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Just got called!!

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Congrats Jer1!
I got my offer today too, but I had to call to get mine. I start BMQ in Borden on Oct 3 as well, so I might just bump into you. It really is quite the relief to be offered something after waiting so long (I was merit listed on June 16, 2005, so it really isn't that long according to some posts on these boards!) I get the feeling a lot of the offers coming out of the Jul 18 selection board are filtering through the system and down to us recruits slowly but surely.
  I as well got the call today and offered a job for 031 Infantry! Basic starts on October 3 in St. Jean. Hope to see all there.  :salute:

WELL! Finally after months of waiting, and after submitting my documents, i got the call last nite for an interview at my local armories!!!! wah im so excited now, i know that i still have to wait untill they get a group of 10 or more recruits but still i think it will fill up quick! oh man im so excited! UP THE GLENS!
  Congratulations and good for you.  It can be a bit intimidating, reporting in for the first time, but in no time at all, you will find yourself doing and experiencing things you never even dreamt of.  Best of luck on all your upcoming courses.

  And remember, no matter how hard things may seem to get, your instructors are there to help you pass, but it is up to you to prove that you have what it takes.  Cheers.
I thought you got called with an offer, lol. Congrats, nevertheless
A friggen huge load of us are going to bmq in october, woo!
I am still waiting for my call for interviews and all that.  I phoned last Friday and left a message but I have not got a phone call back yet.  I guess they are busy.  If I do get the call and don't crap out on any of the process, I might be able to start in November.
badsector said:
I am still waiting for my call for interviews and all that.   I phoned last Friday and left a message but I have not got a phone call back yet.   I guess they are busy.   If I do get the call and don't crap out on any of the process, I might be able to start in November.

Umm, I highly doubt it. I'm not a recruiter, but if you don't even have your interview done yet, that'll take some time. Then after that's done, assuming you have everything else done and in good order, your file gets sent to Borden. Then, you have to wait to get selected. Even if you're selected, it takes about a month after until you get your call, give or take a week. Then, you get a date for BMQ.
Damn it.  That's no good.  They were the ones that told me that through, they told me to give them a ring by the 9th of september.  They also said if I didn't hear anything by tomorrow after leaving a message I have to phone a Sgt with the 48th Highlanders and he will get it moving for me.  Who knows, I can wait.  They did say there were still 15 spots open and that was on August 16th.  :cdn:
Res, yes maybe by November. Totally different world from the reg force recruiting though...

Well badsector, i know exactally how u feel. ive been planning on joining since december of last year and i thought i could make it in to this past summer's course.... wrong! lol so i had to wait all summer, calling and asking when should i hand my stuff in, and when i finally do the recruiter isnt there and i have to wait and wait and wait for a freaking call! every second dreaming about that sweet uniform and the saluting and marching and oh baby the c7! i know exactally how u feel! my friend was the first person on our recruiter's list and she told him that they need 10 ppl minimum to send to ottawa for testing! so im hoping we get those 10 ppl soon! good luck!