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So there I was.......

it turns to Won Ton Soup, a transformation bound to keep your appetite ..........................................
bull moose in the middle of the rutting season, on the scent of a female...........................
.... just leaving the local bar called The Dumpster, the specialty drink there being ...
...an exciting little Chardonnay mixed with Southern Comfort, Ouzo, and Mr. Clean called the...
...Golden Waterfall.  The name originating from the home of the same guy who............
.... and being ever enterprising he made Swiss steak out of the lot of them and served it to ....
the Executive Committee of the International Society For The Attainment Of Tomorrow Today...
... a bunch of nut jobs with no leader, only a stuffed giraffe with a missing eye who ran the entire show. The giraffe lost his eye during a particularly savage discussion on what brand of toilet paper to use. It was ultimately settled when there was a wipe off in their 3 holer outhouse. Their sister organization ....
The Global Foundation For Spiritual Oneness & Psychic Harmony...
.... meanwhile, back on the ranch, Skippy Befuddle and his loyal horse Spud started on a quest to find the legendary treasure of the ....
.... the moon, he never caught up to it but came so close once that he could taste cheese. Skippy's horse drowned going to Oak Island so there was a feast in his memory with him as the main course. Skippy found the treasure which consisted of 3 boxes of Ritz crackers and some suspect cream cheese. So well fed and rearing to go he headed to ....
Gopher Armpit for the long awaited final showdown with the Comic Book Kid at High Noon in the OK Corral...
.... but he forgot to set his watch for daylight saving and was an hour early. He assumed nobody else would show and started to take random shots at ....
.... the back of a old VW bus with 6 hippies and a bunch of half eaten pizza inside, turns out they were the major's family. Although all the hippies were shot several times they didn't complain at all being extremely weed whacked. After he ran out of ammunition he ....