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Medical Technician ( Med Tech )

IRepoCans said:
Thanks for the advice guys, about the CPR training I read on the forums its better off not getting that because the CF does it a different way then civvie street does.

Not only is that not really correct, anything you can learn will be of benefit...CPR is CPR, just the when and where that might be different.

Depending on your location, you may wish to consider Med-Vents:
IRepoCans said:
Thanks for the advice guys, about the CPR training I read on the forums its better off not getting that because the CF does it a different way then civvie street does. I'm working on a workout time table trying to get 4-5 days of exercises a week, each day focusing on a certain area of fitness.

medicineman said:
Not only is that not really correct, anything you can learn will be of benefit...CPR is CPR, just the when and where that might be different.

They continually update their courses, so what might be this way is now that way, keep that in mind. There are a few extra things specific to the military like phosphorus burns, other than that its SJA Standard First Aid / CPR Level C w/AED

First Aid and Map & Compass Trg is something that helped me in BMQ, you will already be stressed out from other things, the more you know, the easier the learning curve.
mariomike said:
Depending on your location, you may wish to consider Med-Vents:

I wish I had known about this when I was in Halifax! Doesn't appear to be a branch in NB.
I live out in Orangeville I don't think we have a Med Vents near by, but I can check. I've never really land navigated before so I should take some courses in that any suggestions for that?
IRepoCans said:
I've never really land navigated before so I should take some courses in that

Don't bother. If we needed people to know that before they joined, we would list it as a requirement for enrolment. We do teach people what we need them to know.
IRepoCans said:
I live out in Orangeville I don't think we have a Med Vents near by, but I can check. I've never really land navigated before so I should take some courses in that any suggestions for that?

What Cdn Aviator said...or if you really have a hard on for that, join the local orienteering club.

CDN Aviator said:
Don't bother. If we needed people to know that before they joined, we would list it as a requirement for enrolment. We do teach people what we need them to know.

I was never really good at magnetic declination as my math skills are not the greatest but we all got by alright. They even teach you how to iron your uniform and lace your boots properly. You will, most likely have to sew quite a few little name tags on your kit, practice fixing a button or two on your clothes at home if you have never used a needle and thread.
Okay so just work on making my resume better then anyone else's when I'm done Secondary School. I've gotta get more community service hours, get my license, work on my fitness and I should be set.
A drivers licence is not required to get your 404's (military drivers license) but would help.
Get Nautical said:
A drivers licence is not required to get your 404's (military drivers license) but would help.

Med Tech applicants must hold a valid provincial drivers licence.

Edit to add,
Medical Technician
Qualification Requirements:
"Additionally, applicants must hold a valid provincial drivers licence."
Get Nautical said:
A drivers licence is not required to get your 404's (military drivers license) but would help.

Yes and No.

If you successfully complete a CF Driving Course, a Civilian Lic is not necessary; otherwise you will require your DDC, DIT, and a valid Civilian Lic.
Get Nautical said:
A drivers licence is not required to get your 404's (military drivers license) but would help.

George Wallace said:
Yes and No.

If you successfully complete a CF Driving Course, a Civilian Lic is not necessary; otherwise you will require your DDC, DIT, and a valid Civilian Lic.



Applicants wanting to apply as Medical Technicians must have completed their secondary schooling (grade 12, Sec V or GED) and have an academic profile including grade 12 (Sec V) Biology, grade 12 Chemistry or Physics, and grade 11 (Sec IV) Math. Additionally, applicants must hold a valid provincial drivers licence. This occupation requires dedication, a great capacity for hard work, and both the desire and the ability to perform detailed tasks for long periods under pressure without making mistakes. Above all, Medical Technicians must actively enjoy helping people.

I'm just wondering, but do medical techs get attached to Recce units? Or are they a independent unit on base and assigned to units when overseas?
IRepoCans said:
I'm just wondering, but do medical techs get attached to Recce units? Or are they a independent unit on base and assigned to units when overseas?

Yes, they can.  With, of course, the proper training and attributes.

MedCorps said:
Yes, they can.  With, of course, the proper training and attributes.


Heh alright I'll worry about getting in, then where I'm assigned to.
Sorry for double post but, I'm working on my daily workout calender and I know absolutely nothing when it comes to weights. So I'm asking what kind of weights I should do for the CF?
Look at the Army Fitness Manual here:


If that does not work, Google it.... there are copies around.


Hello there, It is my first post on here, and I was wondering, I'm planning on joining the Reserves this year when I turn 16 as an Infantry Soldier. When I graduate High School and turn 18, I'm going to transfer to Medical Technician and I also want to go Reg Force. My ultimate goal is to be what one medic I talked to described as an "embedded" medic, or one that travels with the Infantry wherever it goes, etc. My question is: Will I have the chance, as a Medical Technician, to attend the Parachute course, Recce Course, etc.?

