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LGBTQ Stuff (split from other political threads)

I hesitate to step into this but, what is the percentage of trans-gender in our society? Is the numbers involved worth all the ink and angst?

Quick facts​

  • One in 300 people in Canada aged 15 and older are transgender or non-binary.
  • In May 2021, there were 59,460 people in Canada aged 15 and older living in a private household who were transgender (0.19%) and 41,355 who were non-binary (0.14%).
  • Close to two-thirds (62.0%) of the 100,815 individuals who were transgender or non-binary were younger than 35.

I think we have much bigger issues in this country than worrying about things like this. However don't underestimate the extremely vocal radical left to push agendas.
I think we have much bigger issues in this country than worrying about things like this. However don't underestimate the extremely vocal radical left to push agendas.

You came this close to self-awareness, this close!
Here we see a perfect example of how an issue that impacts a tiny minority of the population is used a wedge by both sides of the "culture war" to divide people into their camps.
Here we see a perfect example of how an issue that impacts a tiny minority of the population is used a wedge by both sides of the "culture war" to divide people into their camps.
Not really. I'm a current member of the CPC (red tory/blue grit). I think that the LPC goes way overboard on the social justice stuff. I don't agree with MtoF athletes in high level or contact sports.
That being said, the current "transpanic" is being driven by the right, (combinations of far and religious). Just like the satanic panic, war against rock and roll etc.

As someone that wants to see a CPC government, I absolutely hate that this "cause" is hijacking the party.

Sitting in the middle, there's a time for "both sidesing" politics (corruption being chief), but an issue that amounts to

-not being allowed to bully this tiny minority of people and being asked to alter my behavior slightly in the very rare occasion that I knowingly interact with them is a massive affront to my freedom, their existence is a threat to our society, protecting this minority from my bigotry is pushing an agenda and reason for war
-this is a tiny amount of people trying to live their life, stop demonizing them and just go about your business, chances are that doing so will have quite literally zero impact on your daily life

is not.
If there's no politically driven panic/attack, there's nothing to defend against.

There are left-wing equivalents to Quirky for sure. But they're not on this board. If the middle can see fit to ignore both wings and act with both decency and common sense the "issue" stops being an issue.
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It's difficult to deal with an issue when its proponents treat it as an all-or-nothing package and react to a criticism of any of the worst parts as if it was a criticism of the innocuous or beneficial parts. Not everything is "<cause>-phobia".
Not really. I'm a current member of the CPC (red tory/blue grit). I think that the LPC goes way overboard on the social justice stuff. I don't agree with MtoF athletes in high level or contact sports.
That being said, the current "transpanic" is being driven by the right, (combinations of far and religious). Just like the satanic panic, war against rock and roll etc.

As someone that wants to see a CPC government, I absolutely hate that this "cause" is hijacking the party.

Sitting in the middle, there's a time for "both sidesing" politics (corruption being chief), but an issue that amounts to

-not being allowed to bully this tiny minority of people and being asked to alter my behavior slightly in the very rare occasion that I knowingly interact with them is a massive affront to my freedom, their existence is a threat to our society, protecting this minority from my bigotry is pushing an agenda and reason for war
-this is a tiny amount of people trying to live their life, stop demonizing them and just go about your business, chances are that doing so will have quite literally zero impact on your daily life

is not.
If there's no politically driven panic/attack, there's nothing to defend against.

There are left-wing equivalents to Quirky for sure. But they're not on this board. If the middle can see fit to ignore both wings and act with both decency and common sense the "issue" stops being an issue.
Just the way you frame the issue shows that you're a culture warrior, even if you won't accept it. Don't worry though, I'm not going to try to convince you, it's not worth my effort.
Just the way you frame the issue shows that you're a culture warrior, even if you won't accept it. Don't worry though, I'm not going to try to convince you, it's not worth my effort.
What a silly term. Same with virtue signalling. Every single person advocating a stance regarding social issues is one/ doing it.

As for the framing- thats my stance vs the one im arguing against. Dont deny it doesnt exist. It doesnt represent everyone on one side of me, but it exist. Call me viewpoint B. The culture warrior that thinks that viewpoint D needs to be opposed based on basic human morality, but also thinks that MtoF trans people have no place in F competitive sports, that neopronouns are nonsense and common/official english should be restricted to he/she/they, and that "genderfluid" people that expect to switch between the 3 daily and get irate that people cant/wont keep up are entitled immature wanks.

Viewpoint A thinks that the person B is a problematic transphobe, and needs to be reducated to remain in society. Viewpoint B views that about as favourably as they do D.

Thats three, here's another. Viewpoint C has nothing againt transpeople, and share a lot of things with B. They have no desire to mistreat transpeople. They think the whole things overblown. But they also find the concept little confusing, and it makes them a bit uncomfortable. They worry that said discomfort could lead to acting "wrongly" and fear the repercussions of that. They resent that fear, and its implications and just want to be left alone. Sometimes that leads them to agreeing with D, and not seeing the difference between B and A.

Oh what a tangled web we weave
There is a small but loud group of people who range from hardcore anti-LGBTQ to just aggressively vocal in their criticisms. Left-Wing politicians know they can use these people to whip up fear and righteous indignation with other Canadians.

Some idiot peeling out over a rainbow-painted sidewalk becomes a hate crime indicating right-wingers want to eradicate the gays.
Someone ripping down a flag is a testament to the streets no longer being safe for LGBTQ, run for your lives.
Parents not liking teachers keeping secrets about their kids becomes the right wing supporting trans kids committing suicide.
Questioning the mental health of a kid who identifies as a girl fag, demi queer boi, trauma recovering, androgynous xem/zimself is transphobic.

It's out of control.
There is a small but loud group of people who range from hardcore anti-LGBTQ to just aggressively vocal in their criticisms. Left-Wing politicians know they can use these people to whip up fear and righteous indignation with other Canadians.

Some idiot peeling out over a rainbow-painted sidewalk becomes a hate crime indicating right-wingers want to eradicate the gays.
Someone ripping down a flag is a testament to the streets no longer being safe for LGBTQ, run for your lives.
Parents not liking teachers keeping secrets about their kids becomes the right wing supporting trans kids committing suicide.
This is an easy viewpoint to have when you haven't had a family member visciously assaulted by said idiot flag ripper/ sidewalk peeler outer when they thought they could get away with it.

It puts the frustration at the whole mental health question/transphobic clause (which I share, in not quite the same words) into stark perspective.
There is a small but loud group of people who range from hardcore anti-LGBTQ to just aggressively vocal in their criticisms. Left-Wing politicians know they can use these people to whip up fear and righteous indignation with other Canadians.

Some idiot peeling out over a rainbow-painted sidewalk becomes a hate crime indicating right-wingers want to eradicate the gays.
Someone ripping down a flag is a testament to the streets no longer being safe for LGBTQ, run for your lives.
Parents not liking teachers keeping secrets about their kids becomes the right wing supporting trans kids committing suicide.
Questioning the mental health of a kid who identifies as a girl fag, demi queer boi, trauma recovering, androgynous xem/zimself is transphobic.

It's out of control.

'Out of control' would probably resemble a modern version of this, which might not be so far fetched given the loonie toons in power right now


Not really. I'm a current member of the CPC (red tory/blue grit). I think that the LPC goes way overboard on the social justice stuff. I don't agree with MtoF athletes in high level or contact sports.
That being said, the current "transpanic" is being driven by the right, (combinations of far and religious). Just like the satanic panic, war against rock and roll etc.

As someone that wants to see a CPC government, I absolutely hate that this "cause" is hijacking the party.

Sitting in the middle, there's a time for "both sidesing" politics (corruption being chief), but an issue that amounts to

-not being allowed to bully this tiny minority of people and being asked to alter my behavior slightly in the very rare occasion that I knowingly interact with them is a massive affront to my freedom, their existence is a threat to our society, protecting this minority from my bigotry is pushing an agenda and reason for war
-this is a tiny amount of people trying to live their life, stop demonizing them and just go about your business, chances are that doing so will have quite literally zero impact on your daily life

is not.
If there's no politically driven panic/attack, there's nothing to defend against.

There are left-wing equivalents to Quirky for sure. But they're not on this board. If the middle can see fit to ignore both wings and act with both decency and common sense the "issue" stops being an issue.

So nothing wrong with groups trying to transgender children behind their parents back, pushing them into needless and dangerous surgeries then? Or having a parade and waving their junk in kids faces.

There was no problem previous. I have queer and lesbian friends. Their biggest problem and the one that pisses them off the most, is the rest of the alphabet groups. They were happy, living their lives, accepted and acknowledged. Now, they're complaining that all the pride parade clowns, militant trans and the trudeau government have put a spotlight on them again and are resetting them back to stage one. They are no longer being ignored again. Others in their multi faceted society are the ones that are imposing on them and making it the issue.

I don't ignore people because of their sexual tendency. I don't even care about your predilection to sex. Why? Because it has zero to do with my relationship with them. We drink, smoke, joke and play pictionary. I don't hit on friends and they don't hit on me.

I don't even care if you wear chiffon with a five o clock shadow, but quit beating us over the head with it.

I draw the line at pedophiles. I won't go into the special place in hell for them or my preferences in how they get there.

Firstly and lastly, stay away from the children. There is zero need for trans story time. Or teaching sex before puberty. Those two things right there are the biggest wedges in this whole kerfuffle.

"There are left-wing equivalents to Quirky for sure"

How is that label any different than saying someone is queer, using the same tone and inference. All you're doing is changing the noun and negating your narrative.

"What a silly term. Same with virtue signalling. Every single person advocating a stance regarding social issues is one/ doing it."

A silly term? Maybe. However, it's exactly what you are doing here.
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Pragmatic warning of real risks =/= manufacturing a boogeyman out of a minority group to punch down on for political gain and distract from real issues
Horseshit. It's trudeau you're talking about. It's calculated to poke people in the eye and create division. He doesn't give a shit about you in the USA. and this has nothing to do with sexual orientation. Just like Jolie making plans for a Canadian response to a Republican POTUS. Smoke, mirrors and another diversion to take the heat off of his wretched existence.
How many people have been charged for assault who fit this criteria?
Has there been any? I haven't heard of any. I try not to pay attention to hyperbolic reactions to moronic vandalism or the end of the world, overreaction of the faux offended.
How many people have been charged for assault who fit this criteria?

So nothing wrong with groups trying to transgender children behind their parents back, pushing them into needless and dangerous surgeries then?
Frankly, dont believe its happening in any sort of systemic way. RMC laid out the timelines and thresholds required for actual medical intervention earlier in the thread so thats bunk. Maybe there are some rogues pushing agendas and trying to coach kids into something theyre not, but in my experience the biggest problem with the education system is the number of teachers doing the bare minimum to collect a union paycheque while not making waves, so I doubt its many. As for the education system allowing children to experiment with pronouns/names without parental approval? There should be checks and balances. But personally, not to concerned. More worried about parenting well enough that if my kids find themself at such a crossroads that they'll include us in it rather than feeling the need to hide.
Or having a parade and waving their junk in kids faces.
Hate it. I've never been to a pride. Don't like crowds to begin with, the overt sexualization bugs me, and seems like a trap to make people uncomfortable then call them out.
Or teaching sex before puberty.
Hello teen pregnancy and std's. The cats out of the bag, NA media and the internet guarantee that kids that arent kept under a rock will be exposed. Better they be tought science based sex ed before they can do damage to their lives. I had class room sex ed in grade 7. I had classmates active in grade 6. We had dial up.
"There are left-wing equivalents to Quirky for sure"

How is that label any different than saying someone is queer, using the same tone and inference. All you're doing is changing the noun and negating your narrative.
"There are extremists to both sides of the spectrum". The opinion that we need a world war over this is inarguably an extreme opinion.
"What a silly term. Same with virtue signalling. Every single person advocating a stance regarding social issues is one/ doing it."

A silly term? Maybe. However, it's exactly what you are doing here.
You are too. Thats the point. It's a pejorative that boils down to "you have an opinion on social issues!"