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Justin Trudeau - Timelines

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Elwood said:
Great past and future world-leaders like John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Prince William and Henry Mountbatten-Windsor all have something in common... military training. If Alexandre Trudeau was allowed to be in a position to speak out against the CF, he should then have had the experience to serve his country for a few years and discover what the military is really like.

I heard that he was an officer in the CF in the mid-90's.  Can anyone confirm this?

wotan said:
I can't recall who first said it, but the quote, albeit paraphrased, is apt:

"His sole qualification is that he survived childbirth".

Ronald Reagan, describing Sen. Ted Kennedy.
the only one that should have "pulled out" is this idiot's grand-daddy.  ::)
look will you guys stop bad mouthing anyone being "left" - I'm "left" of politics, "left" of handedness, and "left out" when there's money being handed out... Call them what you will - and what I call 'em ain't allowed to be said on this site -  but don't denigate us lefties  ;D
Let's keep in mind that this is the same person who wrote a letter a few weeks back describing Castro like he was some sort of superhero.  If his last name wasn't Trudeau no one would even give him the time of day.  Next thing you know Ben Mulroney will be telling us everything that is wrong with the economy.
JackD said:
look will you guys stop bad mouthing anyone being "left" - I'm "left" of politics, "left" of handedness, and "left out" when there's money being handed out... Call them what you will - and what I call 'em ain't allowed to be said on this site -  but don't denigate us lefties  ;D

Then why do they suffer from an epidemic of "Hoof & Mouth Disease?"
I think alot of people are right on target. Alexandre Trudeau said... Who? What has he done now? Does he really know anything about anything at all?

Hey Trudeau, sum up and stick to living the life of a spoiled brat.
Foot in mouth disease? Those rich socialist types get  education grants for that. Us poor socialist types don't. Socialism implies that there are certain government responsibilities towards the people, and vice versa. In this responsibilites, every-one is equal - much like the old -age pension - same rate for all, but these 'socialists' want more than their fellow man/woman. Call them "pseudo-socialist" if you will, "dilletante socialists" perhaps "sphincter-muscle socialists". Have any of you read Tommy Douglas's biography - he was a co-founder of the NDP, and yes, he volunteered for the Second World War.. Don't call these turkeys socialists - call them what they are - jerks. By the way I'd love to find out Tommy Douglas's NDP's voting record on atomic munitions, on defence spending in the 60's. Seems to me that such things weren't issues for them then.
He is a good example of why some animals eat their young!
paracowboy said:
the only one that should have "pulled out" is this idiot's grand-daddy.  ::)

I'm glad you caught me between sips of coffee with that one, lest it end up on my keyboard. Well put.
Hi Everyone. Long time lurker, first time poster. I thought I'd respond to this thread since I actually know something about the subject.

Alexandre (Sacha) Trudeau was in the CF in the mid-90's. He was in my platoon for Infantry Ph II during the summer of '96. We was a 2Lt reservist from the Royal Canadian Hussars or Sherbrooke Hussars, something like that. Everyone in the platoon really liked him. He never complained, always did more than his fair share of work and always helped out his platoon mates. He seemed to be pretty competant in his training too: he passed both his recce patrol and section attack on the first try. There was only a few of us who passed both on the first try (I needed two tries for my section attack). We all knew he was a little strange though when he told us that he had a degree in meta-physics from some German university.

I remember one funny incident, we were confined to the geographic area for the weekend and Sacha decided he was going to go back to Montreal. Well who shows up on the weekend to see his son? Of course the commandant of the school and the RSM and everyone else is there to greet him and take him down to see his son. I wasn't there at the time but I guess the commandant's face was pretty red when he found out Sacha wasn't there. I think he was confined to the base for the remainder of the course after that.

Well, I always had pleasant memories of him. Its too bad that he seems to have turned into such a freak.

IanAlexander said:
I remember one funny incident, we were confined to the geographic area for the weekend and Sacha decided he was going to go back to Montreal. Well who shows up on the weekend to see his son? Of course the commandant of the school and the RSM and everyone else is there to greet him and take him down to see his son. I wasn't there at the time but I guess the commandant's face was pretty red when he found out Sacha wasn't there. I think he was confined to the base for the remainder of the course after that.

HAH!!  I forgot about that!  I confirm it as true.  That was one major flinch that weekend.  Somebody thought he took off to Halifax for the weekend, but didn't tell anyone.  So here is THE all too precious PET himself, tooling around the Center of Excellence with various people in green hovering at his heels, trying to disguise the fact that they had "lost" his kid.  Everyone who wasn't on that course was glad they were not on that course.  Maybe getting confined to base and doing extras is what got him so sour at the military?
zipperhead_cop said:
Seems to me one of PET's spawn was in Gagetown in the summer of 96 for officer training?  Anybody remember which one, and if he was as useless as his father or was he alright?

His daddy called the duty center and asked to talk to his son. The staff went to check and he wasn't there. PET then said it was because his son was standing next to him.

He went AWOL.

Daddy wanted him to be sorted out....and the kid was charged IIRC.

He got out soon after......waste of rations.

This is the same kid I think.....so yer basically wasting your breath.

"Al-Qaida has been routed out of Afghanistan and that's it and there's nothing to do there anymore. If the people wanted our forces there, or wanted our help, but obviously they don't, not in that province."

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:  I think this kid must've found a stash of extra fine somewhere! He might have a career as a stand up comedian though! ;D
"Al-Qaida has been routed out of Afghanistan and that's it and there's nothing to do there anymore. If the people wanted our forces there, or wanted our help, but obviously they don't, not in that province."

::) Oh my, what they do come up with.  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
In an interview at the Four Seasons, where he is drumming up publicity for his upcoming documentary for CTV, the slight, reserved filmmaker fixes you with piercing blue eyes and insists that our job in Afghanistan is done, that it is time to pull out before more lives are lost.

'nuf said...

Recce By Death said:
His daddy called the duty center and asked to talk to his son. The staff went to check and he wasn't there. PET then said it was because his son was standing next to him.

He went AWOL.

Daddy wanted him to be sorted out....and the kid was charged IIRC.
Uh oh, you have managed to give PET some respectability in my eyes, setting it up so the kid had to face the consequences for his own actions (not that it seems to have helped any)
rmacqueen said:
Uh oh, you have managed to give PET some respectability in my eyes, setting it up so the kid had to face the consequences for his own actions (not that it seems to have helped any)

What's rather bizzare about that story is the entire thrust of PET's "just society" was to relieve people of responsibility for their actions.....
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