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Stupid question about Basic - Aggression

CEHopeful... you could only work in Fredericton if you work at Subway surrounded by 5 bars.
A good friend just told me this "that pain is weakness leaving the body", Im going to stick by that, suck it up and march on. cheers.
HAHAHAHA!!!!How did you guess!!!yeah Im there every friday night, the tall guy who never smiles unless I see a smoking hot chick who Ill probably tell off because she wants free food.
I am in Halifax... let me just say that I spent my share of time at Streetwalkers... um, Sweettalkers I mean Sweetwaters during my undergrad days!

ewww sweetwaters. I like the capital myself, a lot of hippies though, who cant drink. and ex girlfriends.
Ahhh yes... The Capital... I spent many hours there *studying* during law school!
zipperhead_cop said:
It's always nice to have a good "reason" to justify violence, and the "all options exhausted" sounds nice too.  Spock, you are going to be training to be able to go into a situation where you may be asked to end the life of a young, motivated individual like yourself because he/she is wearing different clothing than you, and is on the opposite side of an area.  Can you aim your 5.56 mm with a 3x sight, put the tip on their chest and squeeze off an accurate shot in order to kill them dead?  Like Clint Eastwood in Unforgiven:  "Killin' is a hell of a thing.  You take away everything a man has, and everything he ever will have". 
Imagine you are on a check point in Kabul and there is a woman with a child walking quickly towards you despite posted gates and your verbal direction to stop.  You can see that she is wearing a green martyrs head band and has a large bulk under her burka.  In her hand (the one not holding the her daughters hand) is a black item that looks like a thumb switch.  The kill radius for a decent suicide bomb is around 50m, and she is 75m away and closing on you and your buddies at the checkpoint.  You have rules of engagement that will allow you to take her out as a result of your training without needing permission from a superior.  Again, can you take the shot?  (example not provided to create hijack of checkpoint SOP's). 
Violence in our society is not the same thing as violence in a war zone.  There are some cold, hard, terrible things you may need to get your head around being asked to do.
I realize you are doing reserve training, and there is no current requirement to serve the Regs.  However, the potential to kill on command is a characteristic your instructors will be looking for.  If you can't provide this, you may get piled on a bit.

True, despite being non violent, I also value my life above all other things. So, if I'm presented in this situation, well, as Robert Redford said in the movie Spy Game: "When it comes down to you or them, send flowers."
GO!!! said:
I would thoroughly enjoy putting a bullet or two into Timmy Taliban as he tried to place a roadside bomb that was going to kill me and the other men in my platoon. I would feel pride that I was able to fire my weapon in defence of my nation and comrades.

I guess that makes me a sociopath - right? I personally don't give a $hit if you trust me or not - but you damn well better do your job.

Seriously, just find a job elsewhere, where you can help people, and never hear yelling or loud noises. I'll take the guys who can freely acknowledge that we are all better off with some people dead.


Futuretrooper said:
I'm not on basic, I'm in PRETC awaiting QL3's. I watched Platoon, Apocalypse Now, etc. Didn't they kill some innocent civilians and rape women and children in those movies. If a person is only joining the military because they wanted to kill something become a mercenary, or something like that. People that find joy in killing I don't trust, and will never trust.

That is why you are a telephone operator. 

I don't think anyone is trying to find joy in killing (although, I am with GO!! on the idea of waxing some coward insurgent that thinks he is so clever planting a remote bomb) but I think the idea is being very comfortable with the ideal that killing may end up being necessary.  All of the sh_t talking around the boot polishing and weapon cleaning parties is also part of the desensitizing process.  Rehearse over and over in your head aiming a weapon and ending a life.  That way, when you are in the zone, when you have to do it for real, you don't need to think about it.  You just act and take a nice aimed shot.  It's like the story that went around on the email circuit a few weeks back.  Probably military urban folk lore, but a nice sentiment:

A foreign press reporter was interviewing various soldiers around Bagdad when she came across a Marine sniper cleaning his weapon.  She approached him and asked "what do you feel when you are shooting these Iraqi resistance fighters?" to which the Marine said flatly, without missing a beat "recoil". 

You can worry about feelings and remorse later.  That is what counselling is for.  And for that matter, talking about what happened in a battle with your unit is also a cathartic process (we call it a debriefing).  Just talking to someone who knows and understands what you are going through will help. 
Spock, if from your last post you are saying you will do what you have to do when the time comes, you will do fine.  Besides, correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't you asking more about getting cock (a military term, not a sexual one) while on course than being able to do the job of a soldier?  I think we may have digressed a bit.

BTW, don't be ripping on Sweetwater!  It serves a valuble function to many a troop, and I'm betting most of you nay sayers, after being shot down at the Uni pub, hit Sweets for last call "just to see what's going on".  You're not fooling anyone. ^-^ 
HAHA, I work to late to ever get in sweetwaters, but that country blaring from it really is enough to scare me off.As long as the Drill seargents dont sing country, I think Ill be fine.
zipperhead_cop said:
BTW, don't be ripping on Sweetwater!  It serves a valuble function to many a troop, and I'm betting most of you nay sayers, after being shot down at the Uni pub, hit Sweets for last call "just to see what's going on".  You're not fooling anyone. ^-^ 

Ummm. I am a chick so the likelihood of Sweets meeting the same function is slim.  ;)

But I hear what you are saying.  We used to leave the Social Club to avoid the University hockey players.  We didn't mind the Gagetown soldiers at Sweets... in fact, I met some very fine military people there.... but Sweets is Sweets.  The music sucks and townies are enough to make you mental.  There are better establishments in town... depending, of course, on what you are looking for at the time! 8)
Aggression works for me.  Not everbody works that way.  I served with some guys who were so laid back that you'd swear they were medicated.  That said, they were eyes out on patrol, quick to respond, and not rattled under fire.  What they had worked for them.  If you don't run on adrenalin and aggression like most of the rest of us, well, as long as what you use works under pressure, then its good enough.
Wake up you wuss. You're setting yourself up for a wolrd of hurt with that wimp attitude. What are you really worried about?? Sombody calling you names? Smacking you in the face? Getting sworn at by some drill instructor? I'm sure nobody in your unit is going to "beat you up". You're joining a team that is supposed to work together.

As with any occupation in life - you WILL run into people that don't like you. Its up to you to deal with it. If you are looking for a place where everyone will love you - stay at home with mommy.
get drunk and get you friend to slap you across the face, then slap him, until you cnat stnad it any longer,wrestle,fight with your friends, it work wonders.

The social club is okay,  minus the frat boys, but they arent so bad. a pitche rof liquor for 6$ is always good.
Quote from: Futuretrooper on Yesterday at 18:18:10
I'm not on basic, I'm in PRETC awaiting QL3's. I watched Platoon, Apocalypse Now, etc. Didn't they kill some innocent civilians and rape women and children in those movies. If a person is only joining the military because they wanted to kill something become a mercenary, or something like that. People that find joy in killing I don't trust, and will never trust.

I would thoroughly enjoy putting a bullet or two into Timmy Taliban as he tried to place a roadside bomb that was going to kill me and the other men in my platoon. I would feel pride that I was able to fire my weapon in defence of my nation and comrades.

I guess that makes me a sociopath - right? I personally don't give a $hit if you trust me or not - but you damn well better do your job.

Seriously, just find a job elsewhere, where you can help people, and never hear yelling or loud noises. I'll take the guys who can freely acknowledge that we are all better off with some people dead.

No, I acknowledge that in situations violence is necessary to prevent the abuse of human life. But I don't think its good to get too fond of killing as some say recruits should be on here. I don't trust people who are simply obsessed with killing, I've met those types of people, and they seem like the type of guys that don't give a shit about teamwork, military ethos, etc. more or less just killing people. I would prefer to keep myself restrained, and use violence if necessary, if not then I don't wan't to kill anybody, especially if it turns out to be innocent civilians or children.
Futuretrooper said:
No, I acknowledge that in situations violence is necessary to prevent the abuse of human life. But I don't think its good to get too fond of killing as some say recruits should be on here. I don't trust people who are simply obsessed with killing, I've met those types of people, and they seem like the type of guys that don't give a crap about teamwork, military ethos, etc. more or less just killing people. I would prefer to keep myself restrained, and use violence if necessary, if not then I don't wan't to kill anybody, especially if it turns out to be innocent civilians or children.

If your profile is true, you are'nt even in the army! You are on an enormous training base, populated mostly by recruits and senior (10yrs +) troops of the CSS variety. You have never met a unit of cbt arms soldiers, much less worked with one, been deployed or seen a situation where people ended up dead. You don't know the first thing about military ethos, real teamwork outside a school or anything else regarding the "pointy end".

As such, you are Supremely unqualified to make assertations regarding what is "good" or not for soldiers, or what recruits should be taught.

In short, I find your statements to be inconsistent with fact, truth, common knowledge and accepted wisdom.

I just hope you end up as a sysadmin in a basement somewhere so I don't have to worry about your pacifist "don't kill anyone" spewing ass watching my back.
Futuretrooper said:
No, I acknowledge that in situations violence is necessary to prevent the abuse of human life. But I don't think its good to get too fond of killing as some say recruits should be on here. I don't trust people who are simply obsessed with killing, I've met those types of people, and they seem like the type of guys that don't give a crap about teamwork, military ethos, etc. more or less just killing people. I would prefer to keep myself restrained, and use violence if necessary, if not then I don't wan't to kill anybody, especially if it turns out to be innocent civilians or children.
      Soldiers exist to employ deadly force towards the political ends desired by our civilian leadership.  If you don CF green, then you are a weapon.  We neither want nor need soldiers who don't care who/what they kill, these people are sociopaths and a danger to the force they are in.  We cannot afford soldiers who cannot kill, or who will hesitate and get some of ours killed in the process.  There have been times when every available soldier has been thrown into the line, right down to the traditional "cooks and clerks and Sgt Major's band", so they had better be able to fight.  As seen in Iraq and Afghanistan, it is the support echelons who are as likely to find themselves in an insurgent ambush as our 031 specialists, so the support arms must either remember that they are soldiers first, or find themselves the "soft target" our enemies will seek.  I am a communicator by trade, a lineman and radop, but when fired upon, my reactions and training are those of any rifleman-to seek and destroy the enemy.

Excellent point about the "soft targets".

I've read more than one statement from captured terrorists and anecdotal evidence that the enemy in places like Iraq will specifically not attack a formation of infantry or other cbt arms patrolling, as they will be hunted mercilessly with snipers, infantry, helicopters and armour as soon as they fire the first shot. They instead concentrate on what appear to be logistics vehicles, and transport convoys, in order to survive the engagement.

A credit to the US training system is that many of the logistics troops have proven to be just as lethal to the insurgents as their combat arms brethren. They do not just "fire only to defend themselves" they attack, and kill - as is necessary. If every convoy just drove away, with personal safety and an aversion to killing, the enemy would only grow bolder.
Futuretrooper said:
I'm not on basic, I'm in PRETC awaiting QL3's. I watched Platoon, Apocalypse Now, etc. Didn't they kill some innocent civilians and rape women and children in those movies.

Didn't some civies, who never joined up, never knew a soldier, and perhaps never saw one of those films kill, rape or otherwise commit some heinous crime?  come on now, dint paint soldiers as killers just because Stanly Kubric made a film.  Remember, we as members of the CF are representative of the population of Canada - we have our fair share of everything, from Saints to Satan.....
GO!!! said:

Excellent point about the "soft targets".

I've read more than one statement from captured terrorists and anecdotal evidence that the enemy in places like Iraq will specifically not attack a formation of infantry or other cbt arms patrolling, as they will be hunted mercilessly with snipers, infantry, helicopters and armour as soon as they fire the first shot. They instead concentrate on what appear to be logistics vehicles, and transport convoys, in order to survive the engagement.

I believe that the Mujihadeen employed similar tactics against the Soviets during their conflict. 