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The Michael Moore Super Thread- Merged

Michael Moore

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That‘s not freedom you smell in Windsor, that‘s diesel, smog, and carcinogens. Ahhh, the ole‘ familiar stench of Detroilet. :)
Why did my father have to sell his wheat to the CDN Wheat Board or risk going to jail if he sold it in Montana?
That really sounds like the way the Soviets did it. You HAD to sell it to the government, and they gave you s*** for money. :eek:

BTW, Mjr Baker, I was born in the same hospital as you.
To S_Baker, The outsourcing of jobs to countries like Canada, is just part of the international economy and trade agreements,,, I believe what Michael Moore was trying to get at with free trade agreements with developing nations, is that when outsourced US jobs go to countries with very poor labor standards, these types of trade agreements, hurts the US and foreign labor economies. Nobody benefits but companies execs. I do believe web designers, IT techs, Comp Sci guys in the US and Canada make comparable wages,,, and Michael Moore‘s website is not exploiting Canadian labor.
The wheat board gives farmers a guaranteed price on their wheat, and protects against predatory pricing from larger competitors, does it not?
Radical change back to the origional topic!

If Micheal Moore was looking for a dangerous ghetto in Canada he wasn‘t looking very far...

I, for one, have had enough with the white bashing that seems so "in" these days!
The Major has a point. Rent "Roger and Me" and try to tell me that Moore doesn‘t come off as a hypocrite. Whether it hurts or hinders Americans (as outsourcing to countries with extreme labour price differences), him outsourcing to a Canadian firm, for whatever reason, makes him look like an *******. If he really cared about all these American jobs, you‘d expect him to make an example out of himself. I‘m not going to listen to an environmentalist tell me to recycle if he‘s got bald eagle carcasses overflowing from his garbage can.

Also, I think its important to point out that Moore doesn‘t just sell to Europeans and "others". Unless "others" was a cover for Americans who like his movies who you refuse to acknowledge as Americans. I believe Bowling for Columbine was fairly successful on the south side of the border as well.
Moore also fabricated the scene where the bank manger gives him the gun, as they normally gave a voucher which would have been honoured at the gunshop.

Moore is a cheap and sleazy film maker who makes films that appeal to people who want to feel outraged about something. He may start off talking about an interesting subject, but he never climbs out of the intellectual gutter. He actually hurts decent discussion on issues as he belittles the other side of the issue and paints as fools or worse. There are far better film makers out there that deserve support, Moore is the documentary film equivalent of World Wide Wrestling, with about the same amount of truth involved.
The part with the Oklahoma bombing related guy was interesting, but didn‘t really fit with Moore‘s argument - sure, he had a gun, but he was the kind of guy who would defend his house from the gov‘t with a board with a nail in it, if he had to. ;)

But did anybody else not really see the connection he was trying to make between the socially rejected teenagers who shot up Columbine high school and the Lockheed Martin Missile/Avionics plant in Colorado? :confused:
For all you Moore fans:

Disney blocks distribution of Moore film

Posted: Wednesday, May 5, 4:29pm EDT

"The Walt Disney Company is blocking its Miramax Films division from distributing Michael Moore‘s documentary "Fahrenheit 9/11," which criticizes President Bush‘s handling of Sept. 11 and connects the Bush family with Osama bin Laden‘s.
Moore attributes Disney‘s decision to concerns that the documentary will endanger tax breaks the company receives from Florida, where Bush‘s brother Jeb is governor.

"I would have hoped by now that I would be able to put my work out to the public without having to experience the profound censorship obstacles I often seem to encounter," Moore wrote Wednesday in a statement on his Web site.

The filmmaker did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The Associated Press.

Miramax confirmed that Disney told the company it can‘t release the film. "We hope to amicably resolve the situation in the near future," Miramax spokesman Matthew Hiltzik told The Associated Press.

Disney representatives Zenia Mucha and John Spelich did not return calls early Wednesday.

Disney has a contractual agreement with Miramax principals Bob and Harvey Weinstein allowing it to prevent the company from distributing films under certain circumstances, such as an NC-17 rating or a budget of more than $30-35 million."

Don‘t your heart just bleed for him?? :rolleyes:
Nope, he is just out to cause more Sh!t. I hope he has a heart attack from blowing out all that hot air of his.
Like him or not, Moore will probably get the last laugh. All he has to do is have Farenheit 9/11 make a profit. Eisner is already on the outs with the Mouse‘s shareholders for allowing their partnership with Pixar to lapse (which was quite profitable for the Mouse) so this decision, depending on the amount of money that Farenheit 9/11 makes could just be another nail in Eisner‘s coffin.
Well in order for it to make a profit, it needs to be released, which is not happening. It is being shown at Cannes and that is it.
Don‘t bet on it. Bowling for Columbine made good coin and I wouldn‘t be supprised if someone picks it up to distrubute at Cannes. Baring that I don‘t think Moore would have any problems securing financing to distribute it himself given the commercial success of Bowling for Columbine.
Only if Disney gives up the rights to the distribution. If it is contriversial they may hold on to it for a while. ICP had the same problem when their album the The Great Milenko was released. It POed quite a number of people and Disney pulled the album from the shelves and refused to release ICP from thier contract. That is until ICP‘s Manager threaten the upper brass at Disney, that they would bring in the Juggalo‘s to burn Disneyland to the ground. ICP was soon released. Point of my little story, Disney ain‘t going to let that movie be released without a fight.
S_Baker, on a different note... your attitude twoards the French is disgusting, I don‘t agree with everything Americans do but I don‘t tell them to bit me, ok well I used to but that was back when I was younger and immature, I may be only 15 but I can hadle a little decency. Ok back on topic yes michael moore streches the truth but so does bush so does kerry so does anyone with a bit of public attention. We need some people who‘ll tell it like it is... if those people exist.
The Mouse isn‘t talking about holding the rights to the film to block release:
Disney chief executive Michael Eisner agreed. "That film [Fahrenheit] 9/11will get a distributor easily," he told CNBC in an interview Wednesday from Disneyland.
This was reported in the AP on Thursday: link

The Mouse isn‘t stupid enough to try and block distribution of this film. There are enough people in the world with deep pockets who dislike Disney‘s corporate policys who would gleefully back a lawsuit against the Mouse.

Lastly, Moore will find a distributor for this film, there are plenty of people in the world who would gladly fork out a couple of mil to give the Bush family and the Republican party the arsehole.
Originally posted by Colin P:
[qb] Moore also fabricated the scene where the bank manger gives him the gun, as they normally gave a voucher which would have been honoured at the gunshop.
Actually according to michael moore‘s rebuttal website the bank in question was a licensed firearms dealership and even presented the bank‘s firearms license.