between "freedoms" and "rights".

A Freedom is something inherently personal: an individual has the enjoyment of his/her own freedom. Whereas a right is something that you may oppose to someone else through the power of the state.

Freedom of speech: You can talk until you are blue in the face, but it is not a right and you cannot demand that anyone else be forced to stop and listen to you. Property is a right: If someone tries to take it away from you, the courts will upon your demand enforce your property right against others.

Where I am going is this: In the West, we have freedom of religion and belief (some say - rightly so that it includes freedom from religion). This means any individual has the right to believe what he/she will and accept/reject any god (or gods) or religious beliefs and agree to personally abide by those. But there is no right to religion or belief and therefore, whatever you may believe or religion you follow, you cannot, under any circumstances demand that anybody else (watch out here: that includes the fact that you cannot demand it of either your spouse or your children or any other relative) through compulsion of the state be forced to act on the basis of your belief or religion. Nor can you, yourself , act in any way that imposes  any one of your personal belief/religious requirements on any body else.

So, for example:

You want to bathe in a burkini because you believe it is the modesty asked of you by your religion: No problem, you are free to do so.

You refuse your wife the right to go to the beach unless she wears a burkini because you believe that's the interpretation of your religion: Too bad. She is not property and she has the freedom to decide how she dresses for herself like any other human being.

You don't want to look at woman's skin because the talmud says women should not show skin: Don't look -that's fine, you are free to abstain.

You demand that the Gym you walk by every day cover its front windows because you can see women lightly clad when you walk by and it's contrary to your religion: Too bad - so sad. Those women are free to do as they want and you have no right to impose your religious views on them.

When the distinction is made it becomes a lot easier to decide what is an accommodation that should be made and what shouldn't. And what should constitute an illegal act, such as harassing women or other people in the public space because they do not "conform" to "your" religious practices - which ought to be severely punished wherever it occurs.

All respectfully submitted for your consideration.

Oldgateboatdriver said:
All respectfully submitted for your consideration.
And therein lies the snag -- some topics here just don't seem amenable to respect or consideration;  some "discussions" seem to actively drive those away.  ;)
mariomike said:
Some of the more self reliant types may also stockpile cash for the Black Market.

Cash could possibly be worth nothing except to wipe your ass. If a government fails, so does their bank. Little valuable, easily carried items, for trading, would likely be better. Some other stuff with great trade value would be simple bare necessities of life.

I generally follow the same line as OBGD, you can do what you like, so long as you don't do anything harmful to me or others, or deprive them of their rights. Even the people holding the signs (repugnant as some of the signs are) are free to hold the signs, I draw the line when they want to act on them.

The Hadiths and Koranic verses have context, just like verses in the Bible or even the Rig Veda, which is why in the post upthread I wanted to understand them. Without context, they can mean anything (which is the problem in the article, the statements are stripped of context), and knowing and understanding the context means that counter messaging can be designed and deployed.
Thucydides said:
I generally follow the same line as OBGD, you can do what you like, so long as you don't do anything harmful to me or others, or deprive them of their rights. Even the people holding the signs (repugnant as some of the signs are) are free to hold the signs, I draw the line when they want to act on them.

The Hadiths and Koranic verses have context, just like verses in the Bible or even the Rig Veda, which is why in the post upthread I wanted to understand them. Without context, they can mean anything (which is the problem in the article, the statements are stripped of context), and knowing and understanding the context means that counter messaging can be designed and deployed.

I agree with you and OBGD, in the statements just made.

But I want to make one thing abundantly clear again... just for my own conscience.

I am in no way shape or form a person who is qualified within Islam to give rulings. I don't have ijazah or anything, I dedicated a portion of my life to theistic studies yes. But I am not a qualified person to teach Islam.

So I can be wrong and misguided, I personally consider the majority of my positions very well substantiated. But I can be wrong.

God willing I have zero issues helping and vetting Islamic information using my own personal biases. But please don't think I am qualified to do anything more then just relay authentic information.

Ok good, it is off my chest now ;) the sentiments found on this website, makes me proud to be canadian even those that are critical of Islam are conveyed respectfully for the most part. So I am happy to be here and learn about what to expect in the next leg of my life. But I am ignorant too, maybe less so in regards to Islam, but still ignorant  ;)

AbdullahD said:
the sentiments found on this website, makes me proud to be canadian even those that are critical of Islam are conveyed respectfully for the most part.

So proud you couldn't be bothered to capitalize Canada?! Heretic.

Just kidding but seriously I'm probably one of the most critical people of Islam here, no surprise there of course.  I'm also not very articulate so I'm sure I sound like a goon (people use the word bigot wrong ;) )
If I'm being honest a big part of me thinks the world would simply be better off without Islam but be that as it may it's nice to be able to debate Islam and Muslim issues with you (and others) in civil tones in an environment like we have here.

Remember this:  "A Canadian is a Canadian, is a Canadian"?  Well, that is a very naive sentiment and one that should definitely have some considerations to it.  Here is a case, where the Liberal "PEACEKEEPING" ideals falls flat on its face; not necessarily about our military, but about our concept that Canadians as a whole are "Peacekeepers".

Reproduced under the Fair Dealings provisions of the Copyright Act.

Bangladesh police kill Canadian suspect in restaurant attack
Tamim Chowdhury, 2 others, killed after raid on house in Narayanganj district near Dhaka
The Associated Press Posted: Aug 27, 2016 6:46 AM ET Last Updated: Aug 28, 2016 8:57 AM ET

Bangladeshi authorities say a Canadian man suspected of organizing a deadly attack on a popular restaurant in Dhaka has been killed in a police raid near the capital.

The country's top counter-terrorism official says officers killed three suspected militants early Saturday, including Bangladeshi-born Canadian Tamim Chowdhury.

He had lived in Ontario with his family and completed a chemistry degree at the University of Windsor but left Canada in 2013 in a suspected attempt to travel to Syria.

Police accuse Chowdhury of being one of two masterminds behind the July attack on the Holey Artisan Bakery that left 20 people dead, 17 of them foreigners.

He's also suspected to have led a July 7 attack on a prayer gathering near Dhaka that left four people dead, including two police officers.

Police sharpshooters raided a two-story house in Narayanganj district near the capital, Dhaka, after receiving a tip that Chowdhury and others were hiding there, top counterterrorism official Monirul Islam said.

Global Affairs Canada issued a statement Saturday saying it was "aware of news reports that Tamim Chowdhury was killed in Bangladesh."

"Canadian officials are in contact with Bangladeshi authorities to gather additional information," the statement said. "No further details can be provided at this time."

The militants belonged to the banned group Jumatul Mujahedeen Bangladesh, or JMB, Bangladesh's police chief A.K.M. Shahidul Hoque told reporters.

Police said they found guns, ammunition and meat cleavers in the apartment where the men were holed up. The men also set off explosions to destroy their computers and other evidence, said Sanwar Hossain, a senior police officer.

"We heard explosions inside the apartment and we understood that they were destroying evidence," Hossain said. "When we felt that they would not surrender, we made our final push and killed them."

When police forced their way into the apartment, they found two bodies near the main door, and Chowdhury's body was found in another room, Hossain said.

Bangladeshi police have been conducting raids across the country to hunt those behind the attacks.

After storming the building Saturday, a SWAT team made the final push and fatally shot the suspects after they failed to surrender. Haque said the team asked them to give themselves up but that they kept on firing.

The group Islamic State in Iraq and Syria claimed responsibility for the restaurant attack, but authorities have denied the claim, saying it was the act of the JMB and that ISIS has no presence in the Muslim-majority country.

University of Toronto student transferred to prison

The family of ​Tahmid Hasib Khan, a University of Toronto student who was detained in Bangladesh after surviving the restaurant attack, says he has been transferred to prison

Khan's family has maintained the 22-year-old, who is a permanent resident of Canada, is innocent.

"We want the court to affirm what we know — which is that he is innocent," said Khan's older brother, Talha, who is a Canadian citizen. "We want to take him to a mental health professional as soon as possible because of the trauma that he's been through. But I don't think it's going to be any time soon."

Khan arrived in Dhaka on July 1 to celebrate Eid with his family, and planned to travel to Nepal to begin an internship with UNICEF the following week. He was with friends at the Holey Artisan Bakery when five armed gunmen attacked. ​

With files from The Canadian Press
© The Associated Press, 2016

More on [url=http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/bangladesh-restaurant-attack-1.3738298

With his Degree in Chemistry, one could suspect him as being a "Bomb maker", and definitely a High Value Target of the anti-terrorist operatives.
So I have been doing more digging on those hadith for online source of a tafsir of them and a complete collection of sahih bukhari to validate them.... and from what I see one of the hadiths he quotes.. does not exist.

The hadith he quoted for vol 4 book 52 #96 is as follows... which is radically different then what he posted. What I found;

Volume 4, Book 52, Number 196 :
Narrated by Abu Huraira
Allah 's Apostle said, " I have been ordered to fight with the people till they say, 'None has the right to be worshipped but Allah,' and whoever says, 'None has the right to be worshipped but Allah,' his life and property will be saved by me except for Islamic law, and his accounts will be with Allah, (either to punish him or to forgive him.)"

What he quoted;
Hadith Sahih Bukhari 4,52,196: (I have been directed to fight the Kafir until everyone admits “There is only one god and that is Allah.”)

The hadith that I found, is very much different imo. It has now become a pet project, but finding tafsir of hadith is tough. I want to see which arabic words were used, because it could make a huge difference ie spiritual vs physical fight etc and see when and who it was said to.

You know, Abdullah, if every religion on earth took the position and view that ALL punishment for not following the "law" of their religion is to be meted out by their god and only their god  - never acting through a human being, and that no human has either the right nor the authority to dispense god's judgement here on earth, I would be a very happy man.

Human political society would still be allowed punishment for purposes of human justice, but only for acts between humans found unacceptable further to humanly determined laws, not ever used themselves to impose any religious tenet (such as blasphemy, for instance, which to me is not a "human" crime).

That would solve a lot of problems on this little speck of the Universe we live on.
AbdullahD said:
So I have been doing more digging on those hadith for online source of a tafsir of them and a complete collection of sahih bukhari to validate them.... and from what I see one of the hadiths he quotes.. does not exist.

So if I understand it correctly Islamic scholars take it upon themselves to decipher the Koran and can basically come up with different rules and laws on their own? Like a thou shall not pokemon ruling?

Oldgateboatdriver said:
You know, Abdullah, if every religion on earth took the position and view that ALL punishment for not following the "law" of their religion is to be meted out by their god and only their god  - never acting through a human being, and that no human has either the right nor the authority to dispense god's judgement here on earth, I would be a very happy man.
One of the most intelligent things regarding religion I've ever read and would probably save a billion lives in our lifetime alone.
AbdullahD said:
The hadith that I found, is very much different imo. It has now become a pet project, but finding tafsir of hadith is tough. I want to see which arabic words were used, because it could make a huge difference ie spiritual vs physical fight etc and see when and who it was said to.


As English has evolved over the centuries, as has other languages, the original meanings of some words have changed over time and with context.  It is likely that the Arabic languages are no different.  This would be compounded, as well, as more words are added to a language to differentiate between the various nuances of a series of words for a certain thing. 
Jarnhamar said:
One of the most intelligent things regarding religion I've ever read and would probably save a billion lives in our lifetime alone.

I'm with you 100% on this one. 