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mil application

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*Brain Overload*

I have NO idea where to begin

... the potential offense to the Navy and Air Force (IF you were hard core A R M Y)

... the potential offense to Recruiters (need to know basis ... our stupidity in talking within earshot)

... or the blatant overconfidence?

I would LOVE to be reminded where and when this honourable member is doing his CFAT so I could 'review' the scores attainable by such a distinguished and learned fellow ...

[edit] nevermind - I just looked back in the thread ... next week in Winnipeg. Got it. ;)
cmndr-cb said:
Commander-(CB)          username
( if you are hard core  A R M Y  you may recognize the username )

CFAT will be very easy for me.

I could get some very difficult and uncomfortable questions at the interview.
But then again, prehaps the recruiters are only given info on a "need to know" basis. That is most likely, and my fears are unfounded. However I do have excellent hearing, and When I was there last time I could hear them talking about me. FYI - I have excellent hearing, so go behind at least two sets of doors AND use a whispered voice.

I expect a very easy day - easy testing - and easy physical test.

I do not believe I am taking the testing lightly - I know it will be very easy.

I am running 2.4 k without too much trouble, no idea of the time, probably in the slow range, but I am 42 and expect to run at the under 30 superior level. I am not there yet, but I think I can do it. - NO _ I KNOW I CAN DO IT !

This is not overconfidence - this is reality.

As for my father - he is fine, and is already talking about emptying wine bottles at the first opportunity. He has a blood clot in his brain that will require removal, but all is good.

After reading your first post, I had thought you hadn't taken enough of your medications.

Now I am quite sure you have taken TOO much of them.

Whenever your hot-air balloon ride thru whatever world you are in is over, let us know, k??
PMedMoe said:
Whoop de do.  I am the eggman, they are the eggmen, I am the walrus,
Goo goo gajoob ga goo goo gajoob.

Makes about as much sense as your posts.


That literally made me laugh out loud  8)
Otis said:
[edit] nevermind - I just looked back in the thread ... next week in Winnipeg. Got it. ;)

Do you think, if enough of us chip in, that we can charter a flight and go out and watch?    ;D

I love seeing examples of delusions of grandeur.  They are such fun to play with.
George Wallace said:
Do you think, if enough of us chip in, that we can charter a flight and go out and watch?    ;D

I love seeing examples of delusions of grandeur.  They are such fun to play with.

You KNOW I'm calling Winnipeg next week to find out about their "record" score on the CFAT!
Otis said:
You KNOW I'm calling Winnipeg next week to find out about their "record" score on the CFAT!

I don't know.  It may be so secret, that if they tell you, they'll have kill you.
I would like to make a 'suggestion' to "cmndr-cb":

....I would suggest you humble yourself to the appropriate level before the real soldiers do it for you in a most thorough manner.  You'll find your stay with CF a whole lot easier, espeically initially, if you can find it within yourself, to have some humility.  This is just a 'suggestion'.

George Wallace said:
Do you think, if enough of us chip in, that we can charter a flight and go out and watch?    ;D
I love seeing examples of delusions of grandeur.  They are such fun to play with.

Count me in, George!  I'll even bring my Beatles records!  ;D

egy sárvédő said:
I would like to make a 'suggestion' to "cmndr-cb":

....I would suggest you humble yourself to the appropriate level before the real soldiers do it for you in a most thorough manner.  You'll find your stay with CF a whole lot easier, espeically initially, if you can find it within yourself, to have some humility.  This is just a 'suggestion'.

Well said!!

PMedMoe said:
Whoop de do.  I am the eggman, they are the eggmen, I am the walrus,
Goo goo gajoob ga goo goo gajoob.

Makes about as much sense as your posts.

That was Hilarious haha.
When you go in for your interview make sure to provide him a link to this thread. It will guarantee your success.  :nod:
If you want to be a hardcore Army-type you may want to change your handle as well. Commander is a naval rank not army so the nick you may want is Colonel-cb.

Hey CB,

July 1st is not 1st of April,

or, are you leaving on a planet far away where you are experiencing 4 months delay in transmission?
Why do I always seem to miss the good threads?  ???
PMedMoe said:
Whoop de do.  I am the eggman, they are the eggmen, I am the walrus,
Goo goo gajoob ga goo goo gajoob.

Makes about as much sense as your posts.

You almost cost me a new laptop Moe, stop that!!
Target Up!!!
At the target to your front, on your own time...GO ON!!
Ex-Dragoon said:
...Commander is a naval rank not army so the nick you may want is Colonel-cb.

Yet, not all Colonels are Commanders & not all Commanders are Colonels. Perhaps, what he is really after is "Comd-CB" for a user-name.

I'll pointout that I think the "CB" is entirely appropriate though - in that I quite suspect that is where his future lies. Gotta love the shacks.

Now, I'm off to play myself a couple of Beatles tunes ... the first one being Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds ... which I also suspect the OP has taken quite literally too much of because I actually AM the walrus ...

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