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Military sterotypes?

And most of us aren't "rough".  Rough around the edges maybe......  ;)
curious george said:
Speaking of military stereotypes, what are your thoughts?  A civilian friend... Strangely, my mom also told me...

My thoughts - find a new friend, and possibly start tuning mom out as well.  Just saying...

Seriously though - best to base your opinions on actual experience in the matter rather than perceptions.  The military generally hires a cross section of society, and you'll find that some folks are quite genteel and you'd never guess are military, others are slightly off kilter and others still are like sand paper...and you'll find everything in between.  No different than walking into a classroom, bar or a mall anywhere in the country.



Having had some experience in CF recruiting here are some of the stereotypes that Canadians have of us.  Due to bad tv, what they see in the US and other sources.

1- We are not allowed to vote
2- You can avoid jail time by agreeing to serve in the CF
3- We have a don't ask don't tell policy
4- We target the poor
5- The CF pays for everything
6- We brainwash people
7- We deployed to Iraq
8- Instructors can beat their recruits
9- You don't need an education to join
10- We are desperate and take anyone

This is just a handfull
Crantor said:
1- We are not allowed to vote
2- You can avoid jail time by agreeing to serve in the CF
3- We have a don't ask don't tell policy
4- We target the poor
5- The CF pays for everything
6- We brainwash people
7- We deployed to Iraq
8- Instructors can beat their recruits
9- You don't need an education to join
10- We are desperate and take anyone
So you can see, roving lesbian gangs are the least of your worries.  :nod:
11 - We don't pay taxes
12 - We live for free in CF houses (PMQs)

(Oh, and number two used to hold true ... if my father will still alive he could attest to that)  ;)
And we get 15% off at McDs and Burger King don't forget!

Bottom line (and I think someone said this already), the CF is an extension of Canadian Society. The question is how do you tell the general population (or do you bother) this?
Damn. I'm a girl in the CF and have never once been harassed, stalked, or otherwise approached, by any roving gangs of CF lesbians. Therefore, I'm pretty certain all you men in the world are quite safe.

Who knew??
ArmyVern said:
Damn. I'm a girl in the CF and have never once been harassed, stalked, or otherwise approached, by any roving gangs of CF lesbians. Therefore, I'm pretty certain all you men in the world are quite safe.

Who knew??

I think you have to play on the broomball team thats where they all are ::)
ArmyVern said:
Damn. I'm a girl in the CF and have never once been harassed, stalked, or otherwise approached, by any roving gangs of CF lesbians. Therefore, I'm pretty certain all you men in the world are quite safe.

Who knew??

I thought all girls in the CF were lesbians thus part of the roving gangs. All of this makes sense since none of us are allowed to get married.
Tank Troll said:
I think you have to play on the broomball team thats where they all are ::)

Another stereotype I see (actually, I know it's another).  ;)
Tank Troll said:
I think you have to play on the broomball team thats where they all are ::)

You are an evil man, Tank Troll, with a long memory. >:D
Thanks for chiming in everyone.  I think the images on tv may have something to do with their narrow perception.  i wish I had said, "Oh, I can't wait to be harrassed," just for the shock value.  Alas, I did not have the "rough" factor in me to blurt it out.
You can however tell your friends that those in teh military are probably more sarcastic though than the general population.  >:D
Journeyman said:
So you can see, roving lesbian gangs are the least of your worries.  :nod:

:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:
ArmyVern said:
Damn. I'm a girl in the CF and have never once been harassed, stalked, or otherwise approached,

Guess i did a good job hiding then.

Who knew.
ArmyVern said:
Damn. I'm a girl in the CF and have never once been harassed, stalked, or otherwise approached,
It's probably not a typo for "stocked"...

....since she likely has.  >:D