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Recruiting Posters, Slogans and Commercials [Merged]

Hey I'm in the first ad! ;D we shot that (atleast the army portion) down in Victoria last December. Haden't heard anything since.
From the CTV article
about the ads - One line in the article stuck out hard to me and it is:
The military also intends to streamline its hiring process by October by easing physical fitness requirements for entrance.

MacIsaac said the military will take on some of the responsibility for improving physical fitness once the recruits have been brought into the fold. 
What will this entail for the CF and recruitment?
nowhere_man : Perhaps not worth mentioning as you may find it. Although Spartan did not explicitly say so, The ads are currently hyperlinked at the URL that Spartan gave. Look at the right hand top box. Labelled Video.

Excellent ads.

As to what Dawn Black or the CI Congress finds offensive I'm not sure what is so offensive about "Fight Fear, Fight Distress, Fight Chaos, Fight with the Canadian Forces".

Unless of course we should stop fighting because Fear, Distress and Chaos are part of our multi ethnic multi cultural tolerant society.
I just picked up my copy of the DVD.
The ads are fantastic, especially the dom ops one.
I think the CF will have greater with success using this as opposed to the previous ads, its not vague like the last batch and its not a high paced action rock video (Fighter pilots and SEALs only) like the American ads.
It seems as though some people higher up may have heeded suggestions put forth here about making CF recruiting commercials more action oriented.
It will be interesting to see if they pull the ads because of the Dawson College incident.  You can bet they'll be discussing it right now.
NDP Defence Critic Dawn Black called the ads war-mongering and said they were a heavy-handed approach to drawing new soldiers.

"They do need recruits, but I'm not sure Rambo ads are the way we want to portray military service," Black was reported as saying.
That's right.  We don't want Canadians to actually know the central purpose of a military.  The ads should have featured soldiers hugging teddy-bears.  ::)
That's right.  We don't want Canadians to actually know the central purpose of a military.  The ads should have featured soldiers hugging teddy-bears. 

Oh- I remember that one- 1994ish, right?

These are much better, IMHO.
>"The military also intends to streamline its hiring process by October by easing physical fitness requirements for entrance. "

The doors will be two inches wider.
A lot of people aren't going to like the commericals and they were discussed in my anthropology class today. However, the same people that complain about them are the ones that WON'T be joining, so who cares... I'm sorry but i don't know anyone that signed up to hand out flowers.

At least the commercials will show what you would be getting yourself into...  :salute:
When I first joined the main ad - posters in buses, etc, were the big thing - showed two guys (PPCLI, actually) with a Bren gun.  The words said: "A career with a future."

I joined and learned, shortly afterwards that my future was, indeed, as the section 2I/C (in the exalted 'rank' of LCpl) with a C2 (which was only very slightly lighter than the Bren) and my mate, a fellow named Montcrief from the Nort’ Shore of NB, the human pack mule.  We never got a chance, as the old song Movin' on said to practice, à la the late Cpl. C.O. (Punchy) Bell, playing Bren gun boogie on a Chinaman's back, but we had fun anyway.

The Navy ad said "Go places!  Go Navy!"  It seemed interesting, I almost joined until I saw the poster in the recruiting office with two guys (who I learned, later, were NOT in The RCR) standing in front of a Ferret scout car which was parked beneath some palm trees.  That was the Army I wanted to join - but London, Ipperwash, Meaford, Petawawa, Gagetown, and, and, and ... beckoned … I got to see a few palm trees and a chum in C/8CH let me drive a Ferret back about 40 years ago, which was great fun.   

Ahhhh, memories.
I guess alot of people were snivelling over the word "Fight" - apparently that's a taboo thing for soldiers to do to the bad guys/gals.  Just sort of typifies what most people think we're here for - shovelling Toronto sidewalks and tossing sanbags when we're not looking pretty in our "Targets for Peace" helmets.

It will certainly be a welcome change to see those ads on TV.

Something tells me they will not only recruit, but inform and educate the public about the current day Canadian Forces (whether they agree or not).

I like the ads.
I also liked the old ones though.
I wish it had like more sound or something.Like music or people talking on a radio or etc.

I loved the ndp respone :P

Something about us portraying us as War-Mongers and RAMBOS!!

Also.....it used to have the Fight....Terror...but they realized if they did the media would reign down on them with videos of Muslims...etc you know what i mean..do you?

yeah im babbling but GREAT ADS

although i cant find those videos on any of the CF websites

DnD home website has a new look too :P
I'm confused (doesn't take much sometimes... ;D).....but where is the part of the commercials that supposedly portrays Muslums as the "bad guys"? Because Canadian soldiers are supposedly kicking in a door in Afghanistan?

I personally like the new ads, and it's about time that we stopped portraying the CF as just another Federal agency.

Isn't that what the CF does though? It fights against fear, chaos and distress, whether home, or abroad.

Last time I checked.....isn't that what peacekeepers do as well?

Many organizations around the world use ads like these to recruit people. Why shouldn't the CF join in as well?

These ads are aimed at recruiting new "employees" for the CF. If you don't like the ads, change the channel.

The general public needs to be educated on what the CF actually does.

Just my opinion.
I guess we can't see them on the DWAN since we're already in.....  >:(
