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Presidential election may be up for grabs

Awh.....they're always saying that. Whatever side is losing keeps claiming to want to run to Canada, they never do because we keep telling them we don't want them....
Funny stuff.  I agree with T6 & GAP here, there will be no mass migration north.  I'd like to get my hands on some of the 'transition' kit though, I ran out of syrup this morning.  American is a very complex place, it is also unique in that it is simultaneously the most hated place on earth yet receiving of more people who want to move there from legitimately crappy places than to any other country on earth.  From an epochal perspective,  given the three big ideological alternatives presented during the 20th century there is no contest as to the best choice.  America will find sound, yet perhaps diffferent, footing again.  I have no doubt.

On the election itself: the polls seem to point to a striking Obama victory. Best of luck to both.
--- 'My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world.
I hope you'll join with me as we try to change it.'
                              -- Barrack Obama
Bane said:
....... it is simultaneously the most hated place on earth yet receiving of more people who want to move there from legitimately crappy places than to any other country on earth.....

Do you suppose there is a correlation their?  Too many leaders in too many countries finding their prospective tax payers voting with their feet spending too much time trying to convince the remainder how lousy a place America is?  And at the same time trying to drag America down to their level so that they can continue with their existing policies.

At processing plants in Alaska they don't worry about covering the crabs to prevent them escaping.  The crabs do a good enough job of policing themselves.  Every time one looks to be making its way out the rest grab on and drag it back.  Everybody ends up equally cooked.  Socialism in action.
My prediction:

A bit earlier there I made a post of the potential for high income earner in the United States to go on strike, following the path of John Galt in "Atlas Shrugged".

Here is a reverse POV from Instapundit:

A REVERSE-JOHN-GALT? Tom Spaulding writes: "So, if Obama actually wins this election and delivers on even half of his promises, I'm vacillating on whether to pull a reverse John Galt and plug IN to the system. . . . So I mean to look into every government assistance program Obama/Pelosi/Reid provides or funds. Even if I don't sign up, at least I'll have an idea where my money is going to. But if I do take an occasional sip from the public teat, consider it my own way of 'spreading the wealth' back around to me."

Well, this actually is joining the strikers (if you are not sure what I mean, read the book), it is an interesting means of doing so. Considering how lax Senator Obama has been in accepting dubious contributions (from fake names, address and potentially foreign donors), maybe "we" can join the Obama gravy train and get some wealth spread to Canada! Now that's change I can believe in.  >:D
An update on a slightly off-topic subject- two skinheads who planned to assasinate Obama were tried in court today, IIRC:


Skinheads 'planned to kill Obama' 

Two men have appeared in a US court accused of making threats to kill Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, federal agents say.

They were also charged with possessing an unregistered firearm and conspiracy to steal from a licensed gun dealer.

The pair were named as Daniel Cowart, 20, and Paul Schlesselman, 18.

Court papers allege that the neo-Nazi skinheads planned to assassinate Mr Obama in a murder spree targeting more than 100 black people.

Agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) said the men had made their first appearance before a court in Jackson, Tennessee, on Monday after being arrested last week in Crockett County in the same state.

An ATF official said agents had seized a rifle, a sawn-off shotgun and three pistols during the arrests.

The two men have not yet entered a plea but are due to appear in court again later this week.

White tuxedos and top hats

The pair allegedly planned to rob a gun store and then carry out a killing spree at an unnamed predominantly African-American high school, the Associated Press quoted court records as saying.

Jim Cavanaugh, special agent in charge of the Nashville field office of the ATF, told AP that the two men had planned to shoot 88 black people and decapitate another 14. The numbers 88 and 14 are symbolic in the white supremacist community.

Mr Cavanaugh said the men had sought to go on a national killing spree, with Mr Obama as its final target.

"They said that would be their last, final act - that they would attempt to kill Senator Obama," Mr Cavanaugh told AP.

"They didn't believe they would be able to do it, but that they would get killed trying."

The court documents quoted the two men as saying that they would dress up in white tuxedos and top hats then drive their car as fast as possible toward Senator Obama, shooting at him from the windows.

The Obama campaign had no initial comment on the report.

Mr Obama, who if elected will become the first black US president, is leading Republican rival John McCain in opinion polls ahead of the 4 November election.
There is an individual in West Hollywood who has a mannequin, made up to look like Sarah Palin, hanging by the neck in his front yard. A Halloween decoration he claims.
Here's a link to the story in question, from the Associated Press:

Imagine someone hanging Barack Obama in effigy -"for Halloween".
How well do you think that would go over ?
Do you suppose the media might react a little differently to that ?
Bass ackwards said:
Imagine someone hanging Barack Obama in effigy -"for Halloween".
How well do you think that would go over ?
Do you suppose the media might react a little differently to that ?

Already been done at a small Christian university in Oregon, but not for Halloween:


I don't see how the reactions are all that different to be honest.  Both events seem to be rather controversial and derided by those of us who haven't left our brains behind in this election season.  ???
The difference, Boot, is that one is an "overt racial act" (read: hate crime) and the other "draws giggles" and "should be seen as art".


COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - A federal judge in Ohio has ruled that counties must allow homeless voters to list park benches and other locations that aren't buildings as their addresses.
U.S. District Judge Edmund Sargus also ruled that provisional ballots can't be invalidated because of poll worker errors.

Monday's ruling resolved the final two pieces of a settlement between the Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless and Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner.
The coalition agreed to drop a constitutional challenge to Ohio's voter identification law until after the Nov. 4 election. In return, Brunner and the coalition agreed on procedures to verify provisional ballots across all Ohio counties.
The coalition was concerned that unequal treatment of provisional ballots would disenfranchise some voters.

Source: "http://dispatch.com/live/content/local_news/stories/2008/10/28/ajudgerule.html?sid=101"
Homeless citizens have every right to vote.  As to the logistics it's a bit tricky and I'm not sure listing a bench is very fruitful.  In federal elections here (if I'm wrong please correct) a person merely needs a registered voter to vouch for them, both then make sworn statements.  I'm not sure if there is any additional mechanism in place in Canada that would facilitate homeless voting but this seems to be a reasonable solution.
Kirkhill said:
Well, I stand taken.

Apologies Sheerin.

No worries.
It was a weird story, and I sincerely hope this young lady gets the help she needs. 
+1 Bane

On a related note, I think this election will cause even more of a legal circus then the 2000 Florida fiasco, with allegations of vote fraud on one side vs. allegations of voter suppression on the other side.
How do you suppress votes when the voters are ficticious in the first place ? As in every Presidential election the only voter fraud is from the democrats and ACORN. In the US at least it should be 1 man one vote  not 1 man 75 votes.
tomahawk6 said:
How do you suppress votes when the voters are ficticious (sic) in the first place ? As in every Presidential election the only voter fraud is from the democrats and ACORN. In the US at least it should be 1 man one vote  not 1 man 75 votes.

T6, that is a very generalized statement you made there. 
Your hatred for the left is quite overwhelming, I honestly did not think you were this much of a zealot.   
I did not realize it until a few days ago, but the voter registration system is NOT government controlled....it is up to the various parties to register voters......huh?

This opens the system up to all kinds of voter fraud.... ::)