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Least appealing Aspects of Infantry

As much as I'd like to make it a war story, it was all rather simple really; I was a liaison officer for a NATO deployment and there I am minding my own business while visiting a local police station with my team and translator, and BAM; there he is, 6 ft tall Russian camo uniform, blue and white striped shirt, cocky angled beret (guy could have been an extra for a Chuck Norris movie).  I was so surprised all I could do was shake hands while he smoothly introduced himself and invited me to coffee.  I politely declined and then later phoned higher to find out what was going on with this guy but never did find out what he was doing there...
Bruce Monkhouse said:
The constant voices in your head saying " Why didn't I listen and go Artillery?" :warstory:

thats my favorite...i havent had any experiences with that stuff yet but im sure it is coming
Just a Sig Op said:
If it's dirty, you clearly aren't sweeping hard enough, so get to work :)

No, if the dirt is perceptible, it means he's not sweeping often enough ..... so get to work :)
HitorMiss said:
What with your non existant tanks? or maybe your Coyote which you took from us....  ;D

sweet I guess I'm deploying to the field on imagination and actually tossing105 rounds down range 05h00 tomorrow morning.i knew I was losing my mind....and to think I picked up work tickets for nothing!

Actually I'm going out on the interim MGS that really resembles a Leo c2 ;D

Whiile working in the infantry and with infantry, Ive made some odd comments to officers, soldiers, and allies:

"You will NOT climb in and out of a second floor window without my permission!"
"Are you telling me that we are at the 300 meter mark, and you are aiming that rifle as if it were a pistol?"
"See that glittering looking patch on the road? Thats black ice.  No, dont drive into it!"
"I am seriously considering requesting that you not be allowed to drive vehicles unsupervised"
"I probably dont want to hear the answer to this but why are you burning that cigarette into your arm?"
"Im sorry Colonel, but there are some things I cant fix no matter how much you yell at me."
"The next person who tells me to 'go see my POC' instead of answering me is going to eat a piece of paper with POC written on it."
"I been looking for that pistol for 3 hours, and you tell me you FORGOT you had put it into the lockup box!?"
"I disassembled your weapons and hid them in the freezer.  Thats what you get for stealing my jeep."
"There's nothing wrong with you; they're ignoring me and anybody who associates with me"  
"Have you given this SHARP training to the infantry? Because everything you just said not to do is a prerequisite for being an NCO"
"Nobody likes to work with him because hes being a deliberate pain in the ***.  Why not make him the new operations officer, they'll hate whoever you post into the position anyway."
"Its not a computer game sir, its a war gaming tactical simulation."  
"Could you drive a little straighter? Im trying to type back here."
"MWO, have you taken SHARP training? I dont think it worked!"
"You've heard what their weapons experience is; dont you think a first aid kit might be a good thing to have with us?"
"A DOUBLE-red alert? What the hell is that? I'd hate to see what a TRIPLE-red alert is."
"If another one of our guys is attacked by a Turk with a knife, I'd appreciate you letting me know right away."
"Look, the Stand Easy is a Canadian-only facility.  Yes, the three of you can bring in friends, but not 20 of them, and especially Brits who drink all the beer and then not pay for anything.  Now its on YOUR tab!"
"Look, I know you were just being friendly, but with Canadians, if two or more guys are using the shower stalls, you NEVER allow bodily contact.  Its just not done. You're 250 pounds, you probably scared the hell out of him."

Any other gems out there?
Oops - have to retract the one about the Colonel yelling at me; all three times it was air force.  Come to think of it, dont think I ever had an infantry officer yell at me, they always left it to the RSM or CSM!
I had a 6 out of 10 on the sucking ass scale on ex this week.

We humping 4 km to the ORV, 75+ lb ruck, ankle deep snow atleast half the way, with ankle to knee deep puddles under the snow and knee to hip deep ( below the boys thankfully) streams full of ice cold water.

It only qualifies a a 6 out of 10 because in the ORV we could change pant and socks before getting into our bags so we didn't have to have cold wet boots on all night...oh yes, and it didn't snow or worse, rain.

Know what the worse part of it all is...

I am not infantry.  :'(
Yeah thats true Doc but we love you anyway....

plus you have the the drugs we need :D
Armymedic said:
Know what the worse part of it all is...

I am not infantry.  :'(

Well duh...if it were a real infantry ex the snow would have been twice as high, the march twice as long, the boots twice as wet... >:D
I hear a lot of "no water re-sup's" being listed but I have to admit the best part of the job is getting the contaminated water as the only water you can drink for 10+ days then after everyone is sick being told "don't drink the water it may be contaminated." Ahhh good ol Fort Knox....
Pte D. Krystal said:
Well duh...if it were a real infantry ex the snow would have been twice as high, the march twice as long, the boots twice as wet... >:D

Oh, Laddie, do you know how big of a can of whoop ass could get opened up at you for that comment?  ;)
Armymedic said:
Oh, Laddie, do you know how big of a can of whoop *** could get opened up at you for that comment?  ;)

I know, I know...I really don't mean to look down on the role of medics in the CF, they take it just as hard as we do.

Some of the folks at my unit would actually love to have been in your place on a long march with wet boots (myself included) since our last ex got cancelled due to lack of funds.