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Leafs finally break losing streak.

Yeah, but thats 9 games in a row to make it. And have those other teams mess up. So, its pretty much over, its not impossible, but it sure ain't likely.
If I were a Maple Leaf player id be workin on the old golf swing. ;D  Toronto wont be able to pull it off.
I hope Ottawa wins the cup,  even the flames woud be sweet,  truly I just want the championship team to be Canadian
Tilstonguy said:
I hope Ottawa wins the cup,  even the flames woud be sweet,  truly I just want the championship team to be Canadian

i would rather anaheim win the cup over ottawa. I hate alfreddsson. The Senators are one of the only hockey teams I just cant stand. I hate the attitudes of their players, again, especially alfreddsson.

I hope one of the other canadian teams win but I dont really care, I wont be watching the playoffs anyway untill next year when toronto wins the cup. This year is all just a clever ploy to trick everyone into thinking toronto sucks! We've got you right where we want you!!!

^ paranoid dillusions exist in all boston red sox toronto maple leafs fans.
Toronto is pretending to suck,  if thats the case they make better actors than hockey players anyway. ;D  GO OTTAWA GO
Mack674 said:
i would rather anaheim win the cup over ottawa. I hate alfreddsson. The Senators are one of the only hockey teams I just cant stand. I hate the attitudes of their players, again, especially alfreddsson.
Funny, most Sens fans feel the same way about Toronto...  ^-^

I hope one of the other canadian teams win but I dont really care, I wont be watching the playoffs anyway untill next year when toronto wins the cup.

Keep on hoping!  ;D

At least Ottawa does not talk that much trash about their opponents, so when we don't make it we don't look stupid

When Toronto never makes it anywhere they look silly, since they trash talked their way throug the season.

Really?  I find that many (note: not all) Sens fan talk trash about the Leafs.  Many of them, seem to need the binary opposition to define what they are (eg: I'm not a Leaf fan, therefore I'm a Sens fan).  This attitude is especially prominent during playoffs, wasn't there a radio station in Ottawa a few years ago encouraging listeners to break off those mini-maple leaf flags from peoples cars?  Wasn't there an incident where they stole some guys leaf flag from his backyard too?
This attitude seemed to be prevalent among not only the fans but the team as well.  Perhaps Brian Murray has been able to get that idea out of their heads, but we'll see.

Granted this binary opposition is not as bad as it is in Philly, where no matter who you are you're hated if you're wearing someone else's jersey.  I went to a leaf/flyer playoff game back in 2003, and on the way out was attacked by several drunk fans, literally.
Piper said:
At least Ottawa does not talk that much trash about their opponents, so when we don't make it we don't look stupid

I beg to politely differ. I post on a Leafs board and we have Sens fans popping in all the time to berate the team and fans. Not all Sens fans are like that, just misguided ;)
Piper said:

At least Ottawa does not talk that much trash about their opponents, so when we don't make it we don't look stupid

When Toronto never makes it anywhere they look silly, since they trash talked their way throug the season.

And anyone notice that whenever the leafs start to loose a game, fights suddenly break out every 2 minutes....hmm...can anyone say goon squad? *cough* Tucker and Allison *cough*

GO LEAFS GO!!!!!!!!!!!! At least we have some tough guys!!!!!!!!!
We have togh guys,  Chara could beat just about anyone in a fight with one hand behind his back ;D  Im an Ottawa fan first but if any Canadian team including Toronto won the cup the entire country would go nuts.  Calagary didnt even win the cup the other year but canada still went nuts when they made the finals.  I remember the red mile,  people from all over Canada were there.  Go Canada Go :cdn:
A loss tonight.....not good..... :-\

GOLF! LEAFS! GOLF! ???????
Yes, you win some you lose some.

Go LEAFS Go! My ankles will never be swollen from jumping off the band wagon like the Senator Fags, I mean fans!
Shame on you "fans" for packing it in early!
Leafs are sneaking up from behind!

Tampa has 2 games vs Carolina...... if they lose, and the leafs win 3/4 of their remaining games... hello!
3 out of 4 ? Pessimist, lets shoot for 4 out of 4. Only problem is whenTampa goes down to Carolina then they'll move ahead of Ottawa for 1st overall and it will be a Leafs-Canes match up which may take some effort as opposed to a Leafs-Sens one and we all know how those turn out in the Play Offs eh ;D
Danjanou said:
3 out of 4 ? Pessimist, lets shoot for 4 out of 4. Only problem is whenTampa goes down to Carolina then they'll move ahead of Ottawa for 1st overall and it will be a Leafs-Canes match up which may take some effort as opposed to a Leafs-Sens one and we all know how those turn out in the Play Offs eh ;D

Let Montreal have Ottawa. Im getting tired of it having to be us destroying them every year. Montreal would handle them just the same.
Carolina though, i dunno if we could beat them. Heres hoping.

Heres hoping we even make the playoffs lol