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Recruiting Posters, Slogans and Commercials [Merged]

Did you design the poster, because your just as blind. That's another thing that is wrong with our Army, afraid to admit when something is wrong!

Ladies and Gents,

The shot you just heard, which by the way was directed into the shooter's foot, is the commencement of meltdown...



That's the only comment you could come up with, with all of your weekend experiance!

yep, it's that is all that I would want to waste on a pro like yourself.


and go get some sleep, yer getting too cranky and wound up.


Cranky! Haven't you read my name, it' not HAPPY PPLCI CPL!
Ahh touche,

You got me on that one brother, man you have got gumption, that's for sure.

Too bad you couldn't focus it on more posts describing your experiences and the like.  Maybe we can understand where you're coming from, and see your angst (shite, can't believe I used that word)



That's probabley true 48th, jesus maybe I should get to bed, anyways see online tomorrow (if the d-staff don't boot me soon) ah christ the basement flooded.....

Its called a C9A2.

Some of the Para barrel they tried had the hood.  Its got the Old rear sight and steel M1913 rail.  A C8 telestock completes the mix.

The NV is the PVS-14 MNVG - which we issue - the US does too - but outside SOF and the Abn units they are less common for US troops than the PVS-7D (especially SAW gunners)

- NDHQ appologist signing off  ::)

If you really wanna complain about the stupid posters (And I do. Often.) take another look at the "Change The Way We Train" one, and tell me what's wrong with it.
Deconstruct those poster a different way, look for what is right, it ends up being a shorter list than listing all the faults, out dated kit, and PC wack stuff.

A note on Fatties versus Dummies for Springroll, Assuming your dummy is reasonable fit, they can do their job, because they are actually there, depending on the fatties is hard because they are often, left behind, to winded to even speak let alone shoot or signal, or at the MIR trying to build a case to support their own personal agendas "The CF gave me Diabetes from feeding me all that delicious food" or "my ankles hurt cause I held a chair down for to long so they aren't used to marching anymore".  From your picture, you don;t look like a fatty as it is not a wide angle lens you are using.  One last word, is there are some people defined as thick, be it in the head or in the body, many people fit this category, and complete every challenge well, not exceptionally, but well.

I will also try and find the original picture of the guy with the C9A2.  And I totally agree that if we advertised a bunch more of the gnarly stuff the army does it would get us a bunch more of the people we want.  Even when they do show theatre pictures or videos, it is all to often of people standing, posing, smiling, waving, picking noses, or handing stuff out.  I would love to see more video's of men and women in uniform doing more soldierly stuff, maybe a live fire company attack through NV camera?  A para COY in action, an arty REGIMENT doing a shake and bake with HE and WP 10 rounds about FFE should do it, Engineers blowing the holy hell out of something big, and the armour laying the nuts to some really well placed targets.  I know, we need people to refuel trucks and serve in kitchens, but it seems that the public is getting the image that all we do is feed the truck drivers who then drive the cooks to a new kitchen where they stop for some IV's on the way, and then look through sextants. 

Last point, the worst photo I ever saw was the one with two hard charging soldiers booting it out of a LAV 3 while another soldier stood there with her arms crossed, wearing her Wide Brimmed Combat hat, no cam, no weapon, and looking like a real tough something.  That sent the worst message ever, I still don't know what it was, and won;t post what I think it was saying, but come on.
Found someone that looks stragely familiar

Hey Bomber I definitly second your post. I have friend back home who have seen the U. S. Navy ad with the Navy Seal's and they thought that was the coolest thing ever, then they aske me if we had a unit like that. Make the commercial's trade specific and give it that edge, no one ever agrees with me, image goes along way and a cool one could boost our recruiting! Second, that's the poster I'm talking about. Now look at the angle of the stock, that is not a C-8 stock KevinB, I'm not trying to start a 67 post topic, anyways I'll talk to you soon KevinB. :salute:
I know I know, this is the last. The C9A2's aren't even in the system yet and also about the poster, this weapon has heat shield's, we don't use em, anyways I'll shush now! ;D
Watching an American TV channel last night and saw a very interesting "segmentation" of the market: US Navy ads played one after the other (consecutive commercial breaks) with one being the "Navy Seal" ad, one about preparing for your future (The one about the person who now owns a business? I heard that one from the kitchen), and one which had the tag line "Rocket science is more fun when you have rockets!"

Just like ads for cars have to be tailored for the market you are looking for, our ads have to be tailored as well. CSS types will be far more in tune with ads for mechanics fixing high speed kit than ones showing troops jumping from G-Wagons.

This is not to say that the ads should be as accurate as possible (show commonly available kit, make sure the soldiers/actors are correctly dressed and equipped for what they are supposed to be doing), and we could lay off the PC stuff as well; anyone who is willing to come through the door, work hard and share the same conditions that I do is just the person I want.
My favorite is the Marine commercial with the guy climbing that rock face and he reaches the top and seems to transform into the sharp uniform(yummy!)....I love that one!!
C9A2's are in the system - My unit had them in Afghan.

The Inf School SA cell is playing with heat sheilds (god knows why) and different Flash Hiders for the C9 and C6's.

*DLR and CTS appologist out  ;)
I am just more impressed with the ads for US technical schools where guys are making guidance systems for their armies, or NVG systems and stuff, you know the ones you see on stuff like Horsepower TV, where they go from tinkering in their garage to maintaining an Abrams, note, maintaining it, not fueling it, washing it, painting it, but actually working on big machines.  I think we could learn a lot form our NATO Allies WRT gaining, holding and maintaining the interest of our potential recruits.  Eventually this thread will move away from getting them in the door and flow to getting them in the regiment, but that is another story.  Because really, who has 10 months to wait around for a phone call, unless it was the only job applied for?  Maybe we need to invest more in our sports teams, not just our "special athletes" Make a bunch of semi pro teams capable of playing others in some big time sports, There must be a few Junior's we could lure out of the provincial leagues.  I'm sorry, I don;t know where the last part is going, so much frustration, and not enough fingers to type with.
And where the hell does the CF get it's ad people? I've NEVER seen a commercial for the CF on the biggest testosterone fest in Canada on a weekly basis. Anybody out there ever heard of Hockey Night In Canada, for christ sakes, Don Cherry gives free publicity to the forces, sign him up. Every saturday night, half the countrys male population age 17-40 are watching HNIC, don't you think the damn show should be plastered with CF ads. Somebody sign me up, I need to get those commercials on HNIC.
Island Ryhno said:
... Every saturday night, half the countrys male population age 17-40 are watching HNIC, don't you think the darn show should be plastered with CF ads. Somebody sign me up, I need to get those commercials on HNIC.

Couldn't agree with you more - hockey's a team sport, one of our national sports (nicknamed "War On Ice"), and our Army needs all the nationalistic team players we can get ...