I'll believe it when I see it.
Hey at least you aren't as bad as the USMC, when they conduct UNS (Urgent Needs Statements) if by 3 years their isn't a program requirement for those UNS items, and if there is, and it isn't identical to the UNS bought items, the system takes them away for disposal.They are intended as gap fillers and do not generally include long term sustainment.
I don't expect Pierre has that memo either based on his complete and utter avoidance of directly answering questions on military spending (or any questions really). Canadian public memo issue overall.Netherlands boosts their military capabilities
Netherlands to add tanks, F-35s, frigates amid warnings of war
With a Russian attack on NATO no longer deemed inconceivable, the Dutch plan to bolster all branches of their military forces.www.defensenews.com
Seems like everyone but Trudeau seems to have gotten the memo.
But, he doesn't read anything.Seems like everyone but Trudeau seems to have gotten the memo.
I'm worried you may be correct - but one can only hope that if he takes power, that he will listen and learn.I don't expect Pierre has that memo either based on his complete and utter avoidance of directly answering questions on military spending (or any questions really). Canadian public memo issue overall.
Quite frankly, the only way any of them will listen is if the US, the UK and the rest of NATO continuously publicly shame us and/or the US begins to seek out other alliances similar to AUKUS and 5 Eyes becomes 4 Eyes or even 3 Eyes.I'm worried you may be correct - but one can only hope that if he takes power, that he will listen and learn.
US is back doing regional alliances. We aren't in AUKUS because its regional. Also its kinda myopic (or perhaps cultural chavanistic) of us to complain about AUKUS (or even focus on it), when realistically we should be worrying about alliances with Japan and S. Korea who are far more important for Canada's security then Australia.Quite frankly, the only way any of them will listen is if the US, the UK and the rest of NATO continuously publicly shame us and/or the US begins to seek out other alliances similar to AUKUS and 5 Eyes becomes 4 Eyes or even 3 Eyes.
You're right. It took an article in early 1995 in The Wall Street Journal which described us as an "honorary member of the Third World" and ourQuite frankly, the only way any of them will listen is if the US, the UK and the rest of NATO continuously publicly shame us and/or the US begins to seek out other alliances similar to AUKUS and 5 Eyes becomes 4 Eyes or even 3 Eyes.
You're off on those dates.You're right. It took an article in early 1995 in The Wall Street Journal which described us as an "honorary member of the Third World" and our$ being the "Northern Peso" to wake enough Canadians up to our debt/deficit crisis to give Brian Mulroney the 'political room' he needed to bring in the GST in 1997.
You're right. Mulroney introduced the GST in 1991. He replaced it with the HST in '97. But the impact of the WSJ article remains vital to his (and Chrétien/Martin's) efforts to address the deficit/debt issue. Many, too many Canadians need to be wakened up by the foreign media before they pay attention to important domestic issues.You're off on those dates.
You're right. It took an article in early 1995 in The Wall Street Journal which described us as an "honorary member of the Third World" and our$ being the "Northern Peso" to wake enough Canadians up to our debt/deficit crisis to give Brian Mulroney the 'political room' he needed to bring in the GST in
PP is in pretty much the exact same situation that Mulroney was in 1984 - being handcuffed thanks to the ill advised spending of a Trudeau. Anyone remember the handwringing of the 'Brian Drain' that occurred during the early-mid 1990's because of the lack of meaningful work for young Canadians? I have little doubt that this will be happening over the next 4-7yrs when the belt-tightening starts to take hold here in Canada.You're right. Mulroney introduced the GST in 1991. He replaced it with the HST in '97. But the impact of the WSJ article remains vital to his (and Chrétien/Martin's) efforts to address the deficit/debt issue. Many, too many Canadians need to be wakened up by the foreign media before they pay attention to important domestic issues.
Regional? UK on the East of Canada, America below, and Australia on the West (or Far East Depending on ones point of view)US is back doing regional alliances. We aren't in AUKUS because its regional. Also its kinda myopic (or perhaps cultural chavanistic) of us to complain about AUKUS (or even focus on it), when realistically we should be worrying about alliances with Japan and S. Korea who are far more important for Canada's security then Australia.
Keep telling yourself that.We already have a regional alliance with the US that goes well beyond AUKUS, and NATO alliance as well as historial connections to UK.
Doesn’t matter, really. The math will be public when the time comes - though perhaps the here to then plan won’t be known for now. The Government must publicly disclose every fiscal year’s main estimates (and supplemental spending [Supp A, B and C]) and that can be compared to the GDP.This made me go “hmmmm”. It is a BlackLocks article, so paywall protected but the gist is that the 2% may or may not be met, someday, but we’ll never know because few details will be provided.
Australia isn't important to Canada any more then Canada is important to Australia. UK and Canada, US and Canada have their own regional bilateral treaties. And we have NATO as well. Australia doesn't have NATO. They need other deals.Regional? UK on the East of Canada, America below, and Australia on the West (or Far East Depending on ones point of view)
AUKUS is a nuclear technology agreement to box in China, in exchange for a basing, repair and supply of nuclear submarines. US needs a southern flank, Japan and Korea box them in through the north. If China wasn't a threat AUKUS wouldn't exist at all. It has everything to do with geography. Canada doesn't want nuclear submarines and there is no need to base anything here as the continental US is right there.You aren't in AUKUS because you are not reliable - it has zero to do with geography.
Of course it suits the US, that's what all alliances are based on! What do you think they were otherwise? NORAD suits us as well. Used to be reliable isn't a thing, cold hard strategic calculations are a thing. Nations have no friends, only interests. Alliances are based on intrests and geography not reliability or friendship. Friendship comes when interests align.You are in NORAD because it suits us, and mainly because Canada used to be reliable...
Sadly I think it will take a real shooting war, and in the first six months troops will die because of OUR lax view on National Security in the 21st century. Only then will Canada "buck up" so to speak.You're right. It took an article in early 1995 in The Wall Street Journal which described us as an "honorary member of the Third World" and our$ being the "Northern Peso" to wake enough Canadians up to our debt/deficit crisis to give Brian Mulroney the 'political room' he needed to bring in the GST in 1997.
No we won’t. This country will quit before the mass dying starts and everybody knows it.Sadly I think it will take a real shooting war, and in the first six months troops will die because of OUR lax view on National Security in the 21st century. Only then will Canada "buck up" so to speak.