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Good day.

I don't even know where to begin with you all. Firstly, your inclinatin to "cut and paste" quotes, and then summarily pick them to pieces is, in my opion, not a great idea.
Language is more complex than the apparent meaning one chooses to get from a comment.

One sentence can mean ten different meanings to ten different people.
I suggest you try to avoid this behaviour.

Which brings me to another problem I see here.

I you are a registered Doctor with a Psychiatry Degree, please feel free to comment on my mental state. If not - then your opinions and nothing more than --- "radio chatter"

There will be NO MORE discussion of my mental health, or more accurately, nothing more that counts for anything because there is not a Doctor on the planet that would make a diagnosis using a "mouse and keyboard"

Please refrain from this childish, immature, and quite frankly, abusive behaviour.

I don't mind a few "digs" - keep them coming, because those are arguements you WILL lose.
( i.e. read the above paraghaphs carefully, if you can understand the big words )

Now I am having fun - thanks bros.
cmndr-cb said:
( i.e. read the above paraghaphs carefully, if you can understand the big words )

I can understand them.  Too bad you can't spell them.
cmndr-cb said:
Language is more complex

your inclinatin


One sentence can mean ten different meanings to ten different people.

I am not an expert but i'm pretty sure everyone interpreted your posts as pure bullshit. That is just my opinion however.

I suggest you try to avoid this behaviour.

Thanks but i think i will disregard your wisdom.

Which brings me to another problem I see here.

Yes i see the problem too but it is hard to keep wingnuts like you from registering an account here.

then your opinions and nothing more than --- "radio chatter"

That is funny, all your posts are located in "radio chatter".

if you can understand the big words )

I am not sure if i can understand them since you certainly can't spell them.
Kat Stevens said:
I have cut and pasted every one this fella's posts in to babel fish, in the hopes of an English translation, but apparently the beta version for translating retardese into something understandable is just not up to the task.

You forgot the computer, you could give it a try, as it's maybe more ancient that the babel fish...

cmndr-cb said:
There will be NO MORE discussion of my mental health

Did you do the required hand wave motion when you said that?  If not, *that* is why it did not work.

Try studying this Training Video for some helpful hints, technique, etc.  ~NOTE~ pay strict attention at the 15 second mark!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then give 'er another go!!

If it STILL doesn't work, try watching the Extended Training Video.
Man, this guy's ego knows NO limits!

FIRST he comes in telling us how easy everything is in the military (the CFAT, the PT, how he's gonna show up all the young guys) THEN he starts trying to tell us what we can and cannot discuss!

Maybe your ID should have been CMDR-UNIVERSE (as in - "of the")

Really, who the f do you think you ARE? Everyone here has made every effort to try to be nice to you, and you continue to be arrogant, combative and inflammatory.

I'd love to have ONE MONTH with this guy as a subordinate ... if 30 days of smackdown didn't straighten him out, surely I'd find a reason to have him released.
Thanks for the training link,

I am going to practice the hand wave motion, so I'll have a smooth and easy BMOQ without PT, trade training will be completed with A+ followed by a fast promotion such as Captain of any available HMCS. ;D

But this hand wave motion move and all the power that it brings, can it be used for self-interest without falling into Dark territory, I guess that's the catch.

And by the way, if I get this hand wave motion working for me, please call me Lord.
narcissistic training aids - NPDPT

push-ups  - place a mirror on floor and kiss yourself on every rep -
guaranteed to double the number of reps

running - use a mp3 player to listen to yourself saying how special you are-

use phases such as

- you have the best looking butt
- your legs are so ripped and sexy
- you are the fastest runner of all time
- all the chicks are checking you out ( and the homo guys too )
- you are so special

sit ups-

have a mirror between your knees and kiss yourself on every rep
look in the mirror after every set - and flex your abs - so sexy
wear a speedo to highlight the six-pack

i will do when i have time to waste on you peons. I love me.
cmndr-cb said:
narcissistic training aids - NPDPT

push-ups  - place a mirror on floor and kiss yourself on every rep -
guaranteed to double the number of reps

running - use a mp3 player to listen to yourself saying how special you are-

use phases such as

- you have the best looking butt
- your legs are so ripped and sexy
- you are the fastest runner of all time
- all the chicks are checking you out ( and the homo guys too )
- you are so special

sit ups-

have a mirror between your knees and kiss yourself on every rep
look in the mirror after every set - and flex your abs - so sexy
wear a speedo to highlight the six-pack

i will do when i have time to waste on you peons. I love me.

who gave you my workout routine???

I'm unclear why you keep posting in this thread; I see no point to the game you are continuing to play.  Every time you open your mouth, you end up only proving right that which has been said by those who have posted replies.  Everyone on this thread has taken the time, to try and teach you the errors of your ways and you are just-not-listening.  At this point, you opening your mouth is simply providing a source of entertainment.... wouldn't you prefer to be a respected, valuable and contributing member of this wonderful on-line community.  Don't you think you should zip it for a while and in the mean time, take a deep breath, sit back and 'educate' yourself on the various rules, threads, boards and posts throughout the site.  The soldiers on this site are, usually speaking, exceptionally well educated, they deserve respect and not your immature P.I.T.A. attitude.  Should you choose to humble yourself and pull your foot out of your mouth (and it is a choice), you have a grand opportunity to learn, grow and obtain some much needed education from the knowledge shared throughout the site.
egy hes just a troll with too much time looking for some reaction, duno why he chose this site but what ever.
CEEBEE501 said:
egy hes just a troll with too much time looking for some reaction, duno why he chose this site but what ever.

I don't have a lot of experience with forums in general; the first time I even heard of a forum troll was on this site.  I read what a troll was when I first joined the forum, but I wasn't sure what to think... I guess forum trolls really do exist.

Thank you CEEBEE501.  Much appreicated. :)
I have a few moments to post.

I think I will bypass ROTP and go straight to General.

I should be a five star general within 8-9 months after that.

I will make sure to tell them that.

I am super smart
I wear army green
I will shit and fart
I am lean and mean

Fun is over.  Bed time now for all us kids.

Locked, but keep up Posted by PMing one of the mods, so we may open it to show your update General Motors....



milnet.ca staff
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