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Recruiting Posters, Slogans and Commercials [Merged]

cplcaldwell said:
As to what Dawn Black or the CI Congress finds offensive I'm not sure what is so offensive about "Fight Fear, Fight Distress, Fight Chaos, Fight with the Canadian Forces".

The Canadian Islamic Council specifically objected to the word "Fight". I barely know where to start with that. They don't deserve any special treatment over any other special interest group in the country, just because at this particular point in time our military happens to be engaged in operations against Muslim opponents - their opinion shouldn't mean a damn thing to the issue. If they weren't so paranoid and self-interested (for Muslims within Canada/America) they might notice that terrorism is killing hundreds of civilians in Islamic countries around the world, and we're working to do their religion a great favor by pruning the extremists their own culture seems completely uninterested in eradicating.

Great ads though, makes me want to apply...er...again!  ;)
oooooh no stark music ?!?!

Wasn't this the lost episode of "over there"
I'm wondering if anyone has a link to the ACTUAL video. From what I've seen, it looks just like most of us would have wanted it to look like...except maybe a different music track. Here's the article itself for those of you who haven't had a chance to take a gander at it yet:


You can click the "watch this video" button to watch it. Mind you, there's two annoying reporters interupting the whole video with their "oh noez, teh canadien govermennt iz showing us gunz! thiz iz not wut teh canadien popULation wantz!11!" which is why I'm trying to find a link to the actual video minus the reporters.

EDIT:  Just wanted to add that I'm not too kean about the whole "lessening the physical fitness requirements".  Quality of quantity.
As much as I wanted to, I couldn't watch the whole think on the news site.  Those 2 bozo's haven't a clue IMHO.

I laughed out loud when he was talking about the "Reserve Forces" and the "Traditional Forces".  The what?  I wonder if that is like the Regular Force.

Do not go pass Go, do not collect your $200.

Yet again the media shows to me how clueless they are on pretty much anything they report on the military.

This is a step up thats forsure in the Ad dept. Not at the quality of the Marine ones, but we are getting there.
As the Course Officer for an upcoming Reg Force BMQ course I haven't really heard anything about actually dropping the entrance standards for physical fitness but because of other information I have heard it is possible that that may happen.  Based on the information I've heard, within certain limits it probably won't be an issue in my opinion.  Society is changing, the recruits walking through the door aren't at the same fitness level as in past years.  The key is will not ability, we teach ability and from what I've seen it just takes a bit longer now since civilian values have shifted further away from military values.  If someone wants to join the CF and they're motivated I have no problem putting in the extra time and effort to help them get up to the standard.  From what I've seen of the BMQ course I believe I have the proper instructors and policies to ensure that all my graduates meet the standard.

On the recruiting ad, I'm glad that there is a new commercial.  I don't know how many times I've seen the last one at the movie theatre and shook my head.  Due to our past recruiting ads I understand why I've met pacifists in the military.
Traditional forces are like conventional forces, according to that video.

Reserves must then be like unconventional forces... woo! we're special?

</Dry wit>
Well at least one day at work wasnt a total waste for me...in one of the adds you see an Aurora flying low above HMCS Calgary.  I was on that Aurora that day.
See everyone has their 15 minutes in the spotlight! 

Were you waving?  I'll look next time in the real ad when I see it  ;D
Anywhere online we can see those ads.....without CTV/CBC commentary ?
i just finaly watched them....its a step up, but IMHO, they still suck.
cdnaviator said:
i just finaly watched them....its a step up, but IMHO, they still suck.
Are Canadian recruiting ads destined to always suck?
...I like the ones they used to play on tv, the one that showed a soldier running underneath a helicopter, a girl on a ship... You know the ones.
hmmm .. im not sure those videos are such a good idea, i dont like them too much.. what about you guys?
nova_flush said:
hmmm .. im not sure those videos are such a good idea, i dont like them too much.. what about you guys?

What don't you like about them?  Never come to the table with just the problem, bring a solution along too.  ;D