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Just got called!!

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im still waiting for my call, i just finished everything last thrus so hopefully they will call soon :S
I got my offer today too, RCR infantry. I‘ll see you on August 17th.

PS: Where and when are you being sworn in?
Congratulations Benoit, and Danno.

Good going getting through in 3 months too, that‘s really fast.
lol I got my offer today too, Med A... but I will be in reserve... and sworn in on June 10.
Sorry guys. Got a call back today they made a mistake im going to be a royal not a pat. I cant wait. Hey Danno me and you will be doing are battel school in meadford. Im getting sworn in down in newfoundland because im here with my dad, 21st of July. i will see you all in St.Jean. Royal canadian regiment sounds good to me
I got my call just the other day.. Aug 17th too. Sig op. though i dont know what reg yet.
They didnt say. But ill be up in St Jean on the 17th of Aug. being sworn in in Toronto on the 4th of august.
For those of you that will be doing basic training on august 17th.  When did you send your application?

I sent mine at the begining of may and still did not hear frorm them.  The recruiter said it goes fast once they are done reviewing your application, so I wonder if I have a chance of doing Basic training at the same time as you guys if I do my writing exam before the end of June.

Thanks and good luck.
Fogpatrol 1.0 said:
For those of you that will be doing basic training on august 17th.   When did you send your application?

I sent mine at the begining of may and still did not hear frorm them.   The recruiter said it goes fast once they are done reviewing your application, so I wonder if I have a chance of doing Basic training at the same time as you guys if I do my writing exam before the end of June.

Thanks and good luck.

I put in my application September 2003.  I will be joining these fellows in August.  Every case is different though.  Good luck.
I believe I did my final testing in March of 2004 But I guess that Sig Op is a high priority. either that or I did very very well on my testing.

Im not overly sure
lol i got done all my testing, every single thing on may 19 2004, and i called my recruiter today, and i am "stalled" in Borden, uh oh?????i hope that just means they couldn't believe how great i am, so they looked twice, lol :cam:
paperwork in borden............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Its taken 3.5 weeks already and my medical still isn't back.!!!! :salute:
I just got the call a few days ago, i am just waiting to go and get sworn in a guess,
Anyone else going to the Comm Reserve in Shilo, Manitoba?
Awesome Benoit , I too await for my medical as its been 3.5 weeks and then the grueling clearance wait im told about 2 months , ouch . Anyways i hope I get in on the same date as you guys . By the way I asked for PPCLI /paracoy reg inf .
Got my call today. August 17.
Finally after waiting a year. but it was worth it.
Going crewmen