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Pick the right trade at the begining!

When I was doing my papers, etc, and waiting to get in I changed my mind so many times on my trade it'd make you sick, but idle minds tend to wander.

I had the chance to have a solid view of the trade I had signed up for in the Air Force and BOY, I am GLAD I changed it! I then switched it up a few times and had to change it due to no openings, but landed on Combat Eng. as my 1st choice and SigOp as my 2nd (Im amazing with computers, all self taught to the point I was the chief PC tech at a local PC repair center and I've worked various places in telecommunications, etc).

Either way I KNOW I'll enjoy the trade I'm in, and I'm just waiting for my call to Basic now (woohoo!). Just have to exercise a bit more ;)

Anyways, what I think should be done is a program to give enlistees a chance to see the trade they are applying for.

- 2 weeks paid to spend time with 2-3 separate units of X, Y and maybe Z trade. Do this directly after Basic and make it mandatory because someone who enjoys what they do usually do it with more care and precision. Call it "Occupational Orientation and Testing" so it sounds official  ;D

- Alone time without the fear of rank with several tradesman to get a view of what they do and their personal thoughts on it (pick a random grouping who encompasses the lower ranks but not higher than a Master Corporal)

- Have some basic hands-on experience and a intro to the tools of the trade, and if possible have them be part of an exercise that involves that trade in a combat / emergency situation

- Show them the crap side of each trade. Because the crappy work is always there.

- Give the enlistee 48 hours to make a final decision. Once made they are locked out of doing a occupational transfer for at least 1 year.

- Compulsory occupational transfer if someone is seen as being incapable of X trade, make them take a mandatory component transfer to another trade of their choice.

Well those are my thoughts on it, ye-haw.
hmm...just curious....

I personally would love to be a MedTech (reg) however I've noticed several people I know who've gone in for MedTech have been given sort of a forced re-muster before they've gotten through their actual Med training,not do to test failings, but just told that they weren't needed for that training so pick something else.... 

I've been calling my recruiting centre but it being the new year/christmas season, they're closed...I do plan to keep trying

However...would it be worthwhile to go for a "red" trade that I'm also interested in, and prehaps remuster later on when the balence is better and there seems to be more Medtech positions available and the current "red" trade is no longer red?? Also with the expectation that if this didn't happen, I'd have a career and wouldn't even attempt to remuster.

totally theoretical and I will talk to a recruiter, but I just wanted some other opinions.
Well, IMHO it would make more sense to go for the trade that you wanted to in the 1st place.  If I was get into a red trade, and was unable to re-muster to one that I had originally wanted to get, (even if I liked that trade) I'd still regret missing that opportunity. 

As for the "forced re-mustering" I would have no idea about that in the CF, but there are others here who would be able to better inform you about it.

My 2 cents.
Thanks alot for your opinion...

I'm thinking somewhat the same thing, but if they're not mustering that trade at all right now, I'd rather have the chance to serve then sit around and wait for that trade to open up.

Maybe less of a missed opertunity and more of a strong gust fromthe winds of fate saying I shouldn't be going for that trade??

Again, thanks for your input, I'll keep that in mind tomorrow when I talk to the recruiting people again.
People....just a little tough I have...

If you get accepted in a Red Trade to get faster in the Forces...then perhaps you will not be able to transfer from that trade because it is a Red Trade, don't you guys think...
As I said:

I would be fully prepared to remain in my musterd trade. Only to consider re-muster if it was to the benefit of the forces.
Perhaps they want to tough it out until the Trade is no longer RED.  Then when it is fully manned, and no longer RED, they can have experience and knowledge that they can put forward towards trying another Trade.  Just a thought.
George Wallace said:
Perhaps they want to tough it out until the Trade is no longer RED.  Then when it is fully manned, and no longer RED, they can have experience and knowledge that they can put forward towards trying another Trade.  Just a thought.

that was deffinately a thought as well. Also I'm joining to work for the army/airforce/navy...I can have a preferance to a job, but if they need people working something else...why say no and turn down a chance to serve my country??
Meridian said:
Oh... DIN only. gotcha.

Is is possible to get a copy of that xls files...as I do not have a DIN access....
Cat said:
..why say no and turn down a chance to serve my country??

Thats easy to say since you are not in any trade right now and commited for a few years of your life. Your enthusiasm to "serve your country" may not last long after a few years in a trade you realized you dont realy like. I joined as a field engineer. It was fun and i got alot out of it. After 6 years in the trade i decided i wanted to pursue a childhood dream and go fly in the Air force. I couldnt remuster because my trade was "red" and had to wait a long and miserable 5 years before it went "yellow" and was allowed to apply. Shortly after i remustered to my new trade, field engineer went "red" again. I could have been stuck there for who knows how long.

I know its difficult to be sure that a trade is what you want. But you can't join a trade for the sole purpose of remustering later. Even people want to be in "remuster only " trades have to remember that they may never have the oportunity to change occupations. A remuster is not a right. Its an oporunity that may or may not present itself.

When applying, pick a trade that you beleive will keep you happy for however long you plan on being in the military. If an oportunity to try something else comes up, fantastic. If it doesnt, then you havent lost anything and carry on.

2 cents worth from a guy who is waiting for the selection board to make a decision on my application for a 3rd trade
mysteriousmind said:
Meridian said:
Oh... DIN only. gotcha.
Is is possible to get a copy of that xls files...as I do not have a DIN access....

Now you are stepping into the realm of OPSEC and transfering files from a 'secured site' to a 'public' site, even if it is emailed to you. 
George Wallace said:
Is is possible to get a copy of that xls files...as I do not have a DIN access....

Now you are stepping into the realm of OPSEC and transfering files from a 'secured site' to a 'public' site, even if it is emailed to you. 

Sorry...  :-\
CDN Aviator said:
Thats easy to say ... A remuster is not a right. Its an oporunity that may or may not present itself.

When applying, pick a trade that you beleive will keep you happy for however long you plan on being in the military. If an oportunity to try something else comes up, fantastic. If it doesnt, then you havent lost anything and carry on.

2 cents worth from a guy who is waiting for the selection board to make a decision on my application for a 3rd trade

I do beleive I stated that I would be picking a trade I would be willing to stick with no matter what. Also that I would only re-muster if a) I stayed in long enough and b) if the trade I was interested in was in need at the time that a re-muster was possible...

I don't beleive I ever stated I beleived remustering was a right, but that if it was a possibility it could be something I would consider at that time.

As for wanting to serve my country, if i inherited any of my families genes, then it shouldn't be an issue. My parents both served and while they are no longer Regs they are both still very devoted to this country and loved their service time with my dad still trying to get over to do a tour at 53.
Cat said:
As for wanting to serve my country, if i inherited any of my families genes, then it shouldn't be an issue. My parents both served and while they are no longer Regs they are both still very devoted to this country and loved their service time with my dad still trying to get over to do a tour at 53.

I'm from a military family myself. Born on a Military base in Germany. Cadets from the age of 14, Joined the CF at 17.

I'm not my father.

Your expriences in the CF will vary from that of your folks, i guarantee you that. What i was saying to you is that your desire to serve your country no matter what trade is easily tempered when stuck in a trade you figured out you dont like.

But hey, after 15 years of service, what do i know.
CDN Aviator said:
I'm from a military family myself. Born on a Military base in Germany. Cadets from the age of 14, Joined the CF at 17.

I'm not my father.

Your experiences in the CF will vary from that of your folks, i guarantee you that. What i was saying to you is that your desire to serve your country no matter what trade is easily tempered when stuck in a trade you figured out you don't like.

But hey, after 15 years of service, what do i know.

I thought I had made it clear that I would only choose a trade that I had an interest in, so I'm not sure why getting stuck in a trade I dislike is of such concern. Even if I think I like one more then another that can change, so it's not like going into one over another that I have equivalent interest in is a bad thing.

I also didn't say I was going for my CD or anything. I'd love to make this a career choice, but there's no guarantee that will happen, and if I'm that miserable in my chosen trade, when my term of service is up, I can always VR. Chances are at that point I'd be getting married anyhow - or at least that's the plan, so it would be a convenient time to get out if it turns out the military just isn't for me....

I'm really not purposely going into this blind or with rose coloured glasses on, but I've worked alot of jobs I've hated and a few I've loved, 3 or 4 years isn't that much even if you don't adore your job.

I respect your opinions, but it doesn't seem like you're listening to some of what I say either.
George Wallace said:
AH!  What is that saying: "Planning for Failure......."?

I generally try to plan for all contingencies...tends to work out better and keep me in a more positive frame of mind.

hopefully my last post doesn't sound like I'm planning to fail.....I'm really not....but I do realize that the military is not for everyone, and despite who I think I am, everyone changes, and their situations change....

rambling again, sorry....I just hope I don't come across as a planning to fail type...

 Working a job you dislike and spending time in a trade you dislike in a place you dislike with a contract obligation to fulfill are very different beasts.  
 CDN Aviator isn't providing his opinions, he's relaying his experience, also very different.
 That being said you do sound very motivated and it seems that you have some idea of what your life will be like.  Good luck to you and enjoy any opportunity to serve that you have.
Here is my 2c,

I was military from 1992 -1994 (reserve 031) and from 1994 to 1997 (reg, NESOP), was young an ambitious.  I choose a trade at recruiting (NESOP, Navy) after my reserve time, only had one choice on my application.  Recruiters told me, "are you sure you want this only, what if we can't give you this one", I said I'll wait then.  Got that trade, learned it, lived it in many countries too.  Then for some obscure reasons, (her name is Julie), I decided to leave the Forces.  Ten years went by, I missed the lifestyle, the travels, the ships, the adrenaline rush and most of all, the friendship.

I came up to a point in my life where I had a chance to right the wrong I would say, so I went back to the recruiting center.  Apply for the same trade.  It took them 6 hours to approve my application, after the two months it took for them to get my old file back from Ottawa.  (That's another story...).

Maybe I'm a lucky one that ended up getting the right trade for me, who knows.  The first choice you have to make is, "can I support the life style", read on it and ask questions on this site.  They will not tell you about 1 in 5 rotations for duty watch.  That's the price sailors pay for spending time in foreign ports.

In the end, it's all worth it.  You will never find another job where a persons would put hes or her own life on the line so your children can see you again.  Nothings comes even close.  Truts me I have had many other jobs.  The point of this post is to ask the new people to make the best choice they can with the info they have.  And if you get it wrong the first time, don't complain about it.  Do your job as if you really intended to do it.  Somebody's life may depend on it.  People usually don't like it when you say everyday you come to work that the trade they are doing is crappy... you know.

this is navy-nesop, over.