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Islamic Terrorism in the West ( Mega thread)

Cdn Blackshirt said:
Just a side note and a sign of progress that many have been calling for, apparently the muslim council of France has finally drawn a line in the sand and will not perform a muslim burial for the terrorist who executed the priest.

Bravo gentlemen.

Sorry, no link.  If I find one I'll post it.

Cdn Blackshirt said:
Just a side note and a sign of progress that many have been calling for, apparently the muslim council of France has finally drawn a line in the sand and will not perform a muslim burial for the terrorist who executed the priest.

Bravo gentlemen.

Sorry, no link.  If I find one I'll post it.

I'm glad to see this, however, I doubt they'll have trouble finding a radical Imam, in the Muslim ghetto, to do the job.
recceguy said:
I'm glad to see this, however, I doubt they'll have trouble finding a radical Imam, in the Muslim ghetto, to do the job.

Easy fix for that.  Make it policy that the remains recovered of any terrorist shall be cremated and the ashes disposed without ceremony of by the State, no exceptions.  By the belief system of this particular individual for example, he would be unable to enter Paradise.  tsk, tsk, tsk.  This way, they'll know up front they're going to face consequences.  The knife can cut both ways.
So, here is a thought.

If Trump expands his ban on immigrants to countries and regions where there is sigificant terroist activity, he's looking at pretty large sections of Europe, the Middle East (a given) and Asia.

And seeing how one millenium attack out of Canada was thwarted and we've had two home grown radicals and a couple of disrupted plots, and we are also stigmatized by the myth of 9-11 hijackers entering from Canada, are we going to be on that list of banned countries too?
An incident in Britain last night that seems to be flying under the radar. I'll put it here for now, reproduced under the fair dealing provisions of the Copyright Act:

Armed police fill London streets day after deadly knife attack
'Mental health remains a substantial focus' of probe, police head says after woman killed, 5 wounded

More police officers are patrolling London streets today after a man stabbed an American woman to death and wounded five people near the British Museum, just days after authorities had warned the public to be vigilant inspired by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria in other parts of Europe.

Police used a stun gun to subdue the 19-year-old man shortly after the attack at around 10:30 p.m. Wednesday in central London's Russell Square. He was arrested on suspicion of murder and is in custody at a London police station.

The attack appears to have been random and a mental health problem could be to blame, according to investigators.

No names have been released.

"Our investigation is moving very quickly and our detectives have been working hard throughout the night," Metropolitan Police Commissioner Bernard Hogan-Howe said in a statement on Thursday morning.

"Mental health remains a substantial focus for our investigation."

Police said earlier they were looking into terrorism as a possible motive, but by Thursday appeared to be setting those concerns aside.

"So far we have found no evidence of radicalization that would suggest that the man in our custody is in any way motivated by terrorism," Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley told reporters outside police headquarters in central London.

The suspect is a Norwegian national of Somali descent, according to Scotland Yard.

The slain woman was an American in her 60s. The wounded are from Australia, the U.S., Israel and the U.K.

Two people remain in hospital, while others have been discharged.

Link to full CBC article:
I'll buy the mental health thing.  Anyone who believes that their imaginary friend in the sky wants you to kill someone because he likes bacon cheeseburgers has got to be batshit ratfuck crazy.
Bass ackwards said:
Armed police fill London streets day after deadly knife attack
'Mental health remains a substantial focus' of probe, police head says after woman killed, 5 wounded

It's increasingly easy to blame jihadist terror for so many issues, which by the way, they are more than happy to reap the blame / credit.  Of course, our own politicians aren't adverse to using terror incidents for their own purposes either, further skewing potential understanding.

There was an interesting article in the New York Times  a couple of weeks ago, "In the Age of ISIS, Who’s a Terrorist, and Who’s Simply Deranged?", which some may find informative.  LINK
And, another one bites the dust.  :nod:

Muslim knifeman shouting 'Allahu Akbar' stabs two Belgian policewomen in street rampage before being shot dead by cops
-Man wielding machete shouted 'Allahu Akbar' as he attacked officers
-Two Belgian policewomen were injured by the male perpetrator
-A third officer then shot the attacker who later died from his injuries

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3726916/Two-Belgian-policemen-attacked-machete-wielding-assailant-shouting-Arabic.html#ixzz4GZt1JI9w
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I reckon his first problem was trying to stab someone with a machete.
jollyjacktar said:
-Man wielding machete shouted 'Allahu Akbar' as he attacked officers

I think it's less of a "terrorisim" issue and more or an Religion/Islam issue TBH.
"A Canadian is a Canadian, is a Canadian."  How far should that actually go?

Reproduced under the Fair Dealings provisions of the Copyright Act:    (Link in Title)

Man accused of terrorist activities lives just outside GTA as Canadian citizen

Tamara Cherry, CTV Toronto
Published Thursday, August 18, 2016 6:32PM EDT
Last Updated Thursday, August 18, 2016 6:45PM EDT

An internationally wanted man accused of terrorist activities is living just outside the Greater Toronto Area as a Canadian citizen, CTV Toronto has learned.

The case raises questions about the weight of Interpol notices as well as how the Canadian government deals with people they believe belong to terror groups.

The story began to unravel when CTV Toronto received a tip that a man named in an Interpol red notice -- a notice that is issued in an effort to find, arrest and extradite a wanted person believed to be living abroad -- may be living in the Greater Toronto Area.

The red notice in question was issued in 2010 for a then-43-year-old man named Ravishankar Kanagarajah. The notice currently on Interpol's website lists the wanted party as Kanagaraja Ravishankar. His charges are listed as "Terrorism" and he is wanted by authorities in Sri Lanka.

According to Sri Lankan media, in 2014, Ravishankar was convicted and sentenced in absentia to 30 years imprisonment for transporting guns and explosives from North Korea to Sri Lanka for the LTTE, or Tamil Tigers. The group has been considered a terrorist entity by the Canadian government since 2006. According to Sri Lankan media, Ravishankar is considered a leader of the group.

A man living under the slightly different name of Ravisangar Kanagarajah is listed as the director of Siya Shipping Company Ltd.

According to several people found at the Brampton address listed for the company, Kanagarajah used to live at there, but recently moved to the Cambridge area.

A woman who identified herself as Kanagarajah's sister-in-law confirmed Monday Kanagarajah currently lives in her Kitchener home, along with his brother-in-law, having recently separated from his wife in Brampton. Several attempts to reach Kanagarajah, however, were unsuccessful. According to his brother-in-law and sister-in-law, he was driving a transport truck and unreachable when CTV Toronto showed up at his Kitchener home twice this week.

CTV Toronto was ultimately put in touch with his attorney, human rights lawyer Paul Copeland.

Copeland, as well as family members, confirmed Kanagarajah is the man listed in the Interpol red notice and is currently a Canadian citizen. It is unknown under what circumstances Kanagarajah was granted citizenship.
"He's a Canadian citizen, he's here lawfully, I've never heard an allegation that he used a different name," Copeland said.

According to Copeland, the Canadian government attempted to revoke Kanagarajah's passport in recent years, in part due to the Interpol red notice, but ultimately halted the process because Kanagarajah's passport had expired.
Citing "privacy laws," Citizenship and Immigration Canada refused to comment on any aspect of Kanagarajah's case, including whether the federal government attempted to revoke Kanagarajah's citizenship upon learning of the Interpol red notice and ultimate terror-related conviction. Terrorism-related convictions are grounds for citizenship revocation in Canada.

"There's never been a suggestion by Canadian authorities to me that they've any intention of making any attempts to do that," Copeland said.

Pointing to the historical oppression of the Tamil population in Sri Lanka, Copeland argued that Kanagarajah does not amount to a terrorist, nor should he be considered a threat to the Canadian public.

"I think the civil war in Sri Lanka did not fit within the definition of terrorism, generally speaking," Copeland said. "I would not regard him (Kanagarajah) as a terrorist."

Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale refused to be interviewed for this story.

Video, photos and more on LINK.
A very good article from the Mackenzie Institute with various links to their research and sources:

Reproduced under the Fair Dealings provisions of the Copyright Act:    (Link in Title)

Part 1

The Muslim Brotherhood in Canada: Civilization Jihad
11/30/2015, 4:12 pm

Canada has produced a series of individuals who have become suicide bombers, ISIS propagandists and jihadist fighters in a variety of conflict zones. How this radicalization is occurring is unclear to many observers.  It is worth noting, however, that Canada has a series of deep networks which have the ideology, money and infrastructure to support their objectives of developing extremism. They have the ability to create the political, social and cultural spaces for extremism to flourish. Radicalization and political violence (terrorism) are the two most visible offshoots of this overall process.1

The most advanced networks in Canada are operated by the Muslim Brotherhood, the Iranian sponsored Khomeneists, Hizb ut-Tahrir and the organizational structures bought through Wahhabist money. Of these, the most systemic threat to Canada may come from the Muslim Brotherhood.  Intelligence and law enforcement agencies appear to have become focused on catching ‘terrorists’ but have not disrupted the networks producing them.

The Muslim Brotherhood

The Muslim Brotherhood, a Sunni aligned extremist organization, may be the largest and most effective of these groups in Canada.  With some 700 oath of allegiance or bay’at2 swearing members3 and thousands more followers in Canada, the front organizations of the Muslim Brotherhood operate a series of mosques[4], prayer rooms, schools5, cultural centres and federally registered charities.6  Members of the Muslim Brotherhood (al-Ikhwān al-Muslimūn) are often referred to as Ikhwani and the group as “The Ikhwan.”

The Muslim Brotherhood was founded in Egypt in 1928 during the fall out of World War One, the redrawing of Middle East borders and the final collapse of the Ottoman Caliphate in 1924.7 The founder, Hassan al-Banna, is one of the most quoted and revered figures in the world of extremist, politicized Islam.  The Muslim Brotherhood’s ideological sister organization, Jamaat- e-Islami, was founded by Abul A’la Maududi in 1941.8 The Muslim Brotherhood currently has a structured presence in some 70+ countries.9

It is critical to understand the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood and Jamaat-e-Islami as they are the well spring of ideology for almost all other major Islamacist supremacist organizations,10 including ISIS.11  Abū Bakr al-Baghdādi 12 is the first Caliph of the ISIS Caliphate. He quotes ideas and beliefs from al-Maududi and from the Brotherhood’s Sayyid Qutb (and others)13during his only public sermon in Mosul in July of 2014. This was immediately following the ISIS victories in Syria and Iraq in June of 2014.14 Of note, al-Maududi himself is a former Muslim Brotherhood member15, along with other key extremist figures such as al Qaeda’s Ayman Zawahiri16 and al Qaeda co-founder Abdullah Azzam.17

The ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood is Islamacist and political, that is to say that its objective is to impose its interpretation of Islam over all of society18, to the exclusion of all other religions, political systems, economic methods and social structures.  Hassan al-Banna’s well-known edict on this world view was reduced to the simple motto “Islam is the solution.”

Secrecy and Violence

Almost since its founding, the Muslim Brotherhood has struggled with the issues of secrecy and violence.  The organization has frequently maintained a set of secret sub-groups, most of them related to violent activities.  The founder, Hassan al-Banna, struggled with the concept of whether the organization should employ a ‘ground up’ approach, growing itself through social works in the community or by using force and taking over from the ‘top down’.  But even by the 1930s, the Muslim Brotherhood had a ‘secret apparatus’19 and was sending armed groups to fight in the Palestinian Governate.  This issue would later emerge and cause huge upsets when another Muslim Brotherhood theorist, Sayyed Qutb (1906-1966), advocated openly for the larger use of violence.

In one notable event in the early 1970s, the Muslim Brotherhood publicly stated that it renounced violence.20 However, this view was officially reversed following a policy review after the Muslim Brotherhood government of Egypt was ejected in 2013.  On 28 January 2015, the Muslim Brotherhood stated it would return to violence with the following statement:

“It is in incumbent upon everyone to be aware that we are the process of a new phase, where we summon what is latent in our strength, where we recall the meanings of jihad and prepare ourselves, our wives, our sons, our daughters, and whoever marched on our path to a long, uncompromising jihad, and during this stage we ask for martyrdom.”21

Civilization Jihad: The Muslim Brotherhood in Canada and the United States

In 1991, following a controversial year-long internal policy review, the Muslim Brotherhood in North America announced its “Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Brotherhood in North America.” The detailed plan, signed by Dr. Mohamed Akram, described their objectives, strategies and what was expected of its members and front groups.  Key among those statements was: “The process of settlement is a “Civilization-Jihadist Process” with all the word means. The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions. Without this level of understanding, we are not up to this challenge and have not prepared ourselves for Jihad yet. It is a Muslim’s destiny to perform Jihad and work wherever he is and wherever he lands until the final hour comes, and there is no escape from that destiny except for those who choose to slack.”22

A number of Muslim Brotherhood sympathizers have attempted to downplay the significance of this document, claiming that it represents the view of one individual at a point in time.23  The reality, however, is that the document was released by the Shura Council (governing body) of the Muslim Brotherhood in North America. During the Holy Land Relief terrorism funding trials in the USA, the document itself was entered as evidence.24  In the following years, Dr. Mohammed Akram, its signatory, was promoted to be head of the Al Quds International Foundation, which itself is a specially designated terrorist organization. Al Quds has been identified as being “controlled by and acting for or on behalf of Hamas” according to US Presidential Executive Order 13224.25The foundation is run by Yusef Qaradawi, who has been identified as the “most important leader of the Global Muslim Brotherhood and is the de facto spiritual leader of the movement.” He is also considered to be the ‘spiritual guide’ for HAMAS and his fatwas support suicide bombings.”26

We Will Conquer America

As noted, Yusef Qaradawi is the leading cleric and inspirational leader for the Muslim Brotherhood and he is also the subject of an Interpol Red Notice.27 Initially in 199528 and again in 200729, he stated that the Muslim Brotherhood will gradually takeover both North America and Europe.

“This means that Islam will come back to Europe for the third time, after it was expelled from it twice… Conquest through Da’wa that is what we hope for. We will conquer Europe, we will conquer America! Not through sword but through Da’wa.“30

Canadian Front Groups

The 1991 Explanatory Memorandum also directed that the Muslim Brotherhood would operate through a series of front groups and sympathetic organizations.  Zeid al-Noman, a Masul of the Executive Committee31of the Muslim Brotherhood of North America made the following observations on the issue of front groups in the overall plan:

By God, fronts are one method …., one method for grouping and are one method to communicate the Ikhwan‘s thought. They are one method to communicate the Ikhwan’s point of view. A front is not formed until after a study and after an exhaustive study. I mean, the last front formed by the Group is the Islamic Association for Palestine.

For instance, the brothers in Egypt don’t have fronts in the same broad way we have in America and the fronts are one of the means and so on. Then, Ikhwans, our means are really different. They might carry the same name but the content is different.32

In Canada, the highest profile of these organizations are the Muslim Association of Canada, the National Council of Canadian Muslims, (formerly CAIR CAN), IRFAN and Islamic Relief Canada.33 IRFAN (International Relief Fund for the Afflicted and Needy) is now defunct, having lost its charitable status in 2011 for funding terrorism and having been listed as a terrorism entity in 2014.34

Another Muslim Brotherhood front group, formed in the USA but now active in Canada as well, is the Muslim Student Association (MSA).  This student group was formed as an educational and recruiting program for the Muslim Brotherhood.  In Canada, some of its better known alumni are al Qaeda financer Ahmed Sayed Khadr (University of Ottawa MSA), suicide bomber Salman Asrafi (University of Lethbridge MSA), and ISIS propagandist John Maguire (University of Ottawa MSA). Other from the MSA have also gone on to take significant leadership roles in Muslim Brotherhood front groups as well as Ikhwani positions overseas. 35

Beating Women is a Sign of Love and Concern

The Muslim Student Association of York University handed out free books for its annual Islam Awareness Week in February 2015. One of the books, Women in Islam, has a chapter on ‘Wife Disciplining’ and advises that wives should only be beaten as part of a three stage correctional process.  It also notes that there are different kinds of women, including the view that: “Submissive or subdued women. These women may even enjoy being beaten at times as a sign of love and concern.”36

This book, and other similar statements, are an indication of just how misogynistic extremist Islamacists can be, even in public. Other recent examples by extremist Imams in Canada include the view that “beating women is a form of education in Islam.”37

The Muslim Association of Canada

Of note, the Muslim Association of Canada openly states its support for the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hassan al-Banna, on their webpage. “In the Arab world, this revival culminated in the writings of the late Imam Hassan al-Banna and the movement of the Society of Muslim Brothers (commonly known as the Muslim Brotherhood). Al-Banna’s core messages of constructive engagement in society, focus on personal and communal empowerment, and organizational development had a deep impact on much of the Muslim world.”38

The Muslim Association of Canada operates a series of schools and mosques across Canada.  They can be seen in this chart:39


Intelligence and law enforcement agencies have often been focused on ‘terrorists’ and ‘terrorism’ which are but two manifestations of extremism.  Here in Canada (and in the USA) the over focus on terrorism has come at the expense of not examining the extremist networks that feed the radicalization.  The Muslim Brotherhood, with its variety of front groups, is well positioned to continue its activities in support of its primary objective of using ‘civilization jihad’ to increasingly impose its Islamacist beliefs and influence on Canada.

The Government of the United Kingdom has struggled for years with its program to “Prevent Violent Extremism” which has had mixed to weak results and is now changing strategies and working towards its “Confronting Violent Extremism” program, with greater hopes for success. Other governments in Europe are also struggling with NO GO zones and isolated communities due to the success of extremist networks there.  Denmark, France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany are examples

What is not clear is whether the Government of Canada is prepared to produce a sufficient response to both terrorism and the networks behind the growth in extremism.  At this time, it appears that another intelligence and policy failure is in the making.

More on LINK.

...../Part 2
Part 2


1.  See the article Who Runs Canada’s Extremist Networks? which is available online at: http://tsecnetwork.ca/2015/09/24/who-runs-canadas-extremist-recruiting-networks/
2.  A bay’at is an oath of allegiance to an emir or leader.  In the case of the Muslim Brotherhood, the oath is sworn to the organization and to its Supreme Guide. For a general definition, see http://www.thefreedictionary.com/bayat. For more on the oath of allegiance to the Muslim Brotherhood see the recent article of January 7, 2015 by Hamad Al-Majid which can be seen online at: http://english.aawsat.com/2015/01/article55340148.
3.  The number of 700 members in Canada comes from Tharwat Kherbawi, a former leadership figure of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. In 2015, he estimated the number of Ikhwani members in Canada in the early 2000s at 700, based on his earlier financing and travel arrangement work for the Muslim Brotherhood.  However, he also believes that the number could be greater now, given the outflow of Muslim Brotherhood members since the collapse of their government in Egypt in 2013.  For more on Kherbawi and his profile, see Inside the Ikhwan, Interview with Tharwat El-Kherbawy; an insider’s look at the Muslim Brotherhood first posted on November 20, 2012.  http://www.dailynewsegypt.com/2012/11/20/inside-the-ikhwan/.
4.  For instance, Dr. El-Tantawy Attia of the Masjid Toronto (Dundas Street) and the Muslim Association of Canada made it clear when he emphatically told the press “Here, we follow the teachings of the Muslim Brotherhood.”  For more on this see the National Post Story Cancelled debate highlights tension among Canadian Muslims which is available online at: http://news.nationalpost.com/holy-post/cancelled-debate-highlights-tension-among-canadian-muslims
5.  For a partial listing of properties and schools see both the list provided and the chart at: http://www.stcatharinesstandard.ca/2015/01/29/muslim-group-linked-to-terror-organization-buying-buildings-across-canada  See also the charts on properties and schools at:  http://www.ottawasun.com/2015/01/29/canadian-muslim-group-linked-to-terror-financing-denies-wrongdoing
6.  Ian MacLeod, The Ottawa Citizen, Beware of the Muslim Brotherhood, expert warns. Published on May 16, 2015.  The article is available online at: http://ottawacitizen.com/news/politics/beware-of-the-muslim-brotherhood-expert-warns.  The article was based on the Senate of Canada testimony by Dr. Lorenzo Vidino.  For a full transcript of Dr. Vidino’s testimony on the Muslim Brotherhood in Canada see: http://www.parl.gc.ca/content/sen/committee/412/SECD/52124-E.HTM
7.  For a short overview of the founding of the Muslim Brotherhood, see the Federation of American Scientists article at: http://fas.org/irp/world/para/mb.htm.  See also the BBC Profile of the Muslim Brotherhood at: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-12313405  See also see the Council on Foreign Relations report at: http://www.cfr.org/egypt/egypts-muslim-brotherhood/p23991
8.  Martín, Richard C. (2004). Encyclopedia of Islam & the Muslim World. Granite Hill. p. 371.  See also Choueiri, Youssef M. (2010). Islamic Fundamentalism 3rd Edition: The Story of Islamist Movements (3rd ed.), Bloomsbury. p. 100. In this book the author states  "... all the major contemporary radicalist movements, particularly the Tunisian Islamic Tendency, led by Rashid Ghannushi, the Egyptian Islamic Jihad organization and the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood, derive their ideological and political programmes from the writings of al Mawdudi and Sayyid Qutb."  See also The New Republic "The roots of jihad in India" by Philip Jenkins, December 24, 2008.
9.  See, among many others, Raymond Ibrahim, The Muslim Brotherhood: Origins, Efficacy, and Reach.  The article is available online at:  https://www.worldwatchmonitor.org/research/2594227
10.  For more on how vanguard ideology is based around the Muslim Brotherhood, see Fuller, The Future of Political Islam, (2003), p.194-5.
11.  For more on the ideological links between ISIS and the Muslim Brotherhood, see the Ryan Mauro article of October 19, 2014: Egyptian Gov't Says ISIS Came from Muslim Brotherhood. The article is available online at: http://www.clarionproject.org/analysis/egyptian-govt-says-isis-came-muslim-brotherhood
12.  For more on al-Baghdadi, see the BBC profile at: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-27801676.  See also the Brookings Institute research essay of him at: http://www.brookings.edu/research/essays/2015/thebeliever
13.  Farhang Jahanpour Al-Baghdadi, Self-Proclaimed Caliph of the Islamic State - Part 2, 10/27/14. http://www.payvand.com/news/14/oct/1154.html  The author notes:  His sermon touched on some of the key militant Sunni doctrines, going back to the strict Salafi Hanbali doctrines, the writings of Ibn Taymiyyah who lived at the time of the Mongol invasion of Iraq, to the views of the militant Egyptian ideologue Sayyid Qutb, the Lebanese-Egyptian Salafi preacher Rashid Rida, and Pakistani militant theologian and political activist Abul Ala Maududi.
14.  Kevin MacDonald, The Guardian, Tuesday September 9, 2014 12.59 BST:  Isis jihadis aren’t medieval – they are shaped by modern western philosophy. The article can be seen online at: http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/sep/09/isis-jihadi-shaped-by-modern-western-philosophy
15.  William McCants, Brookings Institute research essay, The Believer, September 01, 2015.  See this article online at: http://www.brookings.edu/research/essays/2015/thebeliever
16.  Among many other sources, see the BBC Profile of Ayman al-Zawahiri at: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-13789286
17.  Thomas Hegghammer, “Introduction: Abdallah Azzam, Imam of Jihad,” in Al Qaeda in Its Own Words, Gilles Kepel and Jean-Pierre Milelli (Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2008), 81–101.
18.  For a larger discussion and definition of Islamicism, see the article by Maajid Nawaz of the Quilliam Foundation.  It is available online at:  http://www.quilliamfoundation.org/press/maajid-nawaz-speaks-about-journey-from-extremism-to-democratic-awakening/
19.  On 28 January 2015, the Muslim Brotherhood referred to its founder Hassan al-Banna and its earlier years when it stated it would return to violence with the statement:  “Imam al-Banna prepared the jihad brigades that he sent to Palestine to kill the Zionist usurpers and the second [Supreme] Guide Hassan al-Hudaybi reconstructed the ‘secret apparatus’ to bleed the British occupiers.” The statement can been seen at the Muslim Brotherhood’s own website or an English language version can be seen at: http://www.memri.org/report/en/0/0/0/0/0/0/8446.htm
20.  Zachary Laub, Online Writer/Editor, Council on Foreign Relations,  Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood, Updated: January 15, 2014  http://www.cfr.org/egypt/egypts-muslim-brotherhood/p23991
21.  http://www.memri.org/report/en/0/0/0/0/0/0/8446.htm
22.  http://www.investigativeproject.org/document/id/20
23.  Mohammad Akram and Explanatory Memo Still Matter, Center for Security Policy, 18 May 2015.  The article is available online at:  https://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/2015/05/18/mohammad-akram-and-explanatory-memo-still-matter/ .
24.  See documents from the Holy Land Relief Trial, in particular the 2009 order on Holy Land Foundation unindicted coconspirator list.  In this ruling, the court stated:  Government Exhibit. 3-85 (1991 memorandum authored by U.S.-Muslim Brotherhood Shura Council member Mohamed Akram Adlouni, recognizing ISNA and NAIT as Muslim Brotherhood organizations.) Government’s Exhibit 3-85, entitled An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal of the Group, described the Brotherhood’s strategic goal as a kind of “grand Jihad.”  See the ruling at: http://www.scribd.com/doc/43380629/2009-order-on-Holy-Land-Foundation-unindicted-coconspirator-list
25.  US Department of the Treasury, Treasury Sanctions Two Hamas-Controlled Charities, 10/4/2012 http://www.treasury.gov/press-center/press-releases/Pages/tg1725.aspx
26.  Youssef Qaradawi, The Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Watch, http://www.globalmbwatch.com/youssef-qaradawi/.  For more on Qaradawi, see http://www.jpost.com/Middle-East/A-portrait-of-Muslim-Brotherhoods-supreme-authority
27.  http://www.interpol.int/notice/search/wanted/2014-58772
28.  John Mintz and Douglas Farah, Washington Post, Saturday, September 11, 2004: In Search Of Friends Among The Foes. The article can be seen online at: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A12823-2004Sep10.html
29.  Sheik Yusuf Al-Qaradhawi: Islam's "Conquest of Rome" Will Save Europe from Its Subjugation to Materialism and Promiscuity, Qatar TV - July 28, 2007 - 02:44.  The clip can be seen at:  http://www.memritv.org/clip/en/1592.htm .
30.  http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Yusuf_Qaradawi
31.  For a transcript of the speech and for his identification as a Masul, see the Holy Land Relief Foundation terror funding trial document at: http://www.investigativeproject.org/redirect/Ikhwan_in_American-Zeid_Al-Nomann.pdf
32.  The Ikhwan in America, Zeid al-Noman. For an explanation of al-Noman’s speech in this issue, see, among others: http://www.investigativeproject.org/documents/misc/26.pdf
33.  Ian MacLeod, The Ottawa Citizen, Beware of the Muslim Brotherhood, expert warns. Published on: May 16, 2015.  The article is available online at: http://ottawacitizen.com/news/politics/beware-of-the-muslim-brotherhood-expert-warns .  The article was based on the Senate of Canada testimony by Lorenzo Vidino.  For a full transcript of his testimony on the Muslim Brotherhood in Canada see: http://www.parl.gc.ca/content/sen/committee/412/SECD/52124-E.HTM
34.  http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/chrts-gvng/chrts/whtsnw/trrrst-ntty-eng.html
35.  See the TSEC Network article on the MSA:  Is the Muslim Student Association of Canada/USA a Recruiting Point for Extremism?  http://tsecnetwork.ca/2015/09/25/is-the-muslim-student-association-of-canadausa-a-recruiting-point-for-extremism/
36.  The title of the book was Women in Islam & Refutation of some Common Misconceptions. To see pictures and an explanation of the event see: http://jonathanhalevi.blogspot.ca/2015/03/book-legalizing-wife-beating-is-being.html and http://www.blogwrath.com/canada-islam/muslim-week-at-york-university-with-wife-beating-tips/6971/
37.  For more examples of advocating violence against women in Canada, see the article A Tale of the Handmaidens – Violence against Women in Canada. The article is available online at: http://tsecnetwork.ca/2015/10/04/a-tale-of-the-handmaidens-violence-against-women-in-canada/
38.  http://www.macnet.ca/English/Pages/About%20MAC.aspx
39.  The chart was originally a part of a Sun Media article which can be seen at: http://www.ottawasun.com/2015/01/29/canadian-muslim-group-linked-to-terror-financing-denies-wrongdoing

More on LINK.
George Carlin: The Islamic Extremists Will Win

Jarnhamar said:
Didn't hear much about the plane crash in Peterborough in the news, I remember thinking it's weird they never mentioned a name.

See also,

RCMP treated Peterborough, Ont., plane crash as "nat'l security" case 

S.M.A. said:
Schizophrenia? Or something else?

Jarnhamar said:
Gotta wonder why the RCMP was treating it as a national security issue though.

For any Family Guy fans,  :)



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The German government finally steps off the X. Asking people to stockpile food and water is telling them to become more aware and self reliant. Making a society more robust is a good way to both mitigate the effects of attacks, and also start getting more people able to spot warning signs and respond to attacks, shutting them down early:


Germany to tell people to stockpile food and water in case of attacks: FAS
Reuters August 21, 2016

BERLIN (Reuters) - For the first time since the end of the Cold War, the German government plans to tell citizens to stockpile food and water in case of an attack or catastrophe, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung newspaper reported on Sunday.

Germany is currently on high alert after two Islamist attacks and a shooting rampage by a mentally unstable teenager last month. Berlin announced measures earlier this month to spend considerably more on its police and security forces and to create a special unit to counter cyber crime and terrorism.

"The population will be obliged to hold an individual supply of food for ten days," the newspaper quoted the government's "Concept for Civil Defence" - which has been prepared by the Interior Ministry - as saying.

The paper said a parliamentary committee had originally commissioned the civil defense strategy in 2012.

A spokesman for the Interior Ministry said the plan would be discussed by the cabinet on Wednesday and presented by the minister that afternoon. He declined to give any details on the content.

People will be required to stockpile enough drinking water to last for five days, according to the plan, the paper said.

The 69-page report does not see an attack on Germany's territory, which would require a conventional style of national defense, as likely.

However, the precautionary measures demand that people "prepare appropriately for a development that could threaten our existence and cannot be categorically ruled out in the future," the paper cited the report as saying.

It also mentions the necessity of a reliable alarm system, better structural protection of buildings and more capacity in the health system, the paper said.

A further priority should be more support of the armed forces by civilians, it added.

Germany's Defence Minister said earlier this month the country lay in the "crosshairs of terrorism" and pressed for plans for the military to train more closely with police in preparing for potential large-scale militant attacks.

(Writing by Caroline Copley; Editing by Andrew Bolton)
Thucydides said:
The German government finally steps off the X. Asking people to stockpile food and water is telling them to become more aware and self reliant.

Some of the more self reliant types may also stockpile cash for the Black Market.
I would appreciate feedback from AbdullahD so we can understand the context of these Hadiths and Koranic quotes. I'm not sure the solution as described is plausible, but there certainly needs to be a very active and strong counter messaging campaign to neutralize the Jihadis and eliminate their appeal to people:


Islamic Jihad’s Most Effective Weapons

Recently I published a pair of articles proposing in the first a series of severe legislative measures to curtail, if not eliminate, the carnage of jihad inflicted upon innocent people in all walks of life, and suggesting in the second that Islam, unlike Christianity, Judaism, and other faiths, should not be entitled to the protection of the First Amendment. In the sequel, I received a couple of messages accusing me of promoting a “final solution.” One from a former colleague read: Bravo. Your final solution is so simple and elegant. Another from a friend read, in part: Implicit in all your articles is that Islam…should or be made to disappear. The case against Islam taken to its extreme begins to sound very close to a "final solution." Do we want or should we want to go there?

My former colleague appears never to have read the Islamic scriptures and ancillary texts and obviously has little knowledge of Islamic history. My friend is considerably more erudite but seems, nonetheless, to believe that direct and aggressive confrontation is not the proper route to take. To imply that I, a Jew, am advocating a “final solution,” an Endlösung, is at the very least rather tactless. It is also, as I hope to show, the height of folly. What I said in my articles is that the terror apparatus needs to be dismantled without delay or equivocation, and that we have to go to the source of the violence, Islam itself. I was not advocating killing anyone, or rounding Muslims up in cattle cars and shipping them off to concentration camps, or burning  ghettoes and no-go zones to the ground.

I said in particular that terror mosques have to be investigated and if necessary shut down (military-grade weapons have been found in a German mosque, but jihadist-inspired sermons are also heavy weapons), that no-go zones have to be disarmed and opened to safe public dwelling, that Sharia, a draconian atavism incompatible with our constitutions, should be outlawed, that unscreened immigration simply has to stop, and that the status of Islam as a “religion” entitled to the shelter of the First Amendment is a legitimate issue to be debated—at least until the Koran, Hadith, Sira, schools of jurisprudence, etc. are sanitized, if ever.

My friend replied to a stern rebuke in partial walkback fashion. Of course, I’m not suggesting that you’re advocating an actual “final solution,” that’s absurd…Explicit in your many articles is that any decent, self-respecting, tolerant Muslim should…defect from Islam (reject the Koran, for all the reasons you have been laying out for years). Their example, taken to the extreme, would have Islam disappear gently into the night, which would be like a “final solution.” That’s all I’m saying. He continued: What your latest article doesn’t allow re. religious protection is a reformation within Islam, which I believe has already begun.

The question is: how long are we willing to wait for this putative reformation to bear fruit? I see a few "moderates" here and there trying to effect change, but they are having little appreciable impact, and most still adhere to the adulation of Mohammed, turn a blind eye to the dictates of their faith, or pretend the offending passages, with which the scriptures and commentaries are replete, mean something other than what they explicitly say.

A substantial and rooted reformation of Islam is the pipe dream of the cowed and complaisant who cannot face the indigestible fact that Islam is at war with us, has been at war with the Judeo-Christian West (and other civilizations) for fourteen hundred years, and shows no sign of relenting. I’d also suggest—assuming reform were conceivable—that my proposals, if taken seriously, might accelerate the reform my correspondent is piously wishing for. With terror mosques closed and fundamentalist Islam in official disgrace, true reformers might gather momentum. But this is only a thought-experiment.

The exception to the rule of Islamic hegemony, according to Supra Zaida Peery, executive director of Muslim World Today, appears to be Azerbaijan, with its history, at least since independence from the Soviet bloc in 1991, of “egalitarianism, democracy, and rule of law.” Such advancements are possible only where the Islamic scriptures are studiously disregarded, which reinforces the argument that canonical Islam is anti-freedom and an ever-present danger.

Ms. Peery admits that traditional Islam, honor codes and all, is making a comeback. Azerbaijan also enjoys strong relations with Erdogan’s Turkey, a political alliance that provokes a degree of skepticism respecting Ms. Peery’s claims. Everything considered, I would agree with Danusha Goska’s critical review of Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now—a book which claims that Islam is susceptible, however tardily, to modernization. Goska writes: “We must confront jihad for what it is: a timeless and universal threat that requires an equally timeless and universal response.”

I have nothing against Muslims practicing their faith in their homes, as long as they don't take its injunctions to rape, enslave, subjugate and murder in the name of Allah literally, and I have nothing against imams sermonizing from an extensively expurgated Koran—though their temples should have no greater legal status than, say, a Masonic clubhouse.

Meanwhile we line up at airports, remove our shoes, wait interminably to be processed, and expect to be groped—followed by the apprehension, shared by many, that the flight we have boarded may disappear off the radar. Meanwhile the French police are patrolling the beaches lest some "scantily clad" woman or child is knifed by some offended Muslim, as happened not long ago, a Jewish man in Strasbourg is stabbed by an Allahu Akbarist, seven people including a six-year-old child are injured in a “fire and knife” attack on a Swiss train, and an American tourist is stabbed to death in London’s busy Russell Square by a Somalian. “He’s still here, he’s still here,” were the dying woman’s last words, and indeed he is.

Meanwhile entire cities go into lockdown and people are warned to stay indoors after another jihadist onslaught. Meanwhile Pew polls report that young, second-generation Muslims—those we thought were Westernized “moderates”—increasingly favor death for apostates and gays and harsh punishment for criticism of Islam. Meanwhile countries are being swarmed with military-age “refugees,” a troubling number of whom are estimated to be ISIS plants or sympathizers; German intelligence official Manfred Hauser warns that ISIS has infiltrated the migrant hordes and set up a command structure in the country. Patrick Poole reports that the first two weeks of August 2016 have seen five dozen incidents of Muslim-related domestic insurgency in Europe. (As I write, a Muslim convert armed with detonation devices has just been shot by the RCMP in an Ontario community.)

The very conduct of our lives has changed—it’s called the “new normal.” We now hear from the lips of French Prime Minister Manuel Valls that we will have to “learn to live with terrorism.” Is this OK? Are we prepared to accept the limitations upon our traditional freedoms and the ever-present threat of violence upon our persons as a customary aspect of daily life in the hope that one day in the indefinite future the “religion of peace” will become a religion of peace? As things stand, our enemies are laughing all the way to the future.

More to the point, the irony very few observers wish to acknowledge—and certainly not my interlocutors—is that it is no one and nothing but Islam that is pursuing a "final solution "—and not only for Jews. Read the Koran and the Hadith. Consider, among many other passages and commands:

Koran 2:191-193 (And kill them wherever you find them…)

Koran 2:216 (Fighting is prescribed for you…)

Koran 3:151 (Soon shall we cast terror into the hearts of the unbelievers…)

Koran 4:74 (Let those fight in the way of Allah who sell the life of this world for the other...be he slain or victorious, on him We shall bestow a vast reward)

Koran 8:39 (And fight with them until there is no more unbelief and religion is all for Allah)

Koran 9:5: (When the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them…—though jihadists today do not wait for the sacred months to pass)

Koran 9:21 (Fight those who believe not in Allah…even if they are People of the Book—i.e., Jews and Christians)

Koran 9:41 (Go forth, light armed and heavy armed, and strive with your wealth and your lives in the way of Allah)

Koran 9:73 (O Prophet! Strive hard against the unbelievers and the hypocrites and be unyielding to them…)

Hadith, Sahih Muslim 041,6985: (Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger [may peace be upon him] as saying: The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him…)

Hadith Sahih Muslim 020,4712: (You shall conquer many lands and Allah will grant you victories over your enemies in battle, but none of you should stop practicing for war.)

Hadith Sahih Bukhari 4,52,196: (I have been directed to fight the Kafir until everyone admits “There is only one god and that is Allah.”)

Hadith Sahih Muslim 020,4681: (Certainly the gates of Paradise lie in the shade of swords), and 020,4696: (The man who dies without participating in jihad, who never desired to wage war, dies the death of a hypocrite.).

This is a radically abbreviated gazette; the litany does not stop there. And one must remember that these are the words of the Prophet and his God; as such they are incumbent upon every believing Muslim, and form the basis for the war of civilizations that began in the early 7th century and has not abated since. If we insist that this does not constitute a “final solution,” then we are quite simply lying to ourselves and deserve the fate that will befall us. To adapt the Islamic terminology, we are “unbelievers” in the sense that we refuse to believe our eyes and we are “hypocrites” in that we condemn others both for our cowardice and for the very crimes of Islam.

Serge Trifkovic, foreign affairs editor of the political magazine Chronicles, author of The Sword of the Prophet, and professor of international relations at the University of Banja Luka in Bosnia and Herzegovina, foresees the Islamic conquista of a “soft, genderless” Europe, expedited by “an implacably suicidal ruling class.” Trifkovic is worth attending to. The last paragraph of his chilling and premonitory article, “Europe’s Dark Hour,” reads in part: “The lesson of Europe for America is clear: The emergence of an autonomous and politically untouchable Muslim diaspora must be prevented. It is in the American interest for the U.S. government to introduce an open-ended moratorium on Muslim immigration now, while those who are present still lack the numbers and infrastructure to wreak havoc. In addition, Islamic activism should be treated as grounds for the exclusion or deportation of any alien…The alternative is the predictable pattern of terrorist violence, social corrosion, and cultural decline that we are witnessing in today’s Europe.”

Meanwhile the killings and atrocities will continue, increasing in frequency and scale. At the same time Islam is embedding itself in our governments and social institutions. So how long are we willing to wait? I suspect that if we ourselves are harmed, if the people we love are maimed or murdered, our patience might run out. I suspect that if we are hauled into court by some Muslim organization (I speak from experience) for exercising our free-speech rights and speaking truth backed by evidence, and emerge beaten, humiliated or nearly bankrupt—because the plaintiff is flush with Qatari cash and we have only a salary and a suborned judiciary--we might find ourselves short of tolerant forbearance. I suspect that if we are on the receiving end, not of counter arguments but of death threats and salvos of unspeakable vulgarity (I speak from experience), we might think this has gone on long enough. I suspect that if we find ourselves fired from our jobs or fined large sums of money because of a Facebook post deemed offensive by our Islamophilic authorities, we might find ourselves less forgiving.

But those who have so far managed to keep a safe distance from the looming storm cannot be expected to think clearly and soberly. Living inside the beltways, gated communities and ivory towers of an obsequious serenity is only a temporary arrangement. Of this we can be sure: complacency is the mother of false immunity. Thus, it comes as no surprise to read Ottawa Citizen editor-in-chief Andrew Potter’s recent article in the National Post in which we are smugly informed that, in the face of multiple casualty attacks, “Canadians should keep calm and carry on” since it would be “an enormous mistake to panic.” After all, he concludes, “the Canadian model is working…much better than it is in the U.S. or in parts of Europe.”

The witlessness on display here is stunning. The Muslim population in Canada is roughly 3.2% and growing worrisomely; the Canadian multicultural model does not inspire prolonged confidence. In the U.S. estimates tend to vary but the ratio appears to be between 1% and 2.2%, though the raw numbers are larger than Canada’s, somewhere in the vicinity of 3 to 6+ million; in the UK the census proportion is 4.6%; in Germany 5%; and in France it is approximately 10%. Has Potter never heard of the rule of numbers, which Raymond Ibrahim defines as: “The more Muslims grow in numbers, the more Islamic phenomena intrinsic to the Muslim world—in this case, brazen violence against ‘infidels’—appear.” The evidence Ibrahim provides is irrefutable. Incidentally, Potter begins his article by referring to Daniel Pipes as the “all-round scourge of Islam,” which should instantly discredit anything he has to say, given Pipes’ misplaced trust in so-called “moderate” Islam as an antidote to “radical” Islam and his peroxide distinction between “Islamism” and Islam.

Of course, Potter is no Trifkovic but a representative figure of a culture that has received its talking points from a myopic and self-destructive progressivist zeitgeist. The rhetoric in play in such boilerplate productions comes far too easily, flatters one’s sense of righteousness, and renders us increasingly vulnerable. Its effect is to lull us to sleep while the house is catching fire.

Furthermore, Islamic violence does not derive from a list of presumably justified complaints and resentments against the West, as many of us have been schooled to believe, and will not cease if we apologize, withdraw or provide reparations. As Ibrahim writes in The Al-Qaeda Reader, Islam’s war with the West “is not finite and limited to political grievances—real or imagined—but is existential, transcending time and space and deeply rooted in faith.” If more proof were needed aside from commonsense attention and a modicum of knowledge, a recent document issued by ISIS, Why We Hate You & Why We Fight You, cited by Ibrahim, makes it strikingly clear: “We hate you, first and foremost, because you are disbelievers; you reject the oneness of Allah…we have been commanded to fight the disbelievers until they submit to the authority of Islam, either by becoming Muslims, or by paying jizyah [poll tax]…and living in humiliation under the rule of the Muslims.”

Let there, then, be no more talk of a “final solution” except where it applies. Meanwhile, there's nothing like a dose of reality to awaken the sleeper and alert him to Islamic Jihad’s chief weapons, our own ignorance and complacency. So far most of us have been pretty well spared. But if our bedtime reverie continues, that’s not going to last forever.
Islamic Jihad’s Most Effective Weapons

Seems like an extremely interesting fellow a Zionist poet, who is a jew and a conservative who is also a known critic of Islam. He actually seems like an extremely intelligent guy, just from the quick read up I did on him.

Recently I published a pair of articles proposing in the first a series of severe legislative measures to curtail, if not eliminate, the carnage of jihad inflicted upon innocent people in all walks of life, and suggesting in the second that Islam, unlike Christianity, Judaism, and other faiths, should not be entitled to the protection of the First Amendment.

Wait a gosh darn minute here... what and why? Thucydides my good friend, you are now really making me work... because after im done this ill have to read those works as well... heck while your making me find tafsir of these quranic verses below... maybe some of these need qualifications too ;)

"If a man finds a virgin girl who was not betrothed, and seizes her and lies with her, and they are found, then the man who lay with her shall give fifty [shekels of] silver to the girl’s father, and she shall become his wife, because he violated her. He shall not be able to send her away all the days of his life" Deuteronomy 22:28–29



So now I'm actually curious as to how Islam got singled out... MarioMike, I believe I saw or read that you are Jewish fellow and if so I apologize for posting this filth and garbage  (even if your not I apologize to all Jewish people) but I needed to do so to show that.. 'interesting' scriptures are not an uniquely Islamic issue and to hate on Islam because of isolated verses taken out of context is stupidity in the highest form.

And the debunk for the filth... in defence of my Jewish brethren before the anti religion crowd comes ;) love you guys and your Kosher stuff is halal for me, so God willing we will break bread together one day... also as a side note thank all your brethren who kosher certify stuff, my family and I deeply love you guys for it.


In the sequel, I received a couple of messages accusing me of promoting a “final solution.” One from a former colleague read: Bravo. Your final solution is so simple and elegant. Another from a friend read, in part: Implicit in all your articles is that Islam…should or be made to disappear. The case against Islam taken to its extreme begins to sound very close to a "final solution." Do we want or should we want to go there?

My former colleague appears never to have read the Islamic scriptures and ancillary texts and obviously has little knowledge of Islamic history. My friend is considerably more erudite but seems, nonetheless, to believe that direct and aggressive confrontation is not the proper route to take. To imply that I, a Jew, am advocating a “final solution,” an Endlösung, is at the very least rather tactless. It is also, as I hope to show, the height of folly. What I said in my articles is that the terror apparatus needs to be dismantled without delay or equivocation, and that we have to go to the source of the violence, Islam itself.

Honestly, is this guy serious?

To be honest dont bother reading these links... I am still showing that other religions taken out of context have the exact same issues.. or worse...



I was not advocating killing anyone, or rounding Muslims up in cattle cars and shipping them off to concentration camps, or burning  ghettoes and no-go zones to the ground.

I said in particular that terror mosques have to be investigated and if necessary shut down (military-grade weapons have been found in a German mosque, but jihadist-inspired sermons are also heavy weapons),

I have no issues with this, at all. If you have some radical Imam, Rabbi or priest propagating hate speech and stockpiling weapons illegally... shut them down and incarcerate them. But do not think for one second that this is an issue that only one religion has. I am sick of finding anti semitic hate speech and atheist trolling of christians to show that other groups have these issues too, so no links.

that no-go zones have to be disarmed and opened to safe public dwelling,

Can we start in southern USA and Detroit perchance?

that Sharia, a draconian atavism incompatible with our constitutions, should be outlawed,

See when people are already inclined to believe what you are saying using adjectives effectively reinforces the opinion they hold. So much so you don't even need proof that will stand up to scrutiny. It is actually a very neat tool, given this fellows education I suscpect he knows better then I what he is doing and to be honest I am outmatched in an intellectual battle with him. But given my other explanations in how fluid the sharia is, I won't repeat myself.

that unscreened immigration simply has to stop, and that the status of Islam as a “religion” entitled to the shelter of the First Amendment is a legitimate issue to be debated—at least until the Koran, Hadith, Sira, schools of jurisprudence, etc. are sanitized, if ever.

Uh huh, my understanding is that immigrants are screened pretty well in Canada. This guy has also just shown his ignorance of Islam or willingness to demonize it even though his own religions books and history has things just as bad or worse.

Re immigration;


Some semi respectable comparative religion stuff;

(This is actually a piece critical of Islam, im just seeing if people actually read my ramblings lol albeit it has good points)

And a pro Muslim piece (these guys are fairly trollish)

My friend replied to a stern rebuke in partial walkback fashion. Of course, I’m not suggesting that you’re advocating an actual “final solution,” that’s absurd…Explicit in your many articles is that any decent, self-respecting, tolerant Muslim should…defect from Islam (reject the Koran, for all the reasons you have been laying out for years). Their example, taken to the extreme, would have Islam disappear gently into the night, which would be like a “final solution.” That’s all I’m saying. He continued: What your latest article doesn’t allow re. religious protection is a reformation within Islam, which I believe has already begun.

It started more then 100 years ago, it is supported by Quran, Hadiths and the Seera of the prophet.

The question is: how long are we willing to wait for this putative reformation to bear fruit? I see a few "moderates" here and there trying to effect change, but they are having little appreciable impact, and most still adhere to the adulation of Mohammed, turn a blind eye to the dictates of their faith, or pretend the offending passages, with which the scriptures and commentaries are replete, mean something other than what they explicitly say.

I am back to the confirmation bias bit. He is using adjectives very effectively to demonize Islam and yet supplies no proof. To those who went to those disgusting sites earlier know, that all his allegations here.. could also be levelled at judaism. I am simply advocating for fairness in criticism, sure dislike and criticise Islam but apply that same amount of critical analysis to everyone. Just like anyone hating Jews, Christians etc will find in me a very harsh critic.

A substantial and rooted reformation of Islam is the pipe dream of the cowed and complaisant who cannot face the indigestible fact that Islam is at war with us, has been at war with the Judeo-Christian West (and other civilizations) for fourteen hundred years, and shows no sign of relenting. I’d also suggest—assuming reform were conceivable—that my proposals, if taken seriously, might accelerate the reform my correspondent is piously wishing for. With terror mosques closed and fundamentalist Islam in official disgrace, true reformers might gather momentum. But this is only a thought-experiment.

Complaisant is actually a word not a typo.. anywho the reformation started a 100 and some odd years ago. I think I have talked about the efforts of the Tablighi Jamats before here and the different scholars working around the clock trying to bring real Islam to the surface instead of allowing extremists to get all the media time.

But maulana khandlavi started the tablighi movement a hundred odd years ago.
Mufti Menk is good too
Mufti Abu Layth
Mufti Aasim Rashid
Etc etc

This good fellow suggests, that changing everything Islamic about Islam would help 'reform' it. I could not disagree more, but then again our opinions on what Islam is are very different. If his definition of fundamental means extremist Islam, then I have no issues with shutting down extremists. But I hardly believe that would help accelerate the reformation movement, to many Muslims simply do not practice enough Islam on a daily basis to see any real difference in a theological reformation. All the mis quoted or verses taken out of context are hardly every day issues for 99% of Muslims.
