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Least appealing Aspects of Infantry

On the positive side, you are well qualified for a second career as a shepherd because you know how to live outside and lead.
An Infantryman is "the perfect generalist"

You can throw him into pretty much any situation and he will use his noggin to figure out a way to come up on top. It might not be pretty - but it'll work
Octavianus said:
Being merit listed for ever!!!  ;)

Acck!  Been there!


Look at the guy still in line behind me!
Least appealing aspect of the Infantry?

Lack of female co-workers .... :P
Strategic said:
Question three on the Preparing For Your Interview asks what are some aspects of the Forces and Infarty
I'm surprised that nobody caught that last word.

Having started out as a grunt, I know that some can get a little, ummm, inelegant at times but I don't remember ever being called "Infarty".
Come on now, the question asks about "infarty," the thread title is "Infanty"......third time's a charm.

ps - anyone know what that "Spell Check" square thingee down below the typee-window means? Ahh, go on, it's a trick question - - of course you don't.
George Wallace said:
Luv ya too!  Tess  ;D

I know its ok for two men to love eachother ....  that much..

But take your Brokeback somewhere else, eh?!!!  ;)
Trinity said:
I know its ok for two men to love eachother ....  that much..

But take your Brokeback somewhere else, eh?!!!  ;)

Are you a Louis L'Amour fan too?

(Sorry.....it was L'Armour.........my bad)
George Wallace said:
Are you a Louis L'Amour fan too?

(Sorry.....it was L'Armour.........my bad)

Damn, I'm so young I had to google that...  :o
Not to bring the thread back on course but I do have these memories:

- Lighting a smoke and breaking it in two because I'm shivering so hard & not being able to light another because my fingers are frozen. (I eventually quit - smoking)

- Having to fill up your trench & redig 10 feet East because the CO didn't like your position  :salute: ...

- 21 days on Ex in Norway - 21 days of cold steady rain. 48 hours leave - another 2 days of rain. Sky seemed to clear when the plane took off...

- Considering -22°C to be balmy weather ...

But there are some good memories:

- Walking past the Lt sound asleep in his shelltrench... in 3 inches of water... (Should I wake him? - naahhhh  ;D)

- The major asking to be awakened after a 2 hour nap .... waking up on his own 18 hours later ! (Managed to rent a motel room and getting the whole HQ platoon a hot shower :D )

Centurian1985 .... it has almost been that long! Coincidentally ....I just got the call!

.....knowing that no advertising agency will ever use pictures of my feet to model anything........except maybe the "before" picture.

I've always thought one of the cruellest played jokes on the infantry is the amount of syllables in its name.
Callsign Kenny said:
I've always thought one of the cruellest played jokes on the infantry is the amount of syllables in its name.
you, my dear sir, owe me a new coffee.