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Recruiting Posters, Slogans and Commercials [Merged]

Very true...

Target the right audience and they right crowd will flock...

We need to improve ads, and speed up recruiting times (its kinda wrong when you can get pregnant and have a baby faster then you can get into the Canadian Forces).

We need to have different ads targetting different 'groups' of trade... For example one would target potential Sig Ops, COMM Research Ops, etc...  Another completely with combat engineer and infantry... etc.  Emphasize there is a trade for everyone's interests.

IcEPiCk said:
We need to improve ads, and speed up recruiting times (its kinda wrong when you can get pregnant and have a baby faster then you can get into the Canadian Forces).

Hey now theres is an idea for the left side of our society...

Join the CF, get pregnant and have your baby...with the CF to take care of you. You can have your family between basic training and the time you actually begin work...with a 3 yr contract, we should get 3 months of productive work from you.

How un PC of me.
Join the CF, get pregnant and have your baby...with the CF to take care of you. You can have your family between basic training and the time you actually begin work...with a 3 yr contract, we should get 3 months of productive work from you.

How un PC of me.

Im just saying 9 months is a long time to wait to get in....   (Hence the "speed up recruiting time" statement)...  

If thats directed at me specifically you can go ahead and put words in my mouth...  


Hey now theres is an idea for the left side of our society...

Yes speed up recruiting time... The idea is so far left I think David Miller might have spoke to me in my sleep and gave me it.  

I went to our recruiting site on DND.CA and could not see and obvious recruiting slogan. The American Army one is well know...Army of One.

What is our present slogan? :-\

And what do you suggest for a more catchy recruiting slogan? (Remember it has to encompass the whole CF and not just the Army.)  :cdn:

Roger that..One Army, One Team, One Vision.

Makes me wonder why we still insist on calling it Land Force

I still think we need something catchier and more appropriate. Ideas?
So i spent a little while playing around with a logo...and a title...


meaning..its a 3 dimensional military (land air sea), you could also look at it from the 3D ( diplomacy, defence and development )approach, and the 3 block war concept

here i made a logo too  :P

SemperFidelis said:
So i spent a little while playing around with a logo...and a title...


meaning..its a 3 dimensional military (land air sea), you could also look at it from the 3D ( diplomacy, defence and development )approach, and the 3 block war concept

here i made a logo too   :P


I like how you got the whole Navy in the shot!
SemperFidelis: You are very good and I like to see that you are going to be a Combat Engineer. Nice work.
Air Force : Chair Force
Navy : Rainbow Coallition
Army.....cant touch that one

im just kidding guys
Instead of a slogan we should just have two and a half minutes of heavy metal music
how about "Drinking fear, eating danger and crapping out victory." kinda for someone who like living life on the edge
Boogilywoo said:
Instead of a slogan we should just have two and a half minutes of heavy metal music

Yeah, ah no.  ???

Delta said:
how about "Drinking fear, eating danger and crapping out victory." kinda for someone who like living life on the edge

Yeahhhhhhh, NOT!  ::)
One Army, One Team, One Vision... isn't that the slogan for the internal information campaign?
No point in stupid mottos or flashy advertising, just gets peoples hopes up and then they have them crushed...