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Liberal Def Critic Trying Freelance Trip to AFG

"He's arrived, and he wants to meet the Troops.  That probably means he's going to want a photo-op.  "

Never get between Coderre and a camera lens . . . . very dangerous mission position and severe bodily harm is most likely.

Maybe there should be a special medal for the first soldier who does and survives unscathed ?
Could this be a glimmer of integrity on the part of a liberal - a defense critic no less?

Not being a grammer expert or anything but can you use the words INTEGRITY and LIBERAL so close together in the same sentence???  ???
KANDAHAR AIRFIELD – No matter what he learns on his “fact-finding mission” to Afghanistan, Liberal defense critic Denis Coderre said Monday that he and his party remained convinced that Canada must end its combat mission here when the current mandate expires.

“There might be another way at the military level to help,” Coderre said during a tour of Canada’s main base that was organized for him by the officers in the Canadian contingent.

“I don’t think we should point fingers at one country,” if Canada ended its combat mission, Coderre said. “If we say there is a rotation, we don’t have to be shy. We did a great job for three years.”


It was Coderre’s misfortune to find few Canadians to talk to when he walked through a recreational area for troops on Monday. He joined two Canadian soldiers for a coffee, but they refused to have their photograph taken with him.

A corporal who was ordering a pizza shook Coderre’s hand. Moments later he told a journalist he knew that Coderre wanted to end the combat mission, which is strongly supported by the troops.

Asked what he thought of Coderre’s position, the corporal paused before finally saying, “Well, he’s entitled to his opinion.

rtr . .  http://www.canada.com/topics/news/story.html?id=202b1503-d672-4090-9220-952b41a8f260&k=33356

KANDAHAR AIRFIELD – No matter what he learns on his “fact-finding mission” to Afghanistan, Liberal defense critic Denis Coderre said Monday that he and his party remained convinced that Canada must end its combat mission here when the current mandate expires.

So,.... no matter what FACTS he finds during his “fact-finding mission” his party will remain convinced that Canada must end its combat mission here when the current mandate expires.

What was the purpos of this stupid stunt then if NO FACTS gathered during his “fact-finding mission” will change anything?!  ???

The left have never been ones to let the honest, simple FACTS stand in their way when it comes to votes.
Teflon said:
So,.... no matter what FACTS he finds during his “fact-finding mission” his party will remain convinced that Canada must end its combat mission here when the current mandate expires.

What was the purpos of this stupid stunt then if NO FACTS gathered during his “fact-finding mission” will change anything?!  ???

I thought the same thing. If your mind is already made up, ie. no matter what FACTS he finds during his “fact-finding mission”, then it is not a "fact finding" mission but an attempt to score cheap political points while still spouting Queen Stephanies, "The combat mission must end"(even though we started this whole thing) ::)

Just another in a long list of reasons to banish the Liberal party to the hinterlands. :threat:
That's the problems with politics especially these days.  These parties are so loathe to agree with each other on ANYTHING that even the world's best idea would be shot down.  This is not unique to the Liberal party but the hypocrisy in that they were the ones to send us on this mission to begin with is laughable.

Wouldn't it be nice to see just once that an opposition party said, hey you know what, that's a really good idea I think we should go along with that.

Gardiners1 said:
Wouldn't it be nice to see just once that an opposition party said, hey you know what, that's a really good idea I think we should go along with that.


We've all seen instances of that happening:  When they vote in their 'holidays' and vote in their Pay Raises.   

Actually the Conservatives did just that when they said they could accept the last Liberal Budget. As well, the Bloc said and did a similar thing regarding the Conservatives' budget.

There may have been ulterior motives, but it was nice to see the voice of acceptance....
Haletown said:
It was Coderre’s misfortune to find few Canadians to talk to when he walked through a recreational area for troops on Monday. He joined two Canadian soldiers for a coffee, but they refused to have their photograph taken with him.

A corporal who was ordering a pizza shook Coderre’s hand. Moments later he told a journalist he knew that Coderre wanted to end the combat mission, which is strongly supported by the troops.

Asked what he thought of Coderre’s position, the corporal paused before finally saying, “Well, he’s entitled to his opinion.

Nice to see he gets what he deserves , Nothing.. !!,

rtr . .  http://www.canada.com/topics/news/story.html?id=202b1503-d672-4090-9220-952b41a8f260&k=33356
We have proof!
Unmistakable proof from the defence critic's own beak that this is a
PR stunt and absolutely nothing more.
Matthew Fisher, CanWest News Service
Published: Monday, October 08, 2007

KANDAHAR AIRFIELD -- No matter what he learns on his "fact-finding mission" to Afghanistan, Liberal defence critic Denis Coderre said Monday that he and his party remained convinced that Canada must end its combat mission here when the current mandate expires.

What happened to travelling with NGOs and getting to the "real" story?
Or is that what happens when no one will talk with him on base.  ;D
I say - brief him till he cries like a baby.

Not being a grammer expert or anything but can you use the words INTEGRITY and LIBERAL so close together in the same sentence??? 
Teflon, I am sorry I'll NEVER do that again. :(

On another note - and I ask this respectful of potential threats to other people
Would it be so bad if he were kidnapped?  ;)

Flip said:
On another note - and I ask this respectful of potential threats to other people
Would it be so bad if he were kidnapped?  ;)

Sure, because then we'd have to waste valuable resources, time, and our guys would be in danger when they had to go get him. And then he'd probably denounce us because we had to kill people who were holding him instead of "negotiating"
Sure, because then we'd have to waste valuable resources, time, and our guys would be in danger when they had to go get him. And then he'd probably denounce us because we had to kill people who were holding him instead of "negotiating"

No Des, do what the man would want.......negotiate.  Just negotiate.

The Taliban would have to pay for us to take him back!
Flip said:
No Des, do what the man would want.......negotiate.  Just negotiate.

The Taliban would have to pay for us to take him back!

He's a Liberal, not a NDP'er.
George Wallace said:

We've all seen instances of that happening:  When they vote in their 'holidays' and vote in their Pay Raises.   


Now how could I have forgotten that?  :D
I'm just watching some of the footage of his visit.  It's not really clear what, exactly, he's trying to accomplish.  He's made it clear that this trip isn't going to change his opinion on the mission.  He's not allowed to go to the front lines.  All he's really doing is cornering troops, to shake his hand, with a CTV camera man anxiously in tow.

I can't imagine that this is a welcome sight on base.
    Re: Conservatives move to upstage Coderre.
« Reply #24 on: Yesterday at 22:27:06 » Quote 
Just watching CTV new now, and they are pointing out that the trip was unauthorized, he is restricted to the base, he's just wandering around shaking as many hands as possible, mostly non-Canadians, and some troops interview, while holding back stronger opinions, are questioning why he was there.

Article Link

Video Link

Have you seen this ? - Priceless! :rofl:

Thanks GAP - best laugh all weekend!

Maybe he shouldn't have tipped his hand before he got there... ;D
Seem's he's upstaged himself!
What does he expect to accomplish there?

It's enough to boggle the mind...
Jaydub said:
What does he expect to accomplish there?

It's enough to boggle the mind...

Well now he can say he's "been there" ... and they can claim he's "done that."  ::)
Well now he can say he's "been there" ... and they can claim he's "done that." 

And then they can add recorded laughter to the evening news..... :)