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The Spam and Scam Superthread- Merged

This has got to be the shortest one ever!  :nod:

From: yuanjing@iprimus.com.au
Sent: August 29, 2010 7:39:46 AM

I am Mr. Yuan Jinyang I work with Bank of China here in Hong Kong and I
have a financial proposal of $45,275,000.00 and it is mutual beneficial.If
interested, contact me for more info via yuan.jing.yan@qatar.io
Not a scam, but spam:

Porn e-mail virus infects major corporations

Windows users, beware offers of free porn and mysterious PDFs.

There's a new virus making the rounds in people's inboxes. Sometimes it offers a link to “free sex movies” and sometimes it offers a link to a PDF.

In the PDF version of the scam, the e-mails are titled “Here you have” or “Just For you.” The body text reads: “This is The Document I told you about, you can find it Here,” followed by a link.

But if you click the link for the PDF or the sex movies, you end up at a malware hosting website. Once the worm gets downloaded on a Windows PC, it accesses a user's Microsoft Outlook account and spreads the e-mail to the user's entire contact list.

The BBC reports NASA, AIG, Disney, Procter & Gamble and Wells Fargo have all been affected.

More at link

So here's a silly question:  Why are people at the above corporations clicking on links for free sex movies at work?  ;)

Loved this one:


From:    Ann Mills (info@cbn.org)
Sent:    September 11, 2010 3:11:16 AM

Attention : 

I just want to inform you that your FUNDS worth USD500.000.00 has been Deposited at the Bank Of Africa by the Nigerian Government, EFCC , FBI and the United Nations, After an Agreement reached to Compersate you for the lost funds to Scammers and Fruad Stars.

We later received an update that you Authorize Mr.Robert Weller from West Virginia to claim your funds of USD500,000.00? because he informed us that you were involved in a fatal accident, so if you are still alive please kindly get back to us so that we will not be making any mistake as we are about sending him your user name and password to logon to your online account with Bank of Africa that worths USD500,000.00 (Five hundred thousand united states dollars ), we need a final confirmation before we decide to send him the important details to transfer your funds through Bank of Africa online transfer as he claims to be your beneficiary.

Find Your Account Officer Contact Information Below :
Contact Officer: Mr. Michael Williams
Email : seanh231@yahoo.cn
Tel: +234 8083475523... Make sure you Call

Kindly Re-confirm the Information stated Below if you are still ALIVE:

Full Name;........ 
Home Address;........ 
A copy of your Identification:....

Please make sure you contact Mr. Michael Williams with all your informations so that your funds can be Transferedto your designated account that you shall provide.

Best Regards
Ann Mills
Bank Of Africa Online Banking
Trust, Clearing & Investment Banking

Sorry, can't get back to you.  I'm dead. 
Wow, they're getting lazy and not bothering to even update the emails:

Attention: On behalf of the Trustees and Executor of the estate of Late Engr. Jurgen Krugger, I once again try to notify you as my earlier letterwas returned undelivered. I hereby attempt to reach you again by this same email address on the WILL. I wish to notify you that late Jurgen Krugger made you a beneficiary in his WILL.

He left the sum of Thirty Million, One Hundred Thousand Dollars(USD$30, 100,000.00) to you in the Codicil and last testament to hisWILL. This may sound strange and unbelievable to you, but it is real and true. Being a widely travelled man, he said he met you sometime in the past or simply you were nominated to him by one of his numerous friends abroad who wished you good, I am not too sure again. Jurgen Krugger until his death was a member of the Helicopter Society and the Institute of Electronic & Electrical Engineers and a German property magnate. He was a very dedicated christian who loved to give out alms to the poor, hungry and needy.

His great philanthropy earned him numerous awards during his lifetime. Late Jurgen Krugger died on the 30Th day of July,2004 at the ageof 80. His WILL is now ready for execution after 4 years of thorough investigation.   According to him, this money is to support your humanitarian/medical activities and to help the poor and the needy in our society. 

Please if I reach you as I am hopeful, endeavour to get back to me as soon as possible to enable me conclude my job. I hope to hear from you in no distant time. I am sincerely sorry if you feel bothered or embarrassedby this message; I am just about my own job. I do hope you understand that?  Thank you.

Note: You are advised to contact me with my personal email address below:
Email: barr.jerrymorgan.esq@bitscn.net 

I await your prompt response and please keep this very discrete and to yourself until the transfer of the funds to you is finalised.

Email: barr.jerrymorgan.esq@bitscn.net
PARTNERS: Barrister Aidan Walsh.Esq, Markus Wolfgang, Mr.John Marvey Esq, Mr.Jerry Smith Esq..

The sad thing is, some people will fall for it.
Had to add this one for the humor and irony.  Exactly as received, highlights mine.

Office of the Minister of Finance         
TEL: +23416552594. (Hot-Line)
Ref:  FMF/SGH/019/08                     
Ref:  FMF/SGH/019/08                     

Date: 29 December 2010.


Release/Transfer Notice for your due Funds (US$7,500,000:00).

Payment File No: A..

24Hrs Service

It is very important that the recipient of this Letter should call this office in order to confirm it to us that this very Letter was received by the true beneficiary .

You are advised to read this Letter very carefully because every paragraph explains what you need to know about the Release and Transfer of your due Funds.

At this point, we wish to remind you to stop all further contact with any person or person(s) whom is not recommended by this Ministry. Our Intelligence Monitoring Unit (I.M.U), Code of Conduct Bureau, Legal Unit and The Nigerian Police Force (N.P.F) have already apprehended some of those suspects whom attempted to divert your Funds.

You are advised to stop all further contact with any office(s) or person(s) because they are WANTED criminal suspects.

As the honourable Minister of Nigeria, I work on behalf of the Paying Bank of Nigeria (Platinum Habib Bank) under the supervision of the honourable President of The Federal Republic of Nigeria.

We have acknowledged your previous email response and to that effect we are glad to announce it to you today that the honourable President of The Federal Republic of Nigeria and the Accountant General of the Federation have collectively Approved and signed the Order to Release and Transfer being the certified documentation authorizing us (The Federal Ministry of Finance) to credit your nominated Bank Account..

A copy of the Order to Release and Transfer have been forwarded to our international remittance department for the onward crediting of your Funds.

In other words, we put it to you that we are ready to remit your said Funds into your choiced Bank Account because we have a 3-4working days time constrain to Pay-off each beneficiary short-listed to be Paid by this Ministry.  Our Legal Unit have already reviewed your Payment Files and they have passed it on to my desk for me to Pay you accordingly, so be rest assured that you will receive your due Funds as soon as possible. Officially, you will receive your due Funds via an "Electronic Wire Transfer" which will enable your Funds reflect in your choiced Bank Account within 48hrs after effect. This mode of Payment is defined as one of the best and safest mode to remit huge Funds internationally as it is absolutely different from the usual swift transfer which takes longer time.  Most Banks within the United States of America, Europe and other developed countries operate with the "Electronic Wire Transfer" for international transfers because it is a recent innovation in the Banking industry.

Certainly we shall transfer your valued US$7,500,000:00 from the Sundry/Suspense Account of the Federal Government of Nigeria being the official Account for international/foreign Payments/debts.  A Sundry/Suspense Account can be defined as a secret Account owned by a government and operated by certain assigned government officials being the authorized signatories whom must sign before Funds can be remitted from such account. For this very account no form of direct withdrawals can be made from it except a Bank to Bank wire transfer which must be Approved by the honourable President being the principal signatory to the account.

Consequent to the fact that I am responsible to Pay you, it is still my duty to enligthen you on the accurate steps to take in order for you to gain full possession of this said Funds being Approved in your name.

In the combat against fraud, Funds divertion and Funds delay, we have re-lenghtly ensured that several foreign beneficiaries have been Paid accordingly in order to retain and rekindle our country's reputation on the global map because this recent government dispensation is focused and targeted to relieve all foreign debts as mandated by The Senate, The National House of Assembly, The Federal Executive Council (F.E.C), Code of Conduct Bureau and The Federal Ministry of Finance (F.M.F).  Already, a lot of foreign beneficiaries have been Paid by this Ministry so your's will not be an exception considering the fact that the honourable President have Approved your due Funds today dated 2nd August 2010.

In accordance to section (1) paragraph 9 of the Settlement Edict Law of The Federal Republic of Nigeria of 1992, it is imperative that you provide us with the below listed information so that we can Pay you. 

1. Bank Name and Address.
2.. Bank Account Number.
3. Account Holder's Full Name.
4. Routing Number/Swift Code (very important).
5. Your Residential Address.
6. Your mobile or home telephone Number.
7. A form of identification (I.D Card or Driver's License) is also required for official references.

The TRUTH is what we stand for. TEL: +23416552594.
This Official Letter is being issued to you by "The Federal Ministry of Finance" in collaboration with The Presidency.

Copied to:

The Accountant General of The Federation.
Platinum Habib Bank (Bank PHB).
The President's office.

Yours Sincerely,
Minister Of Finance
Federal Republic Of Nigeria.       
Direct Tel: +23416552594.

Wow!  I might be "on sick bed" or maybe not even "alife".  :eek:

There is an issue with the AccessBank western union Money transfer in full Compensation payment of $2.8Million united state dollars directed in cash credited to file KTU/9023118308 at the owner of this email address and it was scheduled earlier to pay you $7,000usd on daily basis starting from tomorrow and it will be released into your account as soon as you respond to this letter.

It became imperative to contact you on the subject matter because after the fund has been brought to our office to remit somebody from your country by name Charles Porter contacted us and said you are on sick bed and ordered him to contact us to remit the USD$2.8Million using his information to pick up your fund presently under our custody for transfer on your behalf.
The Official responsible for the presentation of your money valued USD$2.8Million Winning quickly granted approvals to their application now waiting for final endorsement from Board of Trustees.

When our AccessBank Debit Note was submitted to my desk for final Approvals before forwarding it to Board for endorsement, I noticed that there are discrepancies as there was no evidence of authorisation letter from you for Charles Porter to receive the fund on your behalf.I urgently summoned The Official responsible for the presentation of the winning and directed him to stop the movement of the funds and at the same time placed a stop order instruction on the funds pending when your views and comments are received with regards to this matter.

I hereby urged you to call or email me urgently for your comments which will be highly appreciated if you are still alife or not on sick bed with sum of require activation fee $85, to commence the transfer of your first payment $7,000.00usd accordingly, because we will not hesitate to continue the payment transfer activation with the name of the gentleman on claim if no response come from you. Contact me on this number :+229-661-508-01.or e-mail me back using this address cotonouwesternunion@cash4u.com as your silence will be a clear indication that you authorised him to effect the above changes.

Also fill the information below to help us facilitate your transfer via Western Union
1) Your Full Name:.............
2) Country and Mobile:. .
3) Home/ Office Address:....
4) Profession and Age:.......

AccessBank PLC western union Dept.(cotonouwesternunion@cash4u.com)
Short, to the point and painful to read:

Dear Friend,

I am Barr. Adams Howell of Adams Howell Chambers, I am contacting you 
on behalf of a dieing patient, who is a client of mine,who needs your 
assistance by name Mrs Melina Lewis, so she would be at peace even at 
death that a responsible person has met her heart desires.I am seeking 
earnestly for your co-operations. Contact me for further information.

Adams Howell
E-mail: ahchambers@lawyer.com
Tel: 44-702-402-08562
Tax Alert
The Canada Revenue Agency warns Canadians of mail scam
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is warning taxpayers to beware of a recent scam where some Canadians are receiving a letter fraudulently identified as coming from the CRA and asking for personal information. The letter is not from the CRA. A PDF version of the letter is available on the CRA Web site at www.cra.gc.ca/alert.

The letter claims that there is “insufficient information” for the individual’s tax return and that in order to receive any “claims,” they will have to update their records. The letter attaches a form specifically requesting the individual’s personal information in writing, via fax or email, including information on bank accounts and passports. This letter is not from the CRA and Canadians should not provide their personal information to the sender.

All taxpayers should be vigilant when divulging any confidential information to third parties. The CRA has well established practices to protect the confidentiality of taxpayers’ information.

The CRA has notified the proper law enforcement authorities of this scam.

For information about this and other similar scams, or to report deceptive telemarketing activity, visit www.phonebusters.com, send an email to info@phonebusters.com, or call 1-888-495-8501.

Canada Revenue Agency

Wow........i just got an email from the United Nations !!!!!!

It says that i was selected for the UN families fund and that i am entitled to a portion of the 5 billion pounds sterling allocated to this fund. It would seem that my share is 250k pounds !!! All i have to do is send the UN an account number for the money to go to.

How lucky am i ??

CDN Aviator said:
Wow........i just got an email from the United Nations !!!!!!

It says that i was selected for the UN families fund and that i am entitled to a portion of the 5 billion pounds sterling allocated to this fund. It would seem that my share is 250k pounds !!! All i have to do is send the UN an account number for the money to go to.

How lucky am i ??

Party at CDN Aviator's place!!  :cheers:  ;D
PMedMoe said:
Party at CDN Aviator's place!!  :cheers:  ;D

Not so fast.  Did it say "250k pounds STERLING?"  It could be 250k pounds HAY.  >:D
Here is the actual message......


We wish to inform you that UN has been approved 5.5Billion British Pounds for Poverty Alleviation and family Supporting Grants after our Secretary General Ban Ki-moon last meeting regarding those Less-privileges and victims of flood, Earthquake, Tsunami from many Nations.

If you received this e-mail, your family are entitle of 100,000.00Gbp.

Forward your Family Grant Claimant Number: UN/GRANT/PAG/VIC2011 followed by your name and contact details to our Counselor Mr. Wilson Kennon un.grant@counsellor.com, +44 8447742653 for your family grant payment.
Sincerely yours,

PMedMoe said:
Poverty alleviation?  That's great, I'm poor.  :nod:

yeah well, you didnt get an email from the UN did you  :crybaby:

CDN Aviator said:
yeah well, you didnt get an email from the UN did you  :crybaby:


No, but your email says that's what you're to use the money for.  :nod:
Posting only the first para of one received today:

You may be surprise how i got your e-mail,i was searching for an
investment associate on internet, that is how i came across your e-mail.I
want you to go through this proposer and get back to me.

I think it was written by one of the new posters in the Recruiting thread.  ;)  ;D